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Showing words for CONIC using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Conic
4 Letter Words for Conic
3 Letter Words for Conic
Definitions for Conic
[1] Also con·i·cal. having the form of, resembling, or pertaining to a cone.
[2] Geometry . conic section.
[3] having the shape of a cone of or relating to a cone
[4] another name for conic section
Words related to Conic
tapered, sharp, pointed, tapering, coned, conoid, pyramidal
Words nearby Conic
congruent, congruity, congruous, congruous hemianopsia, congé, conic, conic projection, conic section, conical, conical cornea, conical papilla
Origin of Conic
1560–70; < Greek kōnikós, equivalent to kôn(os ) cone + -ikos -ic
Other words from Conic
con·i·cal·ly , adverb
co·nic·i·ty [ko-nis -i-tee] /kɒˈnɪs ɪ ti/ , con·i·cal·ness , noun
mul·ti·con·ic , adjective
sem·i·con·i·cal , adjective
sem·i·con·i·cal·ly , adverb
sub·con·ic , adjective
sub·con·i·cal , adjective
sub·con·i·cal·ly , adverb
un·con·i·cal , adjective
Word origin for Conic
C16: from New Latin, from Greek kōnikos, from kōnos cone
Synonyms for Conic
cone-shaped, tapered, coned, conoid, conoidal, funnel-shaped, pointed, pyramidal, sharp, strobilate, strobiloid, tapering