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Showing words for CONFECTIONER using the English dictionary
12 Letter Words for Confectioner
10 Letter Words for Confectioner
concertino, concertion, concretion, confection, forconceit, forenotice, inconcrete, neocerotic
9 Letter Words for Confectioner
concenter, confiteor, confronte, connector, ectocrine, encoronet, necronite, nonerotic, recoction, reconfine, reconnect, refection
8 Letter Words for Confectioner
cicerone, cocinero, coercion, concento, concerto, concrete, confiner, confront, corneine, coronene, cotonier, cretonne, croceine, crocetin, crocoite, crotonic, entocone, erection, forenent, forenote, frenetic, incenter, incentor, infecter, infector, inferent, necrotic, neotenic, neoteric, nocerite, occitone, onofrite, reinfect, renotice, rotenone, tenorino
7 Letter Words for Confectioner
centner, centref, centric, cerotic, cerotin, cicoree, citrene, coction, coerect, coinfer, cointer, conceit, concent, concern, concert, concion, concite, coneine, confect, confine, confort, conifer, connect, connote, coonier, coontie, corinne, cornein, cornice, coronet, cortine, coterie, cotrine, cretion, crocein, crocine, eccrine, ecotone, ecteron, enceint, enfonce, enforce, enteric, enteron, enticer, entoire, entonic, feinter, fennier, fiercen, footier, forcene, forcite, fornent, fronton, iceroot, inferno, inforce, intoner, nectron, nocence, norteno, noticer, notoire, oftener, oncotic, onionet, orectic, ornoite, rection, tenoner, tercine, ternion, trionfo
6 Letter Words for Confectioner
ceftin, ceinte, cenote, center, centon, centro, cerine, cerite, ceroon, cerote, certie, certif, cicero, cicone, cinene, cinter, citron, coerce, coiner, concio, coneen, confer, confit, conine, conite, conner, connie, conter, contin, cooner, cooree, coorie, cooter, cootie, cornet, cornic, cornin, corone, cortin, coteen, cotice, cotoin, crenic, cretic, cretin, crinet, crocin, cronet, cronie, crotin, croton, encore, enfect, enfire, enfort, ennoic, enoint, enroot, entice, entier, entire, entone, entrec, erotic, feerin, fencer, fenite, fennec, fenner, fennic, fenter, ferine, feroce, fictor, fierce, fierte, fineer, finner, finnoc, foiter, fooner, footer, footie, forcet, forint, fortin, frenne, incent, infect, infere, infern, inocor, intern, intone, intron, ionone, necton, neocon, nerine, nerite, nicene, nintoo, nocent, noetic, nonoic, nooner, norice, norite, norito, notice, notion, octene, octine, octoic, octroi, oenone, oofier, orcein, orcine, oretic, orient, recent, recife, recite, recoct, recoin, refect, refine, refont, refoot, rennet, renone, retine, rincon, roncet, ronion, roofie, tenner, tenore, tenrec, tercio, tierce, tinner, toeier, tofore, toforn, tonier, tonner, toonie, toorie, torino, tricon, triene
5 Letter Words for Confectioner
ceint, centi, cento, cerci, ceric, cerin, cerne, cetic, cetin, cicer, cinct, circe, citee, citer, cocin, coeno, concn, coner, confr, conic, conin, conne, conte, conto, contr, cooee, cooer, corni, corno, creen, crete, crine, croft, crone, croon, ctene, enent, enfin, enorn, enter, entre, erect, fecit, feint, fence, ferie, ferio, fetor, fient, fiere, finer, foeti, force, foret, forte, freen, freet, freit, freon, front, ifree, incor, inert, infer, inner, innet, inone, inter, intro, iortn, irene, irone, necro, neter, nicer, niece, niner, niter, niton, nitro, noint, noire, nonce, nonet, nonic, norie, norit, noter, ocote, octic, oenin, often, ofter, oncer, oncet, oncin, onion, ontic, oorie, orcin, orion, recce, recco, recit, recon, recti, recto, refit, reice, renet, renin, renne, rente, retie, retin, rifte, ronco, roneo, ronin, ronne, ronte, rooti, tecon, tenio, tenne, tenno, tenon, tenor, terce, terfe, terne, ticer, toner, tonic, tonne, toric, treen, treif, trice, trine, troco, troic, tronc, trone
4 Letter Words for Confectioner
cene, cent, cere, cern, cero, cert, cete, ceti, cine, cion, circ, cire, cite, cito, coco, coct, coef, coft, coif, coin, coir, coit, conc, cone, conf, coni, conn, cont, coof, coon, coot, core, corf, corn, cort, cote, coto, cric, crin, crit, croc, ecce, ecco, econ, ecto, eine, eire, ento, entr, eric, erie, erin, erne, eten, etic, eton, feer, feet, feni, fent, fern, fete, fice, fico, fict, fier, fine, finn, fino, fire, firn, foen, foin, fone, fono, font, foon, foot, fore, fort, free, fren, fret, frit, froe, frot, icer, icon, incr, info, inne, inro, into, intr, iron, iter, neer, neet, neif, nein, nene, neon, nete, neti, nice, nief, nife, nine, nito, noir, none, noon, nore, nori, norn, note, oeci, oint, once, oner, onto, oont, oreo, orfe, otic, otoe, rect, reef, reen, reet, reft, reif, rein, reit, renn, reno, rent, rete, rice, rife, rift, rine, riot, rite, roin, roit, rone, ront, roof, roon, root, rotc, rote, roti, roto, teen, teer, tene, terf, tern, tice, tien, tier, tinc, tine, tire, toco, tone, tonn, toon, torc, tore, tori, torn, toro, tree, trie, trin, trio, tron
3 Letter Words for Confectioner
cee, cen, ceo, cer, cfc, cfi, cie, cif, cir, cit, con, coo, cor, cot, crc, cro, crt, cte, ctf, ctn, cto, ctr, ecc, eco, ect, eec, een, eer, eft, eir, enc, ene, eof, eon, ere, erf, ern, ert, etc, fec, fee, fei, fen, fer, fet, fie, fin, fir, fit, foe, fon, foo, for, fot, fri, fro, frt, ice, ifc, ife, inc, inf, inn, int, iof, ion, ire, nco, nee, nef, nei, neo, net, nie, nit, nne, non, noo, nor, not, oct, oer, ofo, oft, oie, one, oni, ono, ont, oof, oon, oor, oot, orc, ore, orf, ort, otc, oto, rct, rec, ree, ref, rei, rie, rif, rin, rio, rit, roc, roe, roi, ron, roo, rot, rte, rti, tec, tee, tef, ten, ter, tfr, tic, tie, tin, toc, toe, toi, ton, too, tor, trf, tri
Definitions for Confectioner
[1] a person who makes or sells candies and, sometimes, ice cream, cakes, etc.
[2] a person who makes or sells sweets or confections
Words nearby Confectioner
confabulation, confarreation, confect, confection, confectionary, confectioner, confectioners' sugar, confectionery, confed., confederacy, confederal
Origin of Confectioner
First recorded in 1585–95; confection + -er1