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Showing words for CONSORT using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Consort
6 Letter Words for Consort
5 Letter Words for Consort
4 Letter Words for Consort
3 Letter Words for Consort
Definitions for Consort
[1] a husband or wife; spouse, especially of a reigning monarch. Compare prince consort, queen consort.
[2] one vessel or ship accompanying another.
[3] Music . a group of instrumentalists and singers who perform music, especially old music. a group of instruments of the same family, as viols, played in concert.
[4] a companion, associate, or partner: a confidant and consort of heads of state.
[5] accord or agreement.
[6] Obsolete . company or association. harmony of sounds.
[7] to associate; keep company: to consort with known criminals.
[8] to agree or harmonize.
[9] to associate, join, or unite.
[10] Obsolete . to accompany; espouse. to sound in harmony.
[11] (intr usually foll by with ) to keep company (with undesirable people); associate
[12] (intr) to agree or harmonize
[13] (tr) rare to combine or unite
[14] (esp formerly) a small group of instruments, either of the same type, such as viols, (a whole consort ) or of different types (a broken consort ) (as modifier ) consort music
[15] the husband or wife of a reigning monarch
[16] a partner or companion, esp a husband or wife
[17] a ship that escorts another
[18] obsolete companionship or association agreement or accord
Words related to Consort
concomitant, wife, companion, mate, accompaniment, husband, spouse, friend, mix, befriend, join, attend, associate, chaperon, company, bear, mingle, bring, conduct, carry
Words nearby Consort
consonantal alliteration, consonantalize, consonantism, consonantize, consonants, consort, consortium, conspecific, conspectus, consperg., conspicuity tape
Origin of Consort
1375–1425; late Middle English < Middle French < Latin consort- (stem of consors ) sharer, orig. sharing (adj.). See con-, sort
Other words from Consort
con·sort·a·ble , adjective
con·sort·er , noun
con·sor·tion , noun
non·con·sort·ing , adjective
Word origin for Consort
C15: from Old French, from Latin consors sharer, partner, from sors lot, fate, portion
Synonyms for Consort
accompaniment, companion, concomitant, friend, husband, mate, spouse, wife