10 Letter Words for Comprehend
8 Letter Words for Comprehend
choremen, chromene, compered, comprend
7 Letter Words for Comprehend
chomped, chomper, chondre, chordee, chromed, cohered, compeer, compend, compere, copered, cremone, deponer, deprome, derecho, ecderon, ecphore, encoder, encored, herdmen, homered, moderne, mopeder, morphed, ochered, peerdom, penoche, perched, phoneme, porched, precode, prehend, proceed, rehoned, repomen, reponed, ropemen
6 Letter Words for Comprehend
cedron, cendre, cephen, cerned, cheder, cheero, chende, cherem, chomer, chored, choree, chrome, cohere, comped, comper, conder, conred, corned, creped, crepon, cromed, decern, decerp, decore, dehorn, dempne, deperm, depone, dreche, drench, echoed, echoer, emerod, emrode, encode, encore, endome, endore, epoche, hempen, herden, hereon, hodmen, horned, mender, modern, moreen, morned, normed, omened, opened, opener, orchen, ordene, peched, penche, pendom, perced, percen, perche, pereon, permed, pernod, perone, phenom, phoned, phoner, ponced, ponder, premed, premen, procne, recode, recond, redone, reecho, rehone, remend, reopen, repone, rodmen, romped, rompee
5 Letter Words for Comprehend
ceder, cedre, cered, cerne, cheep, cheer, chemo, chere, chode, chomp, chord, chore, chron, coden, coder, cohen, comdr, comer, compd, coned, coner, coped, copen, coper, cored, corpn, credo, creed, creem, creen, creep, creme, crepe, crome, crone, decem, decon, decor, demon, denom, depoh, domer, donec, donee, doper, doree, dreep, drome, drone, eched, emden, emend, ender, enoch, enode, enorm, ephod, ephor, epoch, epode, eprom, erned, erode, heder, hemen, hence, herem, herne, herod, heroe, heron, hoder, homed, homer, honed, honer, hoped, hoper, horde, horme, mecon, medoc, meech, mened, merce, merch, merde, mered, merop, moche, moder, monde, moner, moped, moper, morne, morph, necro, neper, ocher, oncer, pedro, pence, pened, perce, perch, pheer, phene, pheon, phone, phren, poche, ponce, porch, pored, preed, preen, proem, prone, recon, redon, reech, rehem, rehoe, remen, remop, repen, rheen, rheme, rhone, roche, ronde, roped
4 Letter Words for Comprehend
cede, cene, cepe, cere, cern, cero, chee, chem, chen, cher, chmn, chon, chop, cmdr, code, coed, comd, come, comp, comr, cond, cone, cope, copr, cord, core, corm, corn, corp, cred, croh, crop, crpe, dcor, deco, deem, deen, deep, deer, deme, demo, dene, depe, depr, dere, derm, dern, dero, doen, doer, dome, domn, done, dope, dore, dorm, dorn, dorp, drch, dree, droh, drop, eche, echo, ecod, econ, eden, eech, ehed, emer, ende, endo, ened, ered, erme, erne, hede, heed, heep, heer, heme, hemp, hend, herd, here, herm, hern, hero, herp, hodr, hoed, hoer, home, hond, hone, hope, hore, horn, mech, mede, meed, meer, mend, mene, meno, merc, merd, mere, mero, moch, mode, moed, mohr, mone, mope, moph, mord, more, morn, need, neem, neep, neer, nemo, nerd, node, nome, nope, nore, norm, oche, oder, ohed, omen, omer, once, oner, opec, oped, open, orch, ordn, ored, pech, peed, peen, peer, peho, pend, pene, peon, pere, perh, perm, pern, phon, pnce, poem, pome, pond, pone, porc, pore, porn, prec, pred, pree, prem, proc, prod, prom, pron, recd, rede, redo, reed, reem, reen, rend, reno, repo, rheo, roch, rode, roed, rome, romp, rond, rone, rope
3 Letter Words for Comprehend
cdr, cee, cen, ceo, cep, cer, che, chm, chn, cho, cmd, cod, com, con, cop, cor, cpd, cpm, cpo, cpr, cro, dec, dee, dem, den, dep, der, doc, doe, dom, don, dop, dor, dph, ech, ecm, eco, edh, edo, edp, eec, een, eer, eme, emo, emp, enc, end, ene, eom, eon, erd, ere, ern, hed, hee, hem, hen, heo, hep, her, hmo, hoc, hod, hoe, hom, hon, hop, hor, med, mee, meh, men, mer, mho, moc, mod, moe, mon, mop, mor, mph, mrd, nco, ned, nee, neo, nep, nod, noh, nom, nor, och, ode, oer, ohm, one, ope, orc, ord, ore, pcm, pdn, pec, ped, pee, peh, pen, per, phd, pho, phr, pod, poh, pom, pon, por, prc, pre, prn, pro, rcd, rec, red, ree, reh, rem, rep, rhd, rhe, rho, rnd, roc, rod, roe, rom, ron, rpm
Definitions for Comprehend
[1] to understand the nature or meaning of; grasp with the mind; perceive: He did not comprehend the significance of the ambassador's remark.
[2] to take in or embrace; include; comprise: The course will comprehend all facets of Japanese culture.
[3] to perceive or understand
[4] (tr) to comprise or embrace; include
Words related to Comprehend
envision, assimilate, appreciate, fathom, grasp, discern, embody, embrace, tumble, apprehend, conceive, dig, perceive, catch, see, read, know, have, savvy, envisage
Words nearby Comprehend
compound sugar, compound time, compound-complex sentence, compound-wound, comprador, comprehend, comprehensible, comprehension, comprehensive, comprehensive school, compress
Origin of Comprehend
1350–1400; Middle English comprehenden < Latin comprehendere, equivalent to com- com- + prehendere to grasp; see prehensile
Words that may be confused with Comprehend
apprehend, comprehend
Other words from Comprehend
com·pre·hend·er , noun
com·pre·hend·ing·ly , adverb
non·com·pre·hend·ing , adjective
non·com·pre·hend·ing·ly , adverb
pre·com·pre·hend , verb (used with object)
self-com·pre·hend·ing , adjective
un·com·pre·hend·ed , adjective
un·com·pre·hend·ing , adjective
un·com·pre·hend·ing·ly , adverb
well-com·pre·hend·ed , adjective
Word origin for Comprehend
C14: from Latin comprehendere, from prehendere to seize
Synonyms for Comprehend
appreciate, assimilate, discern, envision, fathom, grasp, apprehend, catch, click, cognize, conceive, dig, envisage, get, have, know, perceive, read, savvy, see, tumble, capiche, get the picture, gotcha, make out, take in