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Showing words for CONSERVE using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Conserve
7 Letter Words for Conserve
6 Letter Words for Conserve
5 Letter Words for Conserve
4 Letter Words for Conserve
3 Letter Words for Conserve
Definitions for Conserve
[1] to prevent injury, decay, waste, or loss of: Conserve your strength for the race.
[2] to use or manage (natural resources) wisely; preserve; save: Conserve the woodlands.
[3] Physics , Chemistry . to hold (a property) constant during an interaction or process: the interaction conserved linear momentum.
[4] to preserve (fruit) by cooking with sugar or syrup.
[5] Often conserves. a mixture of several fruits cooked to jamlike consistency with sugar and often garnished with nuts and raisins.
[6] to keep or protect from harm, decay, loss, etc
[7] to preserve (a foodstuff, esp fruit) with sugar
[8] a preparation of fruit in sugar, similar to jam but usually containing whole pieces of fruit
Words related to Conserve
preserve, safeguard, maintain, sustain, hoard, skimp, support, stash, steward, scrimp, nurse, keep, squirrel
Words nearby Conserve
conservatize, conservatoire, conservator, conservatorium, conservatory, conserve, consett, consider, considerable, considerably, considerance
Origin of Conserve
1325–75; (v.) Middle English < Latin conservāre to save, preserve, equivalent to con- con- + servāre to watch over, guard (akin to servus slave, servīre to serve); (noun) Middle English < Middle French conserve, noun derivative of conserver < Latin, as above
Other words from Conserve
con·serv·er , noun
non·con·serv·ing , adjective, noun
self-con·serv·ing , adjective
un·con·served , adjective
un·con·serv·ing , adjective
well-con·served , adjective
Word origin for Conserve
(vb) C14: from Latin conservāre to keep safe, from servāre to save, protect; (n) C14: from Medieval Latin conserva, from Latin conservāre
Synonyms for Conserve
hoard, maintain, preserve, safeguard, sustain, take care of, keep, nurse, scrimp, skimp, squirrel, stash, steward, support, cut back, cut down on, go easy on, sock away, squirrel away, store up, use sparingly