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Showing words for CONFINES using the English dictionary

8 Letter Words for Confines


7 Letter Words for Confines

confine, conines, connies, sencion

6 Letter Words for Confines

conine, conins, connes, connie, cosine, ennoic, fennic, ficoes, finnoc, icones, nonces, nosine, oscine, sencio

5 Letter Words for Confines

cines, cions, coifs, coins, cones, confs, conin, conne, conns, cosen, cosie, cosin, enfin, eosin, fenis, fices, ficos, fines, finns, finos, foins, fosie, icons, infos, inone, neifs, neons, niefs, nifes, nines, ninos, noise, nonce, nones, nonic, oenin, onces, oncin, oscin, scion, scone, secno, since, sinon, sonce, sonic, sonne

4 Letter Words for Confines

cens, cine, cion, coef, coes, coif, coin, cone, conf, coni, conn, cons, cose, econ, eons, feis, feni, fens, fice, fico, fies, fine, finn, fino, fins, fisc, fise, foen, foes, foin, fone, fons, ices, icon, info, inne, inns, iocs, ions, nefs, neif, nein, neon, nice, nief, nies, nife, nine, noes, none, nose, nsec, oeci, once, ones, seco, seif, sice, sien, sife, sine, sion, soce, sone

3 Letter Words for Confines

cen, ceo, cfi, cfs, cie, cif, cis, cns, con, cos, csi, eco, efs, enc, ens, eof, eon, eos, esc, fcs, fec, fei, fen, fes, fie, fin, foe, fon, ice, ifc, ife, ifs, inc, inf, inn, ins, iof, ion, ios, ise, isn, iso, nco, nef, nei, neo, nie, nis, nne, non, nos, oes, oie, ois, one, oni, ons, ose, osi, scf, sci, sec, sei, sen, sic, sie, sif, sin, soc, son

Definitions for Confines

[1] to enclose within bounds; limit or restrict: She confined her remarks to errors in the report. Confine your efforts to finishing the book.
[2] to shut or keep in; prevent from leaving a place because of imprisonment, illness, discipline, etc.: For that offense he was confined to quarters for 30 days.
[3] Usually confines. a boundary or bound; limit; border; frontier.
[4] Often confines. region; territory.
[5] Archaic . confinement.
[6] Obsolete . a place of confinement; prison.
[7] to keep or close within bounds; limit; restrict
[8] to keep shut in; restrict the free movement of arthritis confined him to bed
[9] (often plural) a limit; boundary

Words related to Confines

confinepurview, environs, proportions, terrain, sweep, orbit, radius, end, periphery, scope, territory, reach, term, extent, compass, precinct, circumference, country, region

Words nearby Confines

confineconfiding, configurate, configuration, configurationism, configure, confine, confined, confinee, confinement, confirm, confirmand

Origin of Confines

1350–1400 for noun; 1515–25 for v.; (noun) Middle English < Middle French confins, confines < Medieval Latin confinia, plural of Latin confinis boundary, border (see con-, fine2); (v.) < Middle French confiner, verbal derivative of confins < Latin, as above

Other words from Confines

con·fin·a·ble , con·fine·a·ble , adjective
con·fine·less , adjective
con·fin·er , noun
non·con·fin·ing , adjective
pre·con·fine , verb (used with object), pre·con·fined, pre·con·fin·ing.
qua·si-con·fin·ing , adjective
re·con·fine , verb (used with object), re·con·fined, re·con·fin·ing.
self-con·fin·ing , adjective
un·con·fin·a·ble , adjective
un·con·fin·ing , adjective

Word origin for Confines

C16: from Medieval Latin confīnāre from Latin confīnis adjacent, from fīnis end, boundary

Synonyms for Confines

bounds, environs, purview, borders, circumference, compass, country, dimension, edge, end, extent, limits, orbit, periphery, precinct, proportions, purlieus, radius, range, reach, region, scope, sweep, term, terrain, territory