11 Letter Words for Consistence
9 Letter Words for Consistence
cointense, concessit, concisest, conessine, conscient, ensconces, icestones, insconces, nescients, seccotine, seicentos
8 Letter Words for Consistence
cenosite, centesis, centones, coesites, conceits, concents, concises, connects, consence, consents, coseiest, cossnent, ensconce, essonite, icestone, incenses, insconce, neossine, neotenic, nescient, niceness, scension, sciences, sections, seicento, senecios, sistence, sonnetic, tennises, tensions
7 Letter Words for Consistence
cenotes, cession, ciscoes, coesite, conceit, concent, concise, concite, coneine, conessi, conines, connect, connies, consent, consist, contise, cosines, costeen, cotises, enceint, enosist, ensient, entices, entonic, eosines, incense, incents, incests, insects, insense, intense, intones, isoetes, neossin, nesiote, nocence, nocents, noetics, nosiest, notices, oecists, oneness, oscines, ossetic, scenics, scenist, scenite, science, sconces, section, seitens, sencion, senecio, sennets, sennite, sennits, sension, sentine, sestine, sinnets, societe, sonnets, sonnies, sonties, stenion, stonies, stonnes, tennies, tension, tensons, tocsins
6 Letter Words for Consistence
ceinte, cenote, censes, centon, centos, cessio, cestoi, ceston, cestos, cicone, cinene, ciscos, citess, coisns, coneen, conics, conine, conins, conite, connes, connie, contes, contin, coscet, cosecs, cosets, cosine, cosins, cosset, cossic, cossie, costes, coteen, cotice, cotise, csects, ctenes, ecesic, ecesis, encist, ennoic, enoint, enoses, enosis, entice, enties, entone, eosine, eosins, escots, essoin, estocs, icones, incent, incest, inness, innest, insect, insets, intens, intone, iscose, necton, nenets, nentsi, nessie, nicene, nicest, nieces, nitons, nocent, noctis, noeses, noesis, noetic, noints, noises, nonces, nonets, nosies, nosine, nosite, nostic, notice, octene, octine, oecist, onsets, onsite, oscine, ossein, ossete, ostein, scenes, scenic, scents, scient, scions, sconce, scones, scotic, seccos, seines, seiten, sencio, sennet, sennit, sensei, seston, setons, setose, sients, sinnet, sintoc, sisten, sneest, socies, sonces, sonics, sonnes, sonnet, sonsie, steens, steins, stenos, stoics, stonen, stones, stonne, stonns, tennes, tennis, tennos, tenons, tenses, tenson, tessin, tocsin, toises, tonics, tonies, tonnes, tossen
5 Letter Words for Consistence
ceint, cense, centi, cento, cents, cesse, ceste, cesti, cetes, cetic, cetin, cinct, cines, cions, cisco, cists, citee, cites, cocin, coins, coits, concn, cones, conic, conin, conne, conns, const, conte, cosec, cosen, coses, coset, cosie, cosin, cosse, coste, costs, cotes, csect, csnet, ctene, enent, enets, ensis, entsi, eosin, escot, esnes, essen, estoc, etens, icons, innet, inone, insee, inset, neist, nenes, neons, nests, netes, niece, nines, ninos, nisse, niton, nitos, noint, noise, nonce, nones, nonet, nonic, noses, notes, octic, oenin, oints, onces, oncet, oncin, onset, ontic, oscin, osset, scene, scent, scion, scone, scote, scots, secco, secno, secos, sects, seine, seise, sence, senit, sense, senso, sente, senti, sents, sesti, seton, sices, siens, sient, siest, since, sines, sinon, sison, sites, snees, snies, snite, snits, snots, sonce, sones, sonic, sonne, sonse, sosie, sotie, steen, stein, steno, stens, sties, stine, stion, stoic, stone, stonn, tecon, teens, teise, tenes, tenio, tenne, tenno, tenon, tense, tenso, tices, tiens, tines, toise, tones, tonic, tonne, toses, tsine
4 Letter Words for Consistence
cees, cene, cens, cent, cess, cest, cete, ceti, cine, cion, cisc, cist, cite, cito, cits, coct, coes, coin, coit, conc, cone, coni, conn, cons, cont, cose, coss, cost, cote, cots, ecce, ecco, econ, ecto, eine, enes, ense, ento, eons, eses, esne, esse, ests, eten, etic, eton, ices, icon, inne, inns, inst, into, iocs, ions, isnt, isos, neet, nein, nene, neon, nese, ness, nest, nete, neti, nets, nice, nies, nine, nist, nito, nits, noes, none, nose, note, nots, nsec, oeci, oint, once, ones, onst, oses, osse, otic, otis, scet, scot, scsi, seco, secs, sect, seen, sees, seis, seit, sene, sens, sent, sese, sets, sicc, sice, sics, sien, sine, sins, sion, sise, sist, site, sits, snee, snit, snot, soce, socs, sone, sons, sots, sten, stie, teen, tees, tene, tens, tice, tics, tien, ties, tinc, tine, tins, tocs, toes, tone, tonn, tons, tose, toss
3 Letter Words for Consistence
cee, cen, ceo, cie, cis, cit, cns, con, cos, cot, csc, csi, cst, cte, ctn, cto, cts, ecc, eco, ect, eec, een, enc, ene, ens, eon, eos, esc, ese, ess, est, etc, ice, inc, inn, ins, int, ion, ios, ise, isn, iso, ist, its, nco, nee, nei, neo, net, nie, nis, nit, nne, non, nos, not, oct, oes, oie, ois, one, oni, ons, ont, ose, osi, otc, sci, sct, sec, see, sei, sen, set, sic, sie, sin, sis, sit, soc, son, sot, sse, tec, tee, ten, tes, tic, tie, tin, tis, toc, toe, toi, ton, tos, tsi, tss
Definitions for Consistence
[1] a degree of density, firmness, viscosity, etc.: The liquid has the consistency of cream.
[2] steadfast adherence to the same principles, course, form, etc.: There is consistency in his pattern of behavior.
[3] agreement, harmony, or compatibility, especially correspondence or uniformity among the parts of a complex thing: consistency of colors throughout the house.
[4] the condition of cohering or holding together and retaining form; solidity or firmness.
[5] agreement or accordance with facts, form, or characteristics previously shown or stated
[6] agreement or harmony between parts of something complex; compatibility
[7] degree of viscosity or firmness
[8] the state or quality of holding or sticking together and retaining shape
[9] conformity with previous attitudes, behaviour, practice, etc
Words related to Consistence
consistencybody, density, feel, makeup, viscosity, texture, thickness, firmness, constancy, faithfulness, uniformity, continuation, coherence, congruity, unity, reliability, harmony, steadfastness
Words nearby Consistence
consistencyconsignee, consignment, consignment store, consignor, consist, consistency, consistency principle, consistent, consistent equations, consistory, consociate
Origin of Consistence
yFirst recorded in 1585–95; consist(ent) + -ency
Synonyms for Consistence
body, density, feel, firmness, makeup, texture, thickness, viscosity