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Showing words for CONCORDAT using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Concordat
8 Letter Words for Concordat
7 Letter Words for Concordat
6 Letter Words for Concordat
5 Letter Words for Concordat
4 Letter Words for Concordat
3 Letter Words for Concordat
Definitions for Concordat
[1] an agreement or compact, especially an official one.
[2] an agreement between the pope and a secular government regarding the regulation of church matters.
[3] a pact or treaty, esp one between the Vatican and another state concerning the interests of religion in that state
Words related to Concordat
covenant, compact, transaction, protocol, deal, understanding, contract, arrangement, convention, settlement, pact, code, agreement, custom, obligation, pledge, bargain, commitment, record, guarantee
Words nearby Concordat
concord grape, concordance, concordance rate, concordant, concordant alternation, concordat, concorde, concordia, concorporate, concours, concours d'élégance
Origin of Concordat
1610–20; < French; replacing concordate < Medieval Latin concordātum, Latin: neuter of concordātus, past participle of concordāre to be in agreement. See concord, -ate1
Other words from Concordat
con·cor·da·to·ry [kon-kawr -duh -tawr-ee, -tohr-ee] /kɒnˈkɔr dəˌtɔr i, -ˌtoʊr i/ , adjective
Word origin for Concordat
C17: via French, from Medieval Latin concordātum, from Latin: something agreed, from concordāre to be of one mind; see concord
Synonyms for Concordat
arrangement, compact, contract, convention, covenant, deal, protocol, settlement, transaction, understanding, alliance, bargain, bond, concord, league, paper, treaty, piece of paper