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Showing words for CONSEQUENCES using the English dictionary
12 Letter Words for Consequences
11 Letter Words for Consequences
9 Letter Words for Consequences
8 Letter Words for Consequences
7 Letter Words for Consequences
6 Letter Words for Consequences
5 Letter Words for Consequences
4 Letter Words for Consequences
3 Letter Words for Consequences
Definitions for Consequences
[1] the effect, result, or outcome of something occurring earlier: The accident was the consequence of reckless driving.
[2] an act or instance of following something as an effect, result, or outcome.
[3] the conclusion reached by a line of reasoning; inference.
[4] importance or significance: a matter of no consequence.
[5] importance in rank or position; distinction: a man of great consequence in art.
[6] in consequence , consequently; as a result; hence: He withdrew from the world, and in consequence was forgotten.
[7] in consequence of , as a result of; on account of: A trial was held in consequence of the investigation.
[8] (functioning as singular) British a game in which each player writes down a part of a story, folds over the paper, and passes it on to another player who continues the story. After several stages, the resulting (nonsensical) stories are read out
[9] a result or effect of some previous occurrence
[10] an unpleasant result (esp in the phrase take the consequences )
[11] significance or importance it's of no consequence ; a man of consequence
[12] logic a conclusion reached by reasoning the conclusion of an argument the relations between the conclusion and the premises of a valid argument
[13] the relation between an effect and its cause
[14] in consequence as a result
Words related to Consequences
consequenceresidue, weight, emanation, importance, residual, corollary, ramification, residuum, sequela, consecution, contrecoup
Words nearby Consequences
consequenceconsentaneous, consentience, consentient, consenting adult, consentual, consequence, consequences, consequent, consequent stream, consequential, consequentialism
Origin of Consequences
1350–1400; Middle English (< Anglo-French ) < Latin consequentia. See consequent, -ence
Other words from Consequences
non·con·se·quence , noun
su·per·con·se·quence , noun
Synonyms for Consequences
corollary, emanation, importance, ramification, residual, residue, residuum, sequela, weight, consecution, contrecoup