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Showing words for CONDEMNING using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Condemning


9 Letter Words for Condemning


8 Letter Words for Condemning

encoding, mignonne

7 Letter Words for Condemning

coigned, condemn, condign, conning, demoing, demonic, denning, donning, ecgonin, ennomic, genomic, gnomide, indogen, meconin, mendigo, mending, nemning, omening

6 Letter Words for Condemning

ceding, coding, cogmen, coigne, coined, coming, condie, conged, conine, coning, conned, connie, dogmen, domine, doming, domnei, doning, emodin, ending, ennoic, genion, geodic, gideon, ginned, gnomed, gnomic, incend, income, indone, inogen, medico, medino, mening, mennon, mignon, minced, minden, minged, moeing, nincom, nomine, nonmen, ondine, onding, onning

5 Letter Words for Condemning

coden, cogie, coign, coing, comdg, coned, conge, conin, conne, decon, deign, demic, demon, denim, denom, diego, digne, dinge, dingo, dogie, doing, domic, donec, donne, ecoid, emong, engin, genic, genin, genio, genom, geoid, gnide, gnome, gondi, gonid, gonne, incog, ingem, inned, inone, mecon, medic, medio, medoc, midge, mince, mined, minge, modge, monde, monic, monie, nidge, ninon, noemi, nomen, nomic, nonce, nonic, oenin, ogmic, oncin, onned

4 Letter Words for Condemning

cedi, cide, cine, cion, cmdg, code, coed, coin, comd, come, cond, cone, cong, coni, conn, deco, demi, demo, deni, dice, diem, dime, dine, ding, dino, dioc, doen, doge, dome, domn, done, dong, doni, ecod, econ, emic, endo, geic, gein, geod, geom, gied, gien, ginn, gode, goen, gome, gond, gone, iced, icod, icon, idem, ideo, inde, indn, ingo, inne, iode, mein, meio, mend, meng, meno, mice, mico, mide, midn, mien, mind, mine, ming, mino, mode, modi, moed, moid, mone, mong, nein, nemn, nemo, neon, nice, nide, nied, nine, niog, node, nodi, nome, none, nong, odic, odin, oeci, oime, omen, omni, once

3 Letter Words for Condemning

cdg, cen, ceo, cgm, cid, cie, cig, cmd, cod, cog, com, con, dec, deg, dei, dem, den, die, dig, dim, din, doc, doe, dog, dom, don, ecg, ecm, eco, edo, ego, emo, enc, end, eng, eom, eon, gcd, ged, gem, gen, geo, gid, gie, gim, gin, gio, god, goi, gon, ice, ide, ido, ign, imo, inc, ind, ing, inn, ion, mcg, med, meg, mei, men, mgd, mic, mid, mig, min, moc, mod, moe, mog, moi, mon, nco, ned, neg, nei, neo, nid, nie, nig, nim, nne, nod, nog, nom, non, ode, oie, one, oni

Definitions for Condemning

[1] to express an unfavorable or adverse judgment on; indicate strong disapproval of; censure.
[2] to pronounce to be guilty; sentence to punishment: to condemn a murderer to life imprisonment.
[3] to give grounds or reason for convicting or censuring: His acts condemn him.
[4] to judge or pronounce to be unfit for use or service: to condemn an old building.
[5] U.S. Law . to acquire ownership of for a public purpose, under the right of eminent domain: The city condemned the property.
[6] to force into a specific state or activity: His lack of education condemned him to a life of menial jobs.
[7] to declare incurable.
[8] to express strong disapproval of; censure
[9] to pronounce judicial sentence on
[10] to demonstrate the guilt of his secretive behaviour condemned him
[11] to judge or pronounce unfit for use that food has been condemned
[12] to compel or force into a particular state or activity his disposition condemned him to boredom

Words related to Condemning

condemncriticize, sentence, punish, denounce, censure, decry, chide, castigate, knock, reprobate, deprecate, name, reprehend, reproach, frame, skin, pronounce, disapprove, disparage, damn

Words nearby Condemning

condemnconcuss, concussion, concussion grenade, concyclic, cond., condemn, condemnation, condemnatory, condemned cell, condensable, condensate

Origin of Condemning

1350–1400; Middle English condempnen < Anglo-French, Old French condem(p)ner < Latin condemnāre. See con-, damn

Words that may be confused with Condemning

WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, condemnblame, censure, condemn, (see, synonym, study, at, blame), condemn, contemn

Other words from Condemning

con·dem·na·ble [kuh n-dem -nuh -buh l] /kənˈdɛm nə bəl/ , adjective
con·dem·na·bly , adverb
con·demn·er [kuh n-dem -er] /kənˈdɛm ər/ , con·dem·nor [kuh n-dem -er, kuh n-dem-nawr ] /kənˈdɛm ər, kən dɛmˈnɔr/ , noun
con·demn·ing·ly , adverb
re·con·demn , verb (used with object)
self-con·demned , adjective
self-con·demn·ing , adjective
un·con·dem·na·ble , adjective
un·con·demned , adjective
un·con·demn·ing , adjective
un·con·demn·ing·ly , adverb

Word origin for Condemning

C13: from Old French condempner, from Latin condemnāre, from damnāre to condemn; see damn

Synonyms for Condemning

castigate, censure, chide, criticize, decry, denounce, punish, sentence, adjudge, belittle, damn, deprecate, depreciate, disapprove, disparage, doom, frame, judge, knock, name, pronounce, proscribe, reprehend, reproach, reprobate, reprove, skin, upbraid, blow whistle on, call down, come down on, denunciate, find fault with, find guilty, hang something on, lay at one's door, let have it, pass sentence on, pin it on, point finger at, put away, put down, send up, send up the river, thumbs down on