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Showing words for CONCURRING using the English dictionary
10 Letter Words for Concurring
9 Letter Words for Concurring
8 Letter Words for Concurring
7 Letter Words for Concurring
6 Letter Words for Concurring
5 Letter Words for Concurring
4 Letter Words for Concurring
3 Letter Words for Concurring
Definitions for Concurring
[1] to accord in opinion; agree: Do you concur with his statement?
[2] to cooperate; work together; combine; be associated: Members of both parties concurred.
[3] to coincide; occur at the same time: His graduation concurred with his birthday.
[4] Obsolete . to run or come together; converge.
[5] to agree; be of the same mind; be in accord
[6] to combine, act together, or cooperate
[7] to occur simultaneously; coincide
[8] rare to converge
Words related to Concurring
concurcoincide, jibe, acquiesce, league, accord, collaborate, join, consent, assent, equal, unite, cooperate, band, accede, combine, harmonize, meet, okay
Words nearby Concurring
concurconcubinary, concubine, concupiscence, concupiscent, concupiscible, concur, concurrence, concurrent, concurrent engineering, concurrent processing, concurrent resolution
Origin of Concurring
1375–1425; late Middle English < Latin concurrere to run together, meet, be in agreement, equivalent to con- con- + currere to run; cf. concourse, current
Other words from Concurring
con·cur·ring·ly , adverb
pre·con·cur , verb (used without object), pre·con·curred, pre·con·cur·ring.
un·con·curred , adjective
un·con·cur·ring , adjective
Word origin for Concurring
C15: from Latin concurrere to run together, from currere to run
Synonyms for Concurring
acquiesce, coincide, jibe, accede, accord, assent, band, collaborate, combine, consent, cooperate, equal, harmonize, join, league, meet, okay, unite, be consonant with, be in harmony, coadjute, come together, cut a deal, pass on, shake on