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Showing words for CONNATE using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Connate
6 Letter Words for Connate
5 Letter Words for Connate
4 Letter Words for Connate
3 Letter Words for Connate
Definitions for Connate
[1] existing in a person or thing from birth or origin; inborn: a connate sense of right and wrong.
[2] associated in birth or origin.
[3] allied or agreeing in nature; cognate.
[4] Anatomy . firmly united; fused.
[5] Botany . congenitally joined, as leaves.
[6] Geology . trapped in sediment at the time the sediment was deposited: connate water.
[7] existing in a person or thing from birth; congenital or innate
[8] allied or associated in nature or origin; cognate connate qualities
[9] Also called: coadunate biology (of similar parts or organs) closely joined or united together by growth
[10] geology (of fluids) produced or originating at the same time as the rocks surrounding them connate water
Words related to Connate
agnate, akin, cognate, consanguine, consanguineous, kin, kindred, consanguineal, built-in, congenital, connatural, hereditary, inborn, inbred, ingrained, inherent, inherited, native, natural
Words nearby Connate
conlanger, conn, conn's syndrome, conn., connacht, connate, connatural, connaught, conneaut, connect, connect time
Origin of Connate
1635–45; < Late Latin connātus (past participle of connāscī to be born at the same time with), equivalent to Latin con- con- + nā- (short stem of nāscī ) + -tus past participle suffix (see nascent)
Other words from Connate
con·nate·ly , adverb
con·nate·ness , noun
con·na·tion [kuh -ney -shuh n] /kəˈneɪ ʃən/ , noun
sub·con·nate , adjective
sub·con·na·tion , noun
Word origin for Connate
C17: from Late Latin connātus born at the same time, from Latin nātus, from nāscī to be born
Synonyms for Connate
agnate, akin, cognate, consanguine, consanguineal, consanguineous, kin, kindred