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Showing words for CONNIVE using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Connive


6 Letter Words for Connive

conine, connie, covine, ennoic, nocive, novice

5 Letter Words for Connive

conin, conne, coven, covin, envoi, iconv, inone, nonce, nonic, oenin, oncin, ovine, venin, voice

4 Letter Words for Connive

cine, cion, cive, coin, cone, coni, conn, conv, cove, econ, icon, inne, nein, neon, nevi, nevo, nice, nine, none, oeci, once, oven, vein, vice, vine, vino, voce

3 Letter Words for Connive

cen, ceo, cie, civ, con, eco, enc, env, eon, ice, inc, inn, inv, ion, ive, nco, nei, neo, nie, nne, non, nov, oie, one, oni, vei, vic, vie, vin, voc, voe, von

Definitions for Connive

[1] to cooperate secretly; conspire (often followed by with ): They connived to take over the business.
[2] to avoid noticing something that one is expected to oppose or condemn; give aid to wrongdoing by forbearing to act or speak (usually followed by at ): The policeman connived at traffic violations.
[3] to be indulgent toward something others oppose or criticize (usually followed by at ): to connive at childlike exaggerations.
[4] to plot together, esp secretly; conspire
[5] (foll by at) law to give assent or encouragement (to the commission of a wrong)

Words related to Connive

collude, conspire, operate, cabal, devise, frame, machinate, contrive, wangle, finagle, wire, diddle, angle, cogitate, promote, intrigue

Words nearby Connive

connexion, connie, conning tower, conniption, connivance, connive, connivent, connivery, connoisseur, connolly, connor

Origin of Connive

1595–1605; (< French conniver ) < Latin co(n)nīvēre to close the eyes in sleep, turn a blind eye, equivalent to con- con- + -nīvēre, akin to nictāre to blink (cf. nictitate)

Words that may be confused with Connive

connive, conspire

Other words from Connive

con·niv·er , noun
con·niv·ing·ly , adverb
un·con·nived , adjective
un·con·niv·ing , adjective

Word origin for Connive

C17: from French conniver, from Latin connīvēre to blink, hence, leave uncensured; -nīvēre related to nictāre to wink

Synonyms for Connive

collude, conspire, angle, cabal, cogitate, contrive, devise, diddle, finagle, frame, intrigue, machinate, operate, promote, wangle, wire, be in cahoots with, cook up, frame up, work hand in glove