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Showing words for CONDITIONAL using the English dictionary

11 Letter Words for Conditional


10 Letter Words for Conditional


9 Letter Words for Conditional

anticodon, clintonia, coalition, coitional, condition, contadini, contadino, dictional, lociation, noctidial, noncoital

8 Letter Words for Conditional

aconitin, actinoid, adonitol, ancodont, anconoid, anticold, colation, conation, conidial, conidian, conoidal, coontail, cotilion, daltonic, diatonic, dilantin, dilation, dolciano, donation, inaction, incolant, indicant, intonaci, intonaco, iodation, location, naticoid, nicotian, nicotina, nidation, noctilio, nodation, nolition, nonlicit, nontidal, notional, talionic

7 Letter Words for Conditional

actinon, anilino, anionic, antlion, antonio, calotin, cannoli, cantino, cantion, cantoon, clinoid, clinton, clition, coation, coition, colonia, conidia, contain, contoid, coolant, cotidal, cotland, cotonia, diactin, dicolon, diction, dinical, dolcian, dolcino, donatio, ilocano, indical, indican, indocin, indolin, ionical, lactoid, lanioid, lianoid, locatio, nanitic, nicotia, nicotin, nilotic, nitinol, nodical, nonacid, noncola, noonlit, octanol, octonal, odontic, oilcoat, oolitic, talcoid, talonic, talonid, tannoid, tinclad, tindalo, tolidin, tondini, tondino, tonical

6 Letter Words for Conditional

aconin, action, aditio, adonic, adonin, aition, alinit, alnico, anilic, anilid, anilin, anodic, anodon, anoint, anonol, antido, atloid, atonic, candil, canion, cannot, cantil, canton, cation, catlin, citola, clinia, clinid, clitia, codlin, coital, coloni, conand, conoid, contin, cotoin, dacoit, dalton, danton, dation, dialin, diotic, ditali, dition, dolcan, dolina, donnat, donnot, iditol, idolon, incant, indian, indico, indict, indoin, inital, inlaid, inland, intail, ionian, italic, lactid, ladino, latino, lation, loanin, london, lotion, nandoo, nanoid, nation, niacin, nicolo, nidiot, nintoo, nolina, nonact, nonaid, nonoic, notion, octoad, octoid, oilcan, onlaid, onload, ooidal, otidia, talion, tannic, tannid, ticino, tincal, tindal

5 Letter Words for Conditional

acini, acoin, acold, acool, actin, acton, adcon, adion, aditi, ainoi, aioli, alcid, aloid, aloin, altin, ancon, anion, annot, anoil, anoli, antic, calid, calin, canid, canli, canon, canto, cilia, cital, clint, cloit, cloot, cnida, coaid, coati, codal, codol, codon, colat, colin, colon, conal, condo, conia, conin, conli, conta, contd, conto, cotan, daint, danic, danio, danli, datil, diact, dicot, dicta, dinic, dioon, diota, dioti, dital, doilt, doina, dolci, dolia, donat, donna, dooli, doona, dotal, ictal, idant, idion, idiot, idola, iliac, iliad, ilion, inact, incan, indan, india, indic, indin, indol, inial, inion, innit, intil, intnl, iodal, iodic, iodin, iodol, ionia, ionic, lacto, ladin, latin, laton, licit, lidia, linac, linda, lindo, linin, linon, litai, lotan, lotic, nandi, nicad, nicol, nidal, nilot, niota, nitid, niton, nodal, noint, nonda, nondo, nonic, notal, notan, octad, octal, octan, oidia, olona, oncia, oncin, onion, ontal, ontic, ootid, taino, talio, talon, tical, tidal, tilia, tinca, tlaco, tolan, toldo, tonal, tondi, tondo, tonic, toona

4 Letter Words for Conditional

acid, adit, adon, aint, aion, alco, alii, alin, alod, alto, anil, anni, anno, anon, anti, aoli, atli, atoc, cadi, caid, cain, calo, cand, cann, cant, caon, ciao, cion, cito, clad, clan, clat, clin, clio, clit, clod, clon, clot, coal, coat, coda, codo, coil, coin, coit, cola, cold, coli, colt, cond, coni, conn, cont, cool, coon, coot, coto, dail, dain, dali, dalo, dalt, dant, dato, dial, dian, dict, dilo, dino, dint, dioc, diol, dita, doat, doit, dola, doli, dolt, dona, doni, dont, dool, doon, icao, icod, icon, idic, idol, ilia, ilot, inca, incl, indn, inia, init, inta, inti, intl, into, iodo, iota, itai, ital, laic, laid, lain, lait, land, lant, lati, lido, liin, lina, lind, linn, lino, lint, lion, liti, load, loan, loca, loci, locn, loco, loid, loin, lond, lood, loon, loot, lota, loti, loto, naid, nail, nain, naio, nant, naoi, natl, nato, nidi, nina, nito, nodi, noil, nold, nolo, nolt, nona, noon, nota, octa, odal, odic, odin, oint, olid, olio, onca, onto, ooid, oont, otic, taco, tail, tain, talc, tald, tali, tiao, tidi, tinc, tind, toad, toco, toda, toil, tola, told, tonn, tool, toon

3 Letter Words for Conditional

act, adc, ado, aid, ail, ain, ait, alc, ald, aln, alo, alt, anc, and, ann, ant, cad, cai, cal, can, cat, cia, cid, cit, cli, clo, cod, col, con, coo, cot, ctn, cto, dal, dan, dao, dat, dca, dia, dil, din, dit, dna, doa, doc, dol, don, doo, dot, iao, ida, ido, ilo, inc, ind, inn, int, ion, ita, itd, lac, lad, lai, lan, lao, lat, lca, lcd, lid, lin, lit, loa, loc, lod, loo, lot, ltd, nad, nat, nco, nid, nil, nit, noa, nod, nol, non, noo, not, oad, oat, oca, oct, oda, oii, oil, ola, old, ona, oni, ono, ont, oon, oot, otc, oto, tad, tai, tal, tan, tao, tic, tid, til, tin, tlc, tln, tlo, toa, toc, tod, toi, tol, ton, too

Definitions for Conditional

[1] imposing, containing, subject to, or depending on a condition or conditions; not absolute; made or allowed on certain terms: conditional acceptance.
[2] Grammar . (of a sentence, clause, mood, or word) involving or expressing a condition, as the first clause in the sentence If it rains, he won't go.
[3] Logic . (of a proposition) asserting that the existence or occurrence of one thing or event depends on the existence or occurrence of another thing or event; hypothetical. (of a syllogism) containing at least one conditional proposition as a premise.
[4] Mathematics . (of an inequality) true for only certain values of the variable, as x + 3 > 0 is only true for real numbers greater than −3. Compare absolute(def 12) .
[5] Grammar . (in some languages) a mood, tense, or other category used in expressing conditions, often corresponding to an English verb phrase beginning with would, as Spanish comería “he would eat.” a sentence, clause, or word expressing a condition.
[6] depending on other factors; not certain
[7] grammar (of a clause, conjunction, form of a verb, or whole sentence) expressing a condition on which something else is contingent: " If he comes " is a conditional clause in the sentence " If he comes I shall go "
[8] (of an equation or inequality) true for only certain values of the variable: x ² –1 = x + 1 is a conditional equation, only true for x = 2 or –1 (of an infinite series) divergent when the absolute values of the terms are considered
[9] Also: hypothetical logic (of a proposition) consisting of two component propositions associated by the words if…then so that the proposition is false only when the antecedent is true and the consequent false. Usually written: p → q or p ⊃ q, where p is the antecedent, q the consequent, and → or ⊃ symbolizes implies
[10] grammar a conditional form of a verb a conditional clause or sentence
[11] logic a conditional proposition

Words related to Conditional

limited, restrictive, provisional, tentative, contingent, fortuitous, guarded, iffy, incidental, inconclusive, modified, obscure, qualified, relative, restricted, uncertain, provisory, reliant, codicillary

Words nearby Conditional

condiment, condisciple, condition, condition code register, condition codes, conditional, conditional access, conditional convergence, conditional operation, conditional probability, conditional sale

Origin of Conditional

1350–1400; Middle English condicionel < Anglo-French, Middle French < Late Latin condiciōnālis, equivalent to condiciōn- (stem of condiciō ) condition + -ālis -al1

Other words from Conditional

con·di·tion·al·i·ty , noun
con·di·tion·al·ly , adverb
non·con·di·tion·al , adjective

Synonyms for Conditional

limited, provisional, restrictive, tentative, codicillary, contingent, depending on, fortuitous, granted on certain terms, guarded, iffy, incidental, inconclusive, modified, not absolute, obscure, provisory, qualified, relative, reliant, relying on, restricted, subject to, uncertain, with grain of salt, with reservations, with strings attached