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Showing words for CONDIMENT using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Condiment


7 Letter Words for Condiment

centimo, condemn, condite, contemn, contend, ctenoid, demonic, demotic, deontic, dinmont, ennomic, entomic, entonic, intoned, meconin, mention, metonic, nointed, noticed, tecomin, tonemic

6 Letter Words for Condiment

centon, coedit, coined, comint, comite, condie, conine, conite, conned, connie, contin, dentin, ditone, docent, doment, domine, domite, domnei, emodin, endict, ennoic, enoint, incend, incent, income, indent, indone, intend, intoed, intone, medico, medino, minced, minden, minted, necton, nincom, nocent, noetic, nomine, notice, octine, ointed, ondine, tendon, tinmen, tinned

5 Letter Words for Condiment

ceint, centi, cento, cetin, cited, coden, comdt, comet, comte, coned, conin, conne, contd, conte, coted, ctimo, decon, demic, demit, demon, demot, denim, denom, detin, dicot, domic, donec, donet, donne, ecoid, edict, entom, ident, imcnt, inned, innet, inone, mecon, medic, medio, medoc, meint, mento, metic, mince, mined, minot, monde, monic, monie, monte, moted, moten, niton, noemi, noint, nomen, nomic, nonce, nonet, nonic, noted, oenin, oncet, oncin, onned, ontic, tecon, teind, temin, tendo, tenio, tenno, tenon, ticed, timed, timon, tined, tomin, tondi, toned, tonic, tonne

4 Letter Words for Condiment

cedi, cent, ceti, cide, cine, cion, cite, cito, code, coed, coin, coit, comd, come, cond, cone, coni, conn, cont, cote, deco, demi, demo, deni, dent, deti, detn, dice, dict, diem, diet, dime, dine, dino, dint, dioc, dite, doen, doit, dome, domn, done, doni, dont, dote, ecod, econ, ecto, edit, emic, emit, endo, ento, etic, eton, iced, icod, icon, idem, ideo, inde, indn, inne, into, iode, item, itmo, mdnt, mein, meio, mend, meno, ment, mice, mico, mide, midn, mien, mind, mine, mino, mint, mite, mode, modi, moed, moet, moid, moit, mone, mont, mote, nein, nemn, nemo, neon, neti, nice, nide, nied, nine, nito, node, nodi, nome, none, note, odic, odin, oeci, oime, oint, omen, omit, omni, once, otic, tend, tice, tide, tied, tien, time, tinc, tind, tine, tode, toed, tome, tone, tonn

3 Letter Words for Condiment

cen, ceo, cid, cie, cit, cmd, cod, com, con, cot, cte, ctn, cto, dec, dei, dem, den, det, die, dim, din, dit, doc, doe, dom, don, dot, ecm, eco, ect, edo, emo, enc, end, eom, eon, etc, ice, ide, ido, imo, inc, ind, inn, int, ion, itd, med, mei, men, met, mic, mid, min, mit, moc, mod, moe, moi, mon, mot, mtd, mtn, nco, ned, nei, neo, net, nid, nie, nim, nit, nne, nod, nom, non, not, oct, ode, oie, one, oni, ont, otc, tec, ted, tem, ten, tic, tid, tie, tim, tin, toc, tod, toe, toi, tom, ton

Definitions for Condiment

[1] something used to give a special flavor to food, as mustard, ketchup, salt, or spices.
[2] any spice or sauce such as salt, pepper, mustard, etc

Words related to Condiment

gravy, seasoning, salt, dressing, sauce, relish, spice, mustard, pepper, ketchup, horseradish, salsa, zest, catsup

Words nearby Condiment

condescending, condescension, condign, condignity, condillac, condiment, condisciple, condition, condition code register, condition codes, conditional

Origin of Condiment

1400–50; late Middle English < Middle French < Latin condīmentum spice, equivalent to condī(re ) to season + -mentum -ment

Other words from Condiment

con·di·men·tal , con·di·men·ta·ry , adjective
non·con·di·ment , noun
non·con·di·men·tal , adjective

Word origin for Condiment

C15: from Latin condīmentum seasoning, from condīre to pickle

Synonyms for Condiment

dressing, gravy, horseradish, ketchup, mustard, pepper, relish, salsa, salt, sauce, seasoning, spice, catsup, zest