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Showing words for COMPORT using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Comport
6 Letter Words for Comport
5 Letter Words for Comport
4 Letter Words for Comport
3 Letter Words for Comport
Definitions for Comport
[1] to bear or conduct (oneself); behave: He comported himself with dignity.
[2] to be in agreement, harmony, or conformity (usually followed by with ): His statement does not comport with the facts.
[3] Obsolete . comportment.
[4] a large English glass dish of the 18th century used for holding fruit or candy and having a wide, shallow top supported by heavy stem and foot; compote.
[5] (tr) to conduct or bear (oneself) in a specified way
[6] (intr foll by with ) to agree (with); correspond (to)
Words related to Comport
conform, accord, square, fit, tally, correspond, harmonize, cohere, check, match, carry, deport, acquit, bear, conduct
Words nearby Comport
component, component of complement, componential analysis, componentry, compony, comport, comportance, comportment, compose, composed, composer
Origin of Comport
21765–75; alteration of French compotier a dish for compote; see -ier2
Word origin for Comport
C16: from Latin comportāre to bear, collect, from com- together + portāre to carry
Synonyms for Comport
conform, accord, check, cohere, correspond, fit, harmonize, match, square, tally