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Showing words for COMPLIMENT using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Compliment


8 Letter Words for Compliment

compline, leptonic, miceplot, monticle, pentomic, pilotmen

7 Letter Words for Compliment

centimo, comment, compile, complin, comptie, contemp, coptine, emption, entomic, entopic, incompt, lection, metonic, metopic, molimen, molinet, monepic, nepotic, pentoic, pimento, pleonic, pointel, polemic, pontile, potline, tecomin, telomic, templon, toeclip, tonemic, topline

6 Letter Words for Compliment

cimnel, cineol, citole, client, cloine, coelin, coempt, colent, comint, comite, commie, commit, compel, compte, conite, emptio, encoil, enolic, entoil, immote, impent, impone, incept, income, lectin, lemmon, lentic, leptin, lepton, liepot, limpet, lionet, loipen, lomein, loment, melton, milton, mitome, mnemic, moline, molmen, molten, moment, montem, motile, noetic, notice, octile, octine, oilmen, optime, pectin, peinct, peliom, pencil, pentol, picote, pieton, piment, pinole, pintle, piolet, pitmen, pleion, poetic, pointe, police, polite, pommel, pommet, pommie, pontic, pontie, pontil, potmen, tipmen, tolmen, topmen

5 Letter Words for Compliment

ceint, celom, centi, cento, cetin, cinel, clept, clime, cline, clint, clipe, clite, cloit, clomp, clone, clote, colen, colet, colin, comet, comme, compt, comte, conli, conte, copei, copen, ctimo, elint, eloin, enlit, enoil, entom, eolic, eplot, ileon, imcnt, impel, impen, impot, incle, inept, inlet, intel, lemon, lenti, lento, licet, limen, loipe, lotic, mecon, meint, melic, melon, mento, metic, metol, mimeo, mince, minot, moile, molet, molpe, monel, monic, monie, monte, motel, moten, nempt, nepit, netop, nicol, nilot, noemi, nomic, oleic, olein, olent, oncet, ontic, opine, optic, pelon, picot, pilon, pilot, pinot, pinte, pinto, piton, pleon, ploce, plote, point, polit, pomel, pomme, ponce, potin, tecon, telco, telic, teloi, temin, tempo, tenio, timon, tiple, toile, tomin, tonic, topic

4 Letter Words for Compliment

ceil, celt, cent, ceti, ciel, cine, cion, cipo, cite, cito, clem, clep, clin, clio, clip, clit, clon, clop, clot, coil, coin, coit, cole, coli, colp, colt, come, coml, comm, comp, cone, coni, cont, cope, copt, cote, ecol, econ, ecto, emic, emit, empt, encl, enol, ento, epic, epil, epit, etic, eton, icon, ilot, incl, intl, into, itel, item, itmo, lect, leno, lent, leon, leto, lice, lien, lime, limn, limo, limp, line, lino, lint, lion, lipe, lite, loci, locn, loin, lome, lone, lope, lote, loti, mein, meio, melt, memo, meno, ment, mice, mico, mien, mile, milo, milt, mime, mimp, mine, mino, mint, mite, mnem, moet, moil, moit, mole, molt, mome, momi, mone, mont, mope, mote, nemo, neti, nice, nile, nito, noel, noil, nole, nolt, nome, nope, note, oeci, oime, oint, olpe, omen, omit, omni, once, opec, open, otic, pelt, peni, pent, peon, peto, pice, pico, pict, pien, piet, pile, pilm, pine, pino, pint, pion, plie, plim, plot, pnce, poem, poet, poil, pole, polt, pome, pone, pont, pote, poti, teil, teli, temp, tice, tien, tile, time, tinc, tine, tipe, toil, tole, tome, tone, tope, topi

3 Letter Words for Compliment

cel, cen, ceo, cep, cie, cit, cli, clo, cml, col, com, con, cop, cot, cpi, cpl, cpm, cpo, cpt, cte, ctn, cto, ecm, eco, ect, eli, elm, elt, emo, emp, enc, enl, eom, eon, epi, etc, ice, ile, ilo, imo, imp, inc, int, ion, ipl, ipm, ipo, lcm, lei, lem, leo, lep, let, lie, lim, lin, lip, lit, loc, loe, lop, lot, lpm, lpn, ltm, mei, mel, mem, men, met, mic, mil, mim, min, mit, moc, moe, moi, mol, mom, mon, mop, mot, mtn, nco, nei, neo, nep, net, nie, nil, nim, nip, nit, nol, nom, not, oct, oie, oil, ole, olm, olp, one, oni, ont, ope, opt, otc, pci, pcm, pct, pec, pel, pen, pet, pic, pie, pil, pin, pit, pli, pmt, poi, pol, pom, pon, pot, pte, tcp, tec, tel, tem, ten, tic, tie, til, tim, tin, tip, tlc, tln, tlo, toc, toe, toi, tol, tom, ton, top, tpi, tpm

Definitions for Compliment

[1] an expression of praise, commendation, or admiration: A sincere compliment boosts one's morale.
[2] a formal act or expression of civility, respect, or regard: The mayor paid him the compliment of escorting him.
[3] compliments, a courteous greeting; good wishes; regards: He sends you his compliments.
[4] Archaic . a gift; present.
[5] to pay a compliment to: She complimented the child on his good behavior.
[6] to show kindness or regard for by a gift or other favor: He complimented us by giving a party in our honor.
[7] to congratulate; felicitate: to compliment a prince on the birth of a son.
[8] to pay compliments.
[9] a remark or act expressing respect, admiration, etc
[10] (usually plural) a greeting of respect or regard
[11] to express admiration of; congratulate or commend
[12] to express or show respect or regard for, esp by a gift

Words related to Compliment

admiration, applause, commendation, homage, ovation, blessing, courtesy, adulation, endorsement, tribute, congratulate, applaud, laud, commend, cajole, endorse, extol, acclaim, bouquet, confirmation

Words nearby Compliment

complication, complice, complicit, complicity, complier, compliment, complimentary, complimentary close, compline, complot, comply

Origin of Compliment

1570–80; < French < Italian complimento < Spanish cumplimiento, equivalent to cumpli- (see comply) + -miento -ment; earlier identical in spelling with complement

Words that may be confused with Compliment

complement, compliment, (see, usage, note, at, complement)

Other words from Compliment

com·pli·ment·a·ble , adjective
com·pli·ment·er , noun
com·pli·ment·ing·ly , adverb
out·com·pli·ment , verb (used with object)
un·com·pli·ment·ed , adjective
un·com·pli·ment·ing , adjective

Word origin for Compliment

C17: from French, from Italian complimento, from Spanish cumplimiento, from cumplir to complete, do what is fitting, be polite

Synonyms for Compliment

admiration, adulation, applause, blessing, commendation, courtesy, endorsement, homage, ovation, tribute, acclaim, acclamation, appreciation, approval, bouquet, cajolery, comp, confirmation, congratulations, encomium, eulogy, favor, felicitation, honor, laud, laurels, notice, orchid, panegyric, posy, regard, respects, sanction, sentiment, veneration, buttering up, good word, kudo, laudation, pat on the back, warm fuzzy