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Showing words for CONCENTRATED using the English dictionary

12 Letter Words for Concentrated


11 Letter Words for Concentrated

concentrate, concertante, contredance, recontacted

10 Letter Words for Concentrated

concreated, contracted, contractee, nontreated

9 Letter Words for Concentrated

centonate, cocreated, coenacted, concenter, concerned, concerted, concreate, concreted, condecent, connected, contacted, contactee, contender, contented, ectoentad, entranced, orcanette, reconnect, recontact, recontend, tetarcone

8 Letter Words for Concentrated

accented, accentor, accreted, anecdote, attender, attorned, cancered, cantered, cantoned, cantoner, carotene, cartoned, centenar, centrode, cerotate, coarcted, coardent, coattend, cocreate, coendear, coercend, conacred, conceder, concrete, contract, contrade, contrate, cornette, cotenant, cottered, crenated, cretonne, croceate, dancette, decanter, decorate, denotate, detector, detenant, detonate, entracte, entrance, nattered, nectared, nonrated, nontrade, notecard, ocreated, ordnance, rattened, reaccent, reattend, recanted, recoated, reconned, retanned, retenant, tenanted, tenanter, tendance, trecento

7 Letter Words for Concentrated

acceder, accrete, acetone, acorned, antedon, aretted, atrenne, attonce, cadence, cadette, candent, caneton, canette, canteen, cantred, carotte, catered, cedrate, centare, centena, centner, centrad, cerated, coacted, cocarde, codetta, codette, coenact, coerced, coerect, conacre, concede, concent, concern, concert, connate, connect, contact, contect, contend, content, contrat, corance, cordant, cordate, corneae, cornett, creance, created, credent, crenate, datente, decator, dentate, detract, detrect, docetae, donatee, donnart, donnert, dracone, ecderon, ecteron, enacted, enactor, encadre, encoder, encored, enderon, endnote, ennedra, enodate, enraced, enteron, entrant, entreat, erodent, nancere, narceen, nectron, neonate, nocence, nonette, nortena, notated, oceaned, oceanet, ocreate, oncetta, onerate, orcanet, ottered, racette, ratteen, reacted, recaned, redcoat, reenact, rotated, tacnode, tarente, tectona, tendant, tendent, tendrac, tendron, tenenda, tenoned, tenoner, ternate, tetrane, tetrode, toccate, tornade, tracted, tranced, tranect, traneen, tranted, treated, trenton, troated

6 Letter Words for Concentrated

accede, accend, accent, accord, acnode, adreno, adrent, ancone, andron, annect, ardent, arette, atoned, atoner, atrede, atroce, attend, attern, attone, attorn, cadent, cadere, cancer, candor, canned, canner, cannet, cannot, canoed, canted, canter, canton, cantor, cardon, careen, carene, carnet, carone, carted, carton, catted, catter, cedarn, cedent, cedrat, cedron, cendre, cenote, center, centon, centra, centro, cerate, cerned, cerote, cetane, cetera, coarct, coated, coatee, coater, coerce, conand, conder, coneen, conned, conner, conred, conter, contra, cornea, corned, cornet, coteen, cottar, cotted, cotter, crance, craned, cranet, crated, craton, creant, create, crenae, cretan, cronet, dacron, dancer, danner, danton, deacon, deaner, decane, decant, decare, decart, decate, decent, decern, decnet, decoat, decoct, decore, dectet, denaro, dennet, denote, denter, derate, detant, detect, detent, detort, doater, docent, donate, donnat, donnee, dotant, dotate, dotter, dronet, dronte, dtente, earcon, earned, ecarte, encode, encore, endart, endear, endent, endore, ennead, enrace, entera, entone, entrec, nacred, narced, natron, natter, neared, neaten, neater, nectar, necton, neednt, neoned, netted, netter, noance, nocent, nonact, nonart, norate, notate, ocreae, octane, octant, octdra, octect, octene, orante, orated, ordene, orenda, ornate, ranced, randon, ranted, rateen, ratted, ratten, ratton, recado, recane, recant, recced, recent, recoat, recoct, recode, recond, redact, redate, redone, renate, renned, rennet, renone, rented, retent, retted, roated, rodent, roncet, rotate, rottan, rotted, rotten, tactor, tanned, tanner, tanrec, tarted, tarten, teared, teated, teetan, tenace, tenant, tender, tendon, tendre, tenent, tenner, tenore, tenrec, tented, tenter, tentor, tercet, teredo, terned, terton, tetard, tetrad, tetrao, toader, tonant, tonner, torten, traced, trance, troade

5 Letter Words for Concentrated

acned, acone, acorn, acred, acron, acted, acton, actor, adcon, adore, adorn, adret, aeron, ancon, ancor, ancre, andor, andre, anend, anent, annet, annot, anode, anorn, anted, antre, arced, arede, arend, arent, arete, arett, arnee, atone, atren, atter, cadee, cader, cadet, cadre, caned, caner, canoe, canon, canto, cardo, cared, caret, carne, carot, carte, cater, cedar, ceder, cedre, cento, cerat, cered, cerne, coact, coart, coate, codec, coden, coder, concn, coned, coner, conne, conta, contd, conte, contr, coran, cored, corta, cotan, coted, cotta, cotte, crane, crate, crcao, cread, creda, credo, creed, creen, crena, creta, crete, croat, crone, ctene, dacor, dance, dante, dater, datto, deare, dearn, decan, decon, decor, denar, denat, denet, deota, derat, detar, detat, deter, dette, donar, donat, donec, donee, donet, donna, donne, doree, doter, draco, drant, drate, drent, drona, drone, eaned, eared, eaten, eater, ecart, ectad, enact, enate, ender, enent, enode, enorn, entad, entea, enter, entre, entte, erade, erato, erect, erned, erode, nacre, nance, narco, nardo, necro, needn, nenta, neter, nonce, nonda, nonet, norna, notan, noted, noter, oared, oaten, oater, ocean, ocrea, octad, octan, octet, oncer, oncet, onned, orant, orate, oread, ortet, otate, ottar, otter, raced, racon, radon, rance, randn, ranee, rated, react, reate, recce, recco, recon, recto, redan, redon, renet, renne, rente, retan, roate, rocta, ronde, ronne, ronte, rotan, roted, rotta, rotte, tacet, tanto, tarde, tardo, tared, taroc, tarot, tarte, tater, teade, teaed, teart, tecon, tecta, teend, tendo, tenet, tenne, tenno, tenon, tenor, terce, terna, terne, tetra, todea, toned, toner, tonne, toran, tored, toret, torta, torte, toted, toter, trace, tract, trade, trant, tread, treat, treed, treen, trend, troad, troat, troca, trode, trona, tronc, trone

4 Letter Words for Concentrated

acce, acct, aced, acer, acne, acor, acre, aden, adet, adon, ador, aero, ance, anet, anne, anno, anon, anre, ante, arco, ared, aren, aret, arno, arte, ated, atoc, atte, attn, cace, cade, canc, cand, cane, cann, cant, caon, card, care, carn, cart, cate, ceca, cede, cene, cent, cera, cere, cern, cero, cert, cete, coat, coca, coct, coda, code, coed, conc, cond, cone, conn, cont, cora, cord, core, corn, cort, cote, cott, cran, cred, croc, dace, daer, dane, dant, dare, darn, dart, date, dato, dcor, dean, dear, deco, deen, deer, deet, dene, dent, dere, dern, dero, detn, doat, doen, doer, dona, done, dont, dora, dore, dorn, dort, dote, drat, dree, eard, earn, ecad, ecce, ecco, ecod, econ, ecto, edea, eden, ende, endo, ened, ento, entr, eoan, erat, ered, erne, etat, eten, etna, eton, nace, nane, nant, narc, nard, nare, nato, natr, near, neat, need, neer, neet, nene, neon, nerd, nete, node, nona, none, nore, norn, nota, note, nott, octa, odea, oder, onca, once, oner, orad, orae, oran, orca, ordn, ored, orna, race, rade, rand, rane, rann, rant, rate, rato, read, rean, recd, rect, rede, redo, reed, reen, reet, rend, renn, reno, rent, retd, rete, road, roan, rode, roed, rond, rone, ront, rota, rotc, rote, tace, taco, tact, tade, taed, taen, tane, tare, tarn, taro, tart, tate, tead, tean, tear, teat, teca, teed, teen, teer, teet, tend, tene, tent, tera, tern, tete, toad, toat, toda, tode, toea, toed, tone, tonn, torc, tore, torn, tort, tote, trac, trad, trat, tree, tret, trna, trod, tron, trot

3 Letter Words for Concentrated

acc, ace, act, adc, ade, ado, aer, anc, and, ane, ann, ant, aor, arc, ard, are, arn, art, ate, att, cad, can, car, cat, cdr, cee, cen, ceo, cer, cod, con, cor, cot, crc, cro, crt, cte, ctn, cto, ctr, dae, dan, dao, dar, dat, dca, dea, dec, dee, den, der, det, dna, doa, doc, doe, don, dor, dot, ead, ean, ear, eat, ecc, eco, ect, edo, eec, een, eer, enc, end, ene, eon, era, erd, ere, ern, ert, eta, etc, nad, nae, nar, nat, nco, nea, ned, nee, neo, net, nne, noa, nod, non, nor, not, oad, oar, oat, oca, oct, oda, ode, oer, ona, one, ont, ora, orc, ord, ore, ort, otc, rad, ran, rat, rcd, rct, rea, rec, red, ree, rna, rnd, roc, rod, roe, ron, rot, rte, tad, tan, tao, tar, tat, tdr, tdt, tea, tec, ted, tee, ten, ter, tet, tnt, toa, toc, tod, toe, ton, tor, tot, tra, trt

Definitions for Concentrated

[1] applied with all one's attention, energy, etc.: their concentrated efforts to win the election.
[2] clustered or gathered together closely.
[3] treated to remove or reduce an inessential ingredient, especially liquid: concentrated orange juice.
[4] to bring or draw to a common center or point of union; converge; direct toward one point; focus: to concentrate one's attention on a problem; to concentrate the rays of the sun with a lens.
[5] to put or bring into a single place, group, etc.: The nation's wealth had been concentrated in a few families.
[6] to intensify; make denser, stronger, or purer, especially by the removal or reduction of liquid: to concentrate fruit juice; to concentrate a sauce by boiling it down.
[7] Mining . to separate (metal or ore) from rock, sand, etc., so as to improve the quality of the valuable portion.
[8] to bring all efforts, faculties, activities, etc., to bear on one thing or activity (often followed by on or upon ): to concentrate on solving a problem.
[9] to come to or toward a common center; converge; collect: The population concentrated in one part of the city.
[10] to become more intense, stronger, or purer.
[11] a concentrated form of something; a product of concentration: a juice concentrate.
[12] to come or cause to come to a single purpose or aim to concentrate one's hopes on winning
[13] to make or become denser or purer by the removal of certain elements, esp the solvent of a solution
[14] (tr) to remove rock or sand from (an ore) to make it purer
[15] (intr often foll by on ) to bring one's faculties to bear (on); think intensely (about)
[16] a concentrated material or solution tomato concentrate

Words related to Concentrated

robust, fixed, full-bodied, rich, potent, intensive, fierce, complete, stuffed, total, crashed, hard, entire, lusty, straight, strong, thick, unadulterated, undivided, whole

Words nearby Concentrated

concelebrate, concelebration, concent, concenter, concentrate, concentrated, concentration, concentration camp, concentration cell, concentration gradient, concentrative

Origin of Concentrated

1630–40; concentr(ic) + -ate2; compare French concentrer, Italian concentrare

Other words from Concentrated

non·con·cen·trat·ed , adjective
su·per·con·cen·trat·ed , adjective
un·con·cen·trat·ed , adjective
un·con·cen·trat·ed·ly , adverb
well-con·cen·trat·ed , adjective
con·cen·tra·tive [kon -suh n-trey-tiv, kuh n-sen -truh -] /ˈkɒn sənˌtreɪ tɪv, kənˈsɛn trə-/ , adjective
con·cen·tra·tive·ness , noun
con·cen·tra·tor , noun
non·con·cen·tra·tive , adjective
non·con·cen·tra·tive·ness , noun
o·ver·con·cen·trate , verb, o·ver·con·cen·trat·ed, o·ver·con·cen·trat·ing.
pre·con·cen·trate , noun, verb, pre·con·cen·trat·ed, pre·con·cen·trat·ing.
re·con·cen·trate , verb, re·con·cen·trat·ed, re·con·cen·trat·ing.
un·con·cen·tra·tive , adjective

Word origin for Concentrated

C17: back formation from concentration , ultimately from Latin com- same + centrum centre

Synonyms for Concentrated

fixed, full-bodied, potent, rich, robust, complete, crashed, evaporated, stuffed, telescoped, thickened, total, boiled down, entire, lusty, straight, strong, thick, unadulterated, undiffused, undiluted, undivided, unmingled, unmixed, whole