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Showing words for CONSTELLATION using the English dictionary

13 Letter Words for Constellation


11 Letter Words for Constellation

inconsolate, nonsocietal, ocellations

10 Letter Words for Constellation

collations, connotates, nonelastic, nonstoical, nontactile, notonectal, ocellation, stellation, telsontail, tenaillons

9 Letter Words for Constellation

alloeotic, alstonine, alstonite, anoncillo, atenolols, attollens, centonist, clinostat, cloisonna, cloisonne, coastline, coelostat, collation, colonials, conations, connotate, consolate, consonate, contlines, cotenants, elocation, enactions, estantion, intonacos, intonates, isooctane, latosolic, localites, locations, noncoital, nonlocals, nonsocial, nonstatic, notations, notionate, notonecta, octennial, oscillant, oscillate, ostiolate, sectional, stolonate, taconites, tantonies, tenaillon, tensional, teocallis, tonalites, toscanite

8 Letter Words for Constellation

aconites, actinons, actinost, actiones, alencons, alnicoes, aloetics, ancients, antients, antilens, antilles, antlions, atenolol, callisto, calottes, canistel, canniest, cannolis, canoeist, canonist, cantiest, cantions, cantlets, cantline, castelli, castillo, catstone, celation, celloist, cenation, centoist, cetonian, cliental, cloisonn, coaliest, colation, coletits, collates, cololite, colonate, colonels, colonial, colonias, colonies, colonist, conation, connotes, consolan, constant, constate, contains, contents, contline, contoise, coolants, cooniest, coontail, coonties, cosalite, cosonant, cotenant, cotesian, cotsetla, eclosion, ecotonal, elations, enaction, enations, entastic, eolation, estonian, incolant, insectan, insolate, insolent, instance, intelsat, intonaco, intonate, lactenin, lactones, lancelot, lanolins, lattices, lections, lentisco, leoncita, leoncito, leonotis, lesional, linolate, lioncels, localist, localite, location, looniest, nainsell, nasonite, necation, neolocal, nictates, noisance, noncaste, nonclose, nonettos, nonlicet, nonlocal, nontelic, nontitle, notation, notional, oconnell, octanols, oilstone, oscitant, oscitate, ostinato, otosteal, sanction, santonic, scalenon, scallion, scantlet, scontion, setation, societal, solanein, solanine, solation, solenial, sonantic, sonatine, sonation, sonicate, sonnetic, stallion, stannite, stellion, stenotic, stolonic, stonecat, taconite, tactions, tactosol, talciest, tallents, telsonic, tentilla, teocalli, tetanics, tinstone, tocalote, toenails, tolectin, tolinase, tonalist, tonalite, tonation, tonetics, tonnells, tontines, totanine

7 Letter Words for Constellation

acetins, acetoin, acinose, aconine, aconite, actinon, actions, aeolist, aeonist, ainsell, alcosol, alecost, alectis, alencon, allices, alnicos, alnoite, aloesol, aloetic, alsoone, altoist, anciens, ancient, ancille, anconei, ancones, anilest, anisole, annotto, anoints, antient, antlion, antoeci, antonio, ascelli, asclent, asiento, astelic, atonics, atonies, attonce, attones, cailles, calesin, callets, callose, calotin, calotte, canelos, caneton, caniest, canille, canines, canions, cannels, cannoli, canones, cantest, cantino, cantion, cantles, cantlet, cantons, cantoon, casinet, castile, castlet, cations, catline, catlins, catties, cellist, celosia, celsian, centals, cetonia, cineast, cineols, citolas, citoles, clients, clinton, cloison, clootie, coalite, coation, coelian, coillen, coletit, collate, collets, collies, colline, collins, colonel, colones, colonia, conines, connate, connies, connote, conseil, consent, console, constat, contain, content, contest, contise, coolant, coolest, coolies, coontie, cooties, costate, costean, cotonia, cottise, cottons, eastlin, elastic, elastin, elation, enation, encinal, encinas, ensaint, enstool, entails, entoils, entonic, entotic, escalin, estonia, etacist, etalons, etonian, ilocano, inanest, incants, incents, inconel, inlaces, insecta, install, instant, instate, intents, intones, ionones, isocola, isolate, isotone, laciest, lactone, lactose, lancets, lanolin, latents, latices, latinos, latosol, lattens, lattice, lattins, lectins, lection, lentils, lentisc, linaloe, lincoln, linnets, lintels, lintols, lioncel, lionels, lionets, litotes, littles, locales, locates, locatio, lolcats, loniten, loonies, lotions, nailset, nainsel, nancies, nanosec, nascent, nations, neocons, nictate, niellos, nitella, nocents, noetian, noetics, noncola, nonetti, nonetto, nonsale, noonlit, notates, notices, notions, ocelots, octanes, octanol, octants, octoate, octonal, oenolin, oilcans, oilcase, oilcoat, oillets, onanist, oncetta, onionet, onliest, onoclea, ooecial, oolites, oollies, oscella, ostiate, ostiole, otolite, salicet, salient, saltine, sanicle, satient, satinet, scaleni, scaloni, scantle, scatole, scintle, sciolto, scolion, scolite, scotale, scotino, scottie, secalin, seconal, section, sencion, sitella, slainte, slotten, snittle, snottie, sociate, solanin, soliton, sonance, stalino, stallon, staniel, stanine, stannel, stannic, statice, station, steatin, stellio, stencil, stenion, stenton, stilton, stoical, stollen, stoolie, tactile, taction, tailles, talcose, talents, talions, talitol, tallent, tallest, tallets, tallies, tallinn, tallits, tallote, tallots, talonic, tannest, tanties, tectona, telical, tellins, tenails, tenants, tennist, tension, tention, testoon, tetanic, tietacs, tincals, tineola, toastie, toenail, toilets, tolanes, tollent, tollies, tonetic, tonical, toniest, tonites, tonlets, tonnell, tonsile, tontine, toonies, tootles, tootsie

6 Letter Words for Constellation

acetin, acetol, acinos, acoine, aconin, actine, actins, action, actons, aeolis, aeonic, alcine, aliens, alison, allect, allice, allies, allons, allose, allots, alnein, alnico, aloins, aloose, alsoon, ancien, ancile, ancles, ancone, anenst, anetic, anions, anisol, anitos, annect, annist, annite, anoine, anoint, anoles, anolis, anonol, anotto, antics, ascent, ascill, ascite, astint, astite, astone, atelic, atolls, atones, atonic, attice, attics, attone, caille, caline, calles, callet, calloo, callot, calool, canell, canelo, canine, canion, cannel, cannes, cannet, cannie, cannot, canoes, canons, cantel, cantil, cantle, canton, cantos, caoine, casein, casino, casten, castle, cation, catlin, cattie, cattle, cellos, celtis, centai, cental, centas, centon, centos, cestoi, ceston, cineol, cisela, cistae, citals, citola, citole, cleans, cleats, client, clinal, clines, clints, clites, cloine, clonal, clones, clonos, cloots, closen, closet, clotes, coates, coatie, coatis, coelia, coelin, coenla, coital, colane, colate, colent, colies, colins, collat, collen, collet, collie, collin, collis, colola, colone, coloni, colons, conias, conine, conins, conite, connes, connie, consol, contas, contes, contin, contos, coolen, coolie, coosen, coosin, cootie, coseat, cosine, costal, costia, cotans, cotise, cotoin, cotset, cottas, cotton, eclats, elains, elints, eloins, enacts, enatic, encina, encist, encoil, eniacs, enlist, ennoic, enoint, enolic, entail, entoil, eolian, eonian, esloin, estall, estoil, etalon, ettins, icones, illect, illest, inanes, incant, incast, incent, incest, incles, inlace, inlets, innate, innest, insane, insect, insole, intact, intens, intent, intone, ionate, ionone, isotac, lacets, lactol, laetic, laiose, lances, lancet, lanose, lanset, lanson, latens, latent, latest, latino, latins, lation, latite, latten, lattes, lattin, lectin, lentic, lentil, lentos, lesion, lettic, lianes, liason, lienal, lilacs, linacs, lineal, lineas, linens, linnet, lintel, linten, lintol, lionel, lionet, lionne, listel, listen, litote, litten, little, llanos, loanin, locale, locals, locate, locoes, lolcat, looies, loonie, loosen, looten, lootie, lotase, lotion, lottes, lottos, nances, nantle, nasion, nastic, nation, nattle, neanic, necton, nelson, nentsi, neocon, neslia, nicest, nicolo, nicols, niello, nintoo, nitent, nitons, noance, nocent, noctis, noetic, noints, nolina, nonact, nonces, nonets, nonoic, nosean, nosine, nosite, nostic, nostoc, nostoi, notate, notice, notion, notist, oceans, ocelli, ocelot, octals, octane, octans, octant, octets, octile, octine, octose, oecist, oilcan, oillet, oleins, oncost, oneill, onions, online, ononis, onsite, ooecia, oolite, oscine, osella, osteal, ostein, ostent, ostial, otiant, otiose, sainte, saline, salite, sallet, salloo, saloon, salten, saltie, sannie, santol, santon, satine, sation, sattie, sattle, scalet, sceatt, scient, scilla, sclate, sclent, scolia, scotal, scotia, secant, seitan, selion, sencio, sennit, siacle, sialon, sienna, silane, silent, sillon, sinnet, sintoc, sitten, slinte, snocat, social, sociol, solace, solano, solate, soleil, solein, solent, solion, solito, sonant, sonica, sonnet, sotnia, sottie, stacte, stalin, stance, stanno, static, statin, stealt, stelai, stelic, stella, stenia, stilet, stolae, stolen, stolon, stonen, stonne, stotin, tailet, taille, tainos, tainte, taints, talent, talion, talite, talles, tallet, tallis, tallit, tallot, talons, talose, tancel, tanist, tannic, tansel, tantie, tantle, taoist, taslet, tasten, taties, tatoos, tecali, tectal, telcos, telial, telint, tellin, telson, tenail, tenant, tenias, tennis, tennos, tenons, tenson, testao, teston, ticals, tienta, tiento, tietac, tillet, tillot, tincal, tincts, tineal, tinean, tineas, tinlet, tinnet, tinosa, tinsel, tisane, titano, titans, titles, tocsin, toiles, toilet, toison, tolane, tolans, tolite, tollon, tolsel, toltec, tonant, tonics, tonies, tonite, tonlet, tonnes, tonsil, toolsi, toonie, toosie, tootle, tostao, toston, totals

5 Letter Words for Constellation

acies, acnes, acoin, acone, acool, acost, actin, acton, actos, aillt, aisle, alces, alecs, alice, alien, aliet, aliso, alist, alite, allen, allis, alloo, allot, aloes, aloin, alone, alose, altin, altos, ancle, ancon, anent, anile, anils, anion, anise, anlet, annet, annie, annot, anoil, anole, anoli, anons, antes, antic, antis, ascon, ascot, astel, atelo, atilt, atocs, atole, atoll, atone, attic, attle, cains, calin, calli, callo, calls, calos, canel, canes, canis, canli, canns, canoe, canon, canos, canso, canst, canto, cants, caste, catel, cates, catso, ceils, ceint, cella, cello, cells, celts, centi, cento, cents, cesta, cesti, cetin, ciaos, ciels, cills, cinel, cines, cions, cista, cital, cites, claes, clans, clast, clats, clean, cleat, clies, cline, clint, clite, clits, cloes, cloit, clone, clons, cloot, close, clote, clots, coals, coast, coate, coati, coats, coeno, coils, coins, coits, colas, colat, colen, coles, colet, colin, colla, colls, colon, colts, conal, cones, conia, conin, conli, conne, conns, const, conta, conte, conto, cools, coons, coost, coots, cosen, coset, cosie, cosin, costa, coste, cotan, cotes, cotta, cotte, cotts, csnet, eclat, ectal, elaic, elain, elans, elint, ellan, ellas, eloin, elsin, enact, encia, eniac, enlil, enlit, ennia, enoil, enols, ental, entia, entsi, eolic, eosin, escot, estoc, etnas, ettin, icons, ictal, ileac, ileal, ileon, inact, inane, incan, incas, incle, inlet, innet, inone, insea, inset, insol, intel, intnl, iotas, islet, islot, isoln, istle, laces, lacet, lacis, lacto, laeti, laics, laine, lance, lanes, lants, laten, latin, laton, latte, leans, least, leats, lects, lenin, lenis, lenos, lenti, lento, liane, licet, liens, liest, lilac, lilas, liles, lilos, lilts, linac, linea, linen, lines, linns, linon, linos, lints, lions, lisle, litas, lites, llano, loans, loast, local, locos, loeil, loins, lonas, looie, loons, loose, loots, losel, losen, lotan, lotas, lotes, lotic, lotos, lotte, lotto, nails, nance, nanes, nants, nates, neals, neats, necia, neist, nelis, nenta, neons, nicol, nills, nilot, nines, ninos, niota, nisan, niton, nitos, nitta, noels, noils, noint, noise, noles, nolle, nolls, nolos, nonas, nonce, nones, nonet, nonic, noons, noose, notal, notan, notes, oaten, ocean, ocote, octal, octan, octas, octet, oenin, oints, oleic, olein, olena, olent, oleos, olios, ollas, olona, onces, oncet, oncia, oncin, onion, onset, ontal, ontic, oonts, oscan, oscin, osela, osone, ostia, otate, ottos, saice, saine, saint, salet, salic, salle, salol, salon, salto, sanct, sanit, santo, saone, satin, scail, scale, scall, scalt, scant, scatt, sceat, scena, scent, scian, scion, sclat, scone, scoon, scoot, scote, scott, secno, sella, senal, senit, senna, senti, setal, seton, sicle, siena, sient, silen, sinal, since, sinon, sitao, sitta, slain, slait, slane, slant, slate, slent, slice, sline, slite, sloan, sloat, slone, sloot, slote, snail, snell, snite, snool, snoot, socle, solan, solea, solei, solen, solio, solon, sonce, sonic, sonne, soole, soote, sotie, sotol, stail, stain, staio, stale, stall, stane, state, steal, stean, steil, stein, stela, stell, steno, stent, stile, still, stilt, stine, stint, stion, stite, stoae, stoai, stoat, stoic, stoit, stola, stole, stoln, stone, stonn, stool, stoon, stoot, taces, tacet, tacit, tacos, tacso, tacts, tails, taino, tains, taint, taise, taits, talcs, tales, talio, talis, talli, talls, talon, tanti, tanto, tasco, taste, tates, tatie, tatin, tatoo, teals, teats, tecon, tecta, teils, telco, telia, telic, tells, tellt, teloi, telos, tenai, tenia, tenio, tenla, tenno, tenon, tenso, tents, tesla, testa, tical, tices, tiens, tiles, tills, tilts, tinca, tinct, tinea, tines, tinta, tints, titan, title, tlaco, toast, tocos, toeas, toile, toils, toise, toist, toits, tolan, tolas, toles, tolls, tolts, tonal, tones, tonic, tonne, tonto, tools, toona, toons, toots, tosca, total, totes, tsine

4 Letter Words for Constellation

aces, acle, acne, acts, aiel, aile, ails, aine, ains, aint, aion, aits, alce, alco, alec, alen, ales, alin, allo, alls, aloe, also, alto, alts, ance, anes, anet, anil, anis, anne, anni, anno, anns, anon, ansi, ante, anti, ants, aoli, asci, asin, asio, ates, atis, atle, atli, atoc, atte, attn, cain, call, calo, cals, cane, cann, cans, cant, caon, case, cast, cate, cats, ceas, ceil, cell, cels, celt, cens, cent, cest, ceti, ciao, ciel, cill, cine, cion, cist, cite, cito, cits, clan, clat, clin, clio, clit, clon, clos, clot, coal, coat, coes, coil, coin, coit, cola, cole, coli, coll, cols, colt, cone, coni, conn, cons, cont, cool, coon, coos, coot, cose, cost, cote, coto, cots, cott, eans, east, eats, ecol, econ, ecto, eila, elan, elli, ells, elts, encl, enol, ento, eoan, eons, esca, etas, etat, etic, etna, eton, icao, ices, icon, ilea, ills, ilot, inca, incl, inne, inns, inst, inta, intl, into, iocs, ions, iota, isle, isnt, ital, itas, itel, itll, lace, lacs, laen, laet, laic, lain, lait, lalo, lane, lant, laos, lase, last, late, lati, lats, leal, lean, leas, leat, lect, leis, lena, leno, lens, lent, leon, leos, lest, leto, lets, lett, lias, lice, lien, lies, lila, lile, lilo, lilt, lina, line, linn, lino, lins, lint, lion, list, lite, lits, loan, loca, loci, locn, loco, loin, loli, lolo, lone, loon, loos, loot, lose, lost, lota, lote, loti, loto, lots, nace, nael, nail, nain, naio, nais, nale, nane, nant, naoi, naos, nasi, naso, nast, natl, nato, nats, neal, neat, nein, neon, nest, neti, nets, nice, nies, nile, nill, nils, nina, nine, nist, nito, nits, noel, noes, noil, nole, noll, nolo, nolt, nona, none, noon, nose, nota, note, nots, nott, nsec, oast, oats, ocas, octa, oeci, oils, oint, olea, oleo, oles, olio, olla, onca, once, ones, onst, onto, oons, oont, oose, oots, oslo, otic, otis, otoe, otto, saco, saic, sail, sain, sale, sall, salt, sane, sant, sate, sati, scan, scat, scet, scil, scot, seal, sean, seat, seco, sect, seil, seit, sell, selt, sena, sent, seta, sett, sial, sian, sice, sien, sila, sile, sill, silo, silt, sina, sine, siol, sion, sita, site, slat, slit, sloe, slon, sloo, slot, snit, snot, soca, soce, soco, soil, sola, sole, soln, solo, sone, sool, soon, soot, stat, sten, stet, stie, stoa, stot, tace, taco, tact, tael, taen, tail, tain, tais, tait, talc, tale, tali, tall, tane, tans, taos, tate, tats, teal, tean, teas, teat, teca, teil, tela, teli, tell, tels, telt, tens, tent, test, tets, tiao, tice, tics, tien, ties, tile, till, tils, tilt, tinc, tine, tins, tint, tite, tits, toat, toco, tocs, toea, toes, toil, toit, tola, tole, toll, tolt, tone, tonn, tons, tool, toon, toot, tosa, tose, tote, toto, tots, tsia

3 Letter Words for Constellation

ace, act, aes, ail, ain, ais, ait, alc, ale, all, aln, alo, als, alt, anc, ane, ann, ans, ant, ase, asl, ast, ate, att, cai, cal, can, cat, cel, cen, ceo, cia, cie, cis, cit, cli, clo, cns, col, con, coo, cos, cot, csi, cst, cte, ctn, cto, cts, ean, eas, eat, eco, ect, ela, eli, ell, els, elt, enc, enl, ens, eon, eos, esc, est, eta, etc, iao, ice, ile, ill, ilo, inc, inn, ins, int, ion, ios, ise, isl, isn, iso, ist, ita, its, lac, lai, lan, lao, las, lat, lca, lea, lei, leo, les, let, lie, lin, lis, lit, loa, loc, loe, loo, los, lot, lsc, lst, nae, nas, nat, nco, nea, nei, neo, net, nie, nil, nis, nit, nne, noa, nol, non, noo, nos, not, oas, oat, oca, oct, oes, oie, oil, ois, ola, ole, ona, one, oni, ono, ons, ont, oon, oos, oot, ose, osi, otc, oto, sac, sai, sal, san, sao, sat, sci, sct, sea, sec, sei, sel, sen, set, sic, sie, sil, sin, sit, sla, sle, slt, soc, sol, son, sot, sta, tai, tal, tan, tao, tas, tat, tea, tec, tel, ten, tes, tet, tic, tie, til, tin, tis, tit, tlc, tln, tlo, tnt, toa, toc, toe, toi, tol, ton, too, tos, tot, tsi, tst

Definitions for Constellation

[1] Astronomy . any of various groups of stars to which definite names have been given, as Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Boötes, Cancer, Orion. the section of the heavens occupied by such a group.
[2] Astrology . the grouping or relative position of the stars as supposed to influence events, especially at a person's birth. Obsolete . character as presumed to be determined by the stars.
[3] a group or configuration of ideas, feelings, characteristics, objects, etc., that are related in some way: a constellation of qualities that made her particularly suited to the job.
[4] any brilliant, outstanding group or assemblage: a constellation of great scientists.
[5] any of the 88 groups of stars as seen from the earth and the solar system, many of which were named by the ancient Greeks after animals, objects, or mythological persons an area on the celestial sphere containing such a group
[6] a gathering of brilliant or famous people or things
[7] psychoanal a group of ideas felt to be related

Words related to Constellation

sort, style, sequence, variety, system, method, shape, type, kind, prospect, circumstance, intention, future, objective, inevitability, orderliness, plan, design, happenstance, serendipity

Words nearby Constellation

constantinopolitan creed, constanţa, constatation, constative, constellate, constellation, conster, consternate, consternation, constipate, constipated

Origin of Constellation

1275–1325; Middle English constellacioun (< Anglo-French ) < Late Latin constellātiōn- (stem of constellātiō ). See constellate, -ion

Other words from Constellation

con·stel·la·to·ry [kuh n-stel -uh -tawr-ee, -tohr-ee] /kənˈstɛl əˌtɔr i, -ˌtoʊr i/ , adjective
sub·con·stel·la·tion , noun

Word origin for Constellation

C14: from Late Latin constellātiō, from Latin com- together + stella star

Synonyms for Constellation

kind, method, sequence, shape, sort, style, system, type, variety, orderliness, plan