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Showing words for CONSTATIVE using the English dictionary
10 Letter Words for Constative
9 Letter Words for Constative
invocates, taconites, toscanite
8 Letter Words for Constative
aconites, actinost, actiones, canoeist, cantiest, catstone, cavettos, caviteno, centavos, centoist, cistvaen, conative, constate, cotesian, entastic, invocate, nictates, notative, oscitant, oscitate, setation, sonicate, stenotic, stonecat, stovaine, taconite, tactions, tastevin, tetanics, tonetics, vesicant
7 Letter Words for Constative
acetins, acetoin, acinose, aconite, actions, actives, aeonist, antoeci, asiento, atonics, atonies, attonce, attones, avocets, caniest, cantest, casinet, cations, catties, catvine, cavetti, cavetto, centavo, cetonia, cineast, constat, contest, contise, convite, costate, costean, costive, cottise, covents, entotic, estonia, etacist, evasion, incaves, insecta, instate, naivest, natives, nictate, noetics, notates, notices, novices, octanes, octants, octaves, oncetta, ostiate, satient, satinet, sattvic, scottie, section, snottie, sociate, statice, station, stative, steatin, taction, tactive, tanties, tectona, tesvino, tetanic, tietacs, toastie, tonetic, toniest, tonites, vainest, vection, venatic, vesanic, vetoist, vinetta
6 Letter Words for Constative
acetin, acinos, acoine, actine, actins, action, active, actons, aeonic, anetic, anitos, antics, ascent, ascite, astint, astite, astone, atones, atonic, attice, attics, attone, avions, avocet, avoset, canoes, cantos, caoine, casein, casino, casten, cation, cativo, cattie, cavies, centai, centas, centos, cestoi, ceston, cevian, cistae, civets, coates, coatie, coatis, conias, conite, contas, contes, coseat, cosine, costia, cotans, cotise, cotset, cottas, covens, covent, covets, covine, covins, covite, enacts, enatic, encist, eniacs, envois, ettins, evicts, icones, incast, incave, incavo, incest, insect, intact, invect, invest, ionate, isotac, naives, nastic, native, navies, navite, nicest, nivose, nocive, noctis, noetic, nosite, nostic, notate, notice, notist, novate, novice, oceans, octane, octans, octant, octave, octets, octine, oecist, onsite, oscine, ostein, ostent, otiant, ottave, ovates, ovines, ovisac, sainte, satine, sation, sative, sattie, savine, sceatt, scient, scotia, secant, seitan, sencio, sintoc, sitten, snocat, sonica, sotnia, sottie, soviet, sovite, stacte, stance, static, statin, stenia, stevia, stotin, stoven, tainos, tainte, taints, tanist, tantie, taoist, tasten, taties, tenias, testao, teston, tienta, tiento, tietac, tincts, tineas, tinosa, tisane, titano, titans, tocsin, tonics, tonies, tonite, vascon, vectis, vesica, vincas, vinose, vittae, vocate, voices, votist
5 Letter Words for Constative
acies, acnes, acoin, acone, acost, actin, acton, actos, anise, antes, antic, antis, ascon, ascot, atocs, atone, attic, avens, avine, avion, aviso, cains, canes, canis, canoe, canos, canso, canst, canto, cants, caste, cates, catso, caves, cavie, cavin, ceint, centi, cento, cents, cesta, cesti, cetin, ciaos, cines, cions, cista, cites, cives, civet, coast, coate, coati, coats, coins, coits, cones, conia, const, conta, conte, cosen, coset, cosie, cosin, costa, coste, cotan, cotes, cotta, cotte, cotts, coven, coves, covet, covin, csnet, enact, encia, eniac, entia, entsi, envoi, eosin, escot, estoc, etnas, ettin, evans, evict, icons, iconv, inact, incas, insea, inset, intsv, iotas, naevi, naive, nates, naves, navet, navis, neats, necia, neist, nevat, nevis, niota, nitos, nitta, noise, notes, novae, novas, oaten, oaves, ocean, octan, octas, octet, oints, onces, oncet, oncia, onset, ontic, oscan, oscin, ostia, otate, ovant, ovate, ovens, ovest, ovine, ovist, saice, saine, saint, sanct, sanit, santo, saone, satin, savin, scant, scatt, sceat, scena, scent, scian, scion, scone, scote, scott, scove, secno, senit, senti, seton, siena, sient, sieva, since, sitao, sitta, sivan, snite, soave, sonce, sonic, sotie, stain, staio, stane, state, stave, stean, stein, steno, stent, stine, stint, stion, stite, stive, stoae, stoai, stoat, stoic, stoit, stone, stove, taces, tacet, tacit, tacos, tacso, tacts, taino, tains, taint, taise, taits, tanti, tanto, tasco, taste, tates, tatie, tatin, teats, tecon, tecta, tenai, tenia, tenio, tenso, tents, testa, tices, tiens, tinca, tinct, tinea, tines, tinta, tints, titan, toast, toeas, toise, toist, toits, tones, tonic, tosca, totes, tovet, tsine, vanes, vants, vates, vatic, veins, venta, vents, vesta, vices, vinas, vinca, vinea, vines, vinet, vinos, vinta, vints, visna, visne, vison, vista, visto, vitae, vitta, vocat, voces, voice, votes
4 Letter Words for Constative
aces, acne, acts, aine, ains, aint, aion, aits, ance, anes, anet, anis, ansi, ante, anti, ants, asci, asin, asio, ates, atis, atoc, atte, attn, aves, avie, avis, avos, cain, cane, cans, cant, caon, case, cast, cate, cats, cave, ceas, cens, cent, cest, ceti, ciao, cine, cion, cist, cite, cito, cits, cive, civs, coat, coes, coin, coit, cone, coni, cons, cont, conv, cose, cost, cote, cots, cott, cove, eans, east, eats, econ, ecto, ento, eoan, eons, esca, etas, etat, etic, etna, eton, icao, ices, icon, inca, inst, inta, into, invt, iocs, ions, iota, isnt, itas, nace, naio, nais, naoi, naos, nasi, naso, nast, nato, nats, nave, navi, neat, nest, neti, nets, nevi, nevo, nice, nies, nist, nito, nits, noes, nose, nota, note, nots, nott, nova, nsec, oast, oats, ocas, octa, oeci, oint, onca, once, ones, onst, otic, otis, oven, ovis, saco, saic, sain, sane, sant, sate, sati, save, scan, scat, scet, scot, sean, seat, seco, sect, seit, sena, sent, seta, sett, sian, sice, sien, sina, sine, sion, sita, site, siva, snit, snot, soca, soce, sone, stat, sten, stet, stie, stoa, stot, svce, tace, taco, tact, taen, tain, tais, tait, tane, tans, taos, tate, tats, tave, tavs, tean, teas, teat, teca, tens, tent, test, tets, tiao, tice, tics, tien, ties, tinc, tine, tins, tint, tite, tits, toat, tocs, toea, toes, toit, tone, tons, tosa, tose, tote, tots, tsia, vacs, vaes, vain, vane, vans, vant, vase, vast, vats, vein, vena, vent, vest, veta, veto, vets, vias, vica, vice, vies, vina, vine, vino, vins, vint, visa, vise, vita, vite, voce, voes, voet, vota, vote
3 Letter Words for Constative
ace, act, aes, ain, ais, ait, anc, ane, ans, ant, ase, ast, ate, att, ave, avn, avo, cai, can, cat, cav, cen, ceo, cia, cie, cis, cit, civ, cns, con, cos, cot, csi, cst, cte, ctn, cto, cts, cva, ean, eas, eat, eco, ect, enc, ens, env, eon, eos, esc, est, eta, etc, iao, ice, inc, ins, int, inv, ion, ios, ise, isn, iso, ist, ita, its, iva, ive, nae, nas, nat, nav, nco, nea, nei, neo, net, nie, nis, nit, noa, nos, not, nov, oas, oat, oca, oct, oes, oie, ois, ona, one, oni, ons, ont, ose, osi, otc, ova, sac, sai, san, sao, sat, sav, sci, sct, sea, sec, sei, sen, set, sic, sie, sin, sit, soc, son, sot, sov, sta, svc, tai, tan, tao, tas, tat, tav, tea, tec, ten, tes, tet, tic, tie, tin, tis, tit, tnt, toa, toc, toe, toi, ton, tos, tot, tov, tsi, tst, vac, vae, van, vas, vat, vei, vet, via, vic, vie, vin, vis, voc, voe, von
Definitions for Constative
[1] (of an utterance) describing a state of affairs; making a statement that can be said to be true or false.
[2] a constative utterance.
Words nearby Constative
constantine xi palaeologus, constantinople, constantinopolitan creed, constanţa, constatation, constative, constellate, constellation, conster, consternate, consternation
Origin of Constative
1900–05; probably < French constat(er ) to affirm, verify (apparently verbal derivative of Latin constat (it) is apparent, 3rd singular present of constāre; cf. constant) + -ive