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Showing words for CONSTRUCT using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Construct


7 Letter Words for Construct

concurs, custron

6 Letter Words for Construct

concur, constr, cornus, cottus, counts, courts, crocus, cronus, crouts, occurs, roccus, scrout, scrunt, scruto, strout, struct, strunt, stucco, succor, succot, tornus, troncs, trouts, tucson, tutors, uncost, unsort

5 Letter Words for Construct

cocus, const, contr, conus, corns, cornu, cotts, count, cours, court, crocs, crost, crout, crunt, crust, cunts, curns, cutto, notus, occur, oncus, orcus, ronts, roust, routs, runts, rusot, scorn, scott, scour, scout, snort, snout, snurt, souct, stoun, stout, strut, stunt, sturt, sutor, tonus, torcs, torts, torus, touns, tourn, tours, tourt, toust, touts, tronc, trons, trots, trout, trust, turco, turns, tutor, uncos, urson

4 Letter Words for Construct

coct, conc, cons, cont, corn, cors, cort, cost, cots, cott, cour, croc, crts, crus, crut, cunt, cuon, curn, curs, curt, cust, cuts, nots, nott, nous, nout, nurs, nuts, onst, onus, orcs, orts, otus, ourn, ours, oust, outr, outs, rocs, ront, rost, rotc, rots, roun, rous, rout, rucs, runs, runt, rust, ruts, scot, scun, scur, scut, snot, snur, sorn, sort, sour, sout, stor, stot, stun, stut, sunt, tocs, tons, torc, torn, tors, tort, toru, tots, toun, tour, tout, tron, trot, trun, tsun, tuno, tuns, turn, tuts, unco, uncs, unct, unto, urns

3 Letter Words for Construct

cns, con, cor, cos, cot, crc, cro, crs, crt, cru, csc, cst, ctn, cto, ctr, cts, cun, cur, cut, nco, nor, nos, not, nur, nus, nut, oct, ons, ont, orc, ors, ort, otc, our, ous, out, rct, roc, ron, ros, rot, ruc, run, rut, scr, sct, soc, son, sot, sou, str, sun, sur, tnt, toc, ton, tor, tos, tot, tou, trs, trt, tst, tun, tur, tut, unc, uns, urn, urs, ust, utc, uts

Definitions for Construct

[1] to build or form by putting together parts; frame; devise.
[2] Geometry . to draw (a figure) fulfilling certain given conditions.
[3] something constructed.
[4] an image, idea, or theory, especially a complex one formed from a number of simpler elements.
[5] to put together substances or parts, esp systematically, in order to make or build (a building, bridge, etc); assemble
[6] to compose or frame mentally (an argument, sentence, etc)
[7] geometry to draw (a line, angle, or figure) so that certain requirements are satisfied
[8] something formulated or built systematically
[9] a complex idea resulting from a synthesis of simpler ideas
[10] psychol a model devised on the basis of observation, designed to relate what is observed to some theoretical framework

Words related to Construct

manufacture, compose, organize, formulate, form, create, erect, shape, produce, design, fashion, forge, found, establish, raise, fabricate, make, compound, invent, constitute

Words nearby Construct

constrictor, constringe, constringence, constringent, construable, construct, construct state, constructer, construction, construction loan, construction paper

Origin of Construct

1400–50 for earlier past participle sense; 1655–65 for current senses; late Middle English < Latin constrūctus (past participle of construere to construe), equivalent to con- con- + strūc- (variant stem of struere to build) + -tus past participle suffix

Other words from Construct

con·struct·i·ble , adjective
o·ver·con·struct , verb (used with object)
pre·con·struct , verb (used with object)
qua·si-con·struct·ed , adjective
well-con·struct·ed , adjective

Word origin for Construct

C17: from Latin constructus piled up, from construere to heap together, build, from struere to arrange, erect

Synonyms for Construct

build up, compose, create, design, erect, establish, fashion, forge, form, formulate, found, manufacture, organize, produce, put up, set up, shape, compound, constitute, elevate, engineer, envision, fabricate, frame, imagine, invent, make, prefab, raise, rear, cobble up, cook up, dream up, fudge together, hammer out, hoke up, put out, put together, throw together, throw up, trump up, uprear, whip up