11 Letter Words for Containment
10 Letter Words for Containment
anointment, cantonment
9 Letter Words for Containment
annection, anticomet, continent, maintenon, mentation, monacetin, monactine, montanite, nointment, nonanemic, omittance
8 Letter Words for Containment
anemonin, annotine, antinome, cenation, cetonian, cinnamon, coinmate, comitant, cotenant, enaction, incanton, innocent, intonate, maconite, mannonic, monactin, monecian, montanic, montanin, necation, nominate, ointment, taconite, tenonian, totanine
7 Letter Words for Containment
acetoin, aconine, aconite, actinon, amniote, ancient, anconei, annonce, anomite, antient, antoeci, attonce, caneton, cantimo, cantino, cantion, catmint, centimo, cetonia, comtian, connate, contain, contemn, content, emicant, enation, ennomic, entomic, entonic, entotic, etonian, maconne, manicon, mannite, meconin, mention, metonic, montane, montant, nematic, nictate, noetian, nonetti, nonmeat, noteman, ominate, oncetta, taction, taennin, tecomin, tectona, tention, tetanic, tineman, tomenta, tonemic, tonetic, tontine, totemic
6 Letter Words for Containment
acetin, acmite, acoine, aconin, actine, action, aeonic, amnion, ancien, ancome, ancone, anemic, anetic, annect, annite, anoine, anoint, anomic, anomie, atimon, atomic, atonic, attice, attone, camino, camion, camote, canine, canion, cannet, cannie, cannon, cannot, canton, caoine, cation, cattie, centai, centon, cinema, coatie, comate, comint, comite, conima, conine, conite, conman, connie, contam, contin, cotman, enatic, encina, ennoic, enoint, eonian, etamin, iceman, incant, incent, income, inmate, inmeat, innate, intact, intent, intone, ionate, manent, manioc, manito, mannet, mannie, mantic, manton, matico, mattie, mattin, meacon, meatic, mecati, mennon, micate, minoan, mitten, monact, monica, montia, nannie, nation, neanic, necton, netman, nincom, nitent, noance, nocent, noetic, nomina, nomine, nonact, nonane, nonent, nonman, nonmen, nonnat, nontan, notate, notice, octane, octant, octine, omenta, otiant, taimen, tainte, tamein, tamine, tannic, tannin, tantie, tenaim, tenant, tienta, tiento, tietac, tinean, tinman, tinmen, tinnen, tinnet, titano, titman, titmen, tomcat, toment, tonant, tonite
5 Letter Words for Containment
acoin, acone, actin, acton, ament, amice, amine, amino, amnic, amnio, ancon, anent, anime, animo, anion, annet, annie, annot, antic, atone, attic, cameo, canoe, canon, canto, ceint, centi, cento, cetin, coate, coati, comae, comet, comte, conia, conin, conne, conta, conte, cotan, cotta, cotte, ctimo, enact, enami, encia, eniac, ennia, entia, entom, etiam, ettin, imcnt, inact, inane, incan, innet, inoma, inone, macon, maine, maint, manei, manet, manic, manie, manit, manoc, manto, matie, matin, matte, matti, meant, mecon, meint, menat, menta, mento, metic, minae, mince, minot, monic, monie, monte, moten, motet, motte, nance, naomi, necia, nenta, ninon, niota, niton, nitta, noemi, noint, nomen, nomia, nomic, nonce, nonet, nonic, notan, oaten, ocean, octan, octet, oenin, omani, omina, oncet, oncia, oncin, ontic, otate, tacet, tacit, taino, taint, tamin, tanti, tanto, tatie, tatin, tecon, tecta, teman, temin, tenai, tenia, tenio, tenno, tenon, timet, timon, tinca, tinct, tinea, tinta, titan, toman, tomia, tomin, tonic, tonne, totem
4 Letter Words for Containment
acme, acne, aine, aint, aion, amen, amic, amie, amin, amit, amon, ance, anet, anim, anne, anni, anno, anon, ante, anti, atmo, atoc, atom, atte, attn, cain, came, cami, camo, cane, cann, cant, caon, cate, cent, ceti, ciao, cima, cine, cion, cite, cito, coat, coin, coit, coma, come, cone, coni, conn, cont, cote, cott, econ, ecto, emic, emit, enam, ento, eoan, etat, etic, etna, eton, icao, icon, iman, inca, inne, inta, into, iota, item, itmo, mace, maco, main, mane, mani, mano, mant, maoi, mate, mean, meat, mein, meio, meno, ment, meta, miae, mian, mica, mice, mico, mien, mine, mino, mint, mite, mitt, moan, moat, moca, moet, moit, mona, mone, mont, mota, mote, mott, nace, nain, naio, name, nane, nant, naoi, nato, neat, nein, nema, nemn, nemo, neon, neti, nice, nina, nine, nito, noma, nome, nona, none, nota, note, nott, octa, oeci, oime, oint, oman, omen, omit, omni, onca, once, otic, tace, taco, tact, taen, tain, tait, tame, tane, tate, team, tean, teat, teca, tent, tiao, tice, tien, time, tinc, tine, tint, tite, toat, toea, toit, tome, tone, tonn, tote
3 Letter Words for Containment
ace, act, aim, ain, ait, ame, ami, amt, anc, ane, ann, ant, ate, atm, att, cai, cam, can, cat, cen, ceo, cia, cie, cit, com, con, cot, cte, ctn, cto, eam, ean, eat, ecm, eco, ect, emo, enc, eom, eon, eta, etc, iao, ice, imo, inc, inn, int, ion, ita, mac, mae, man, mao, mat, mea, mei, men, met, mia, mic, min, mit, mna, moa, moc, moe, moi, mon, mot, mtn, nae, nam, nat, nco, nea, nei, neo, net, nie, nim, nit, nne, noa, nom, non, not, oam, oat, oca, oct, oie, ona, one, oni, ont, otc, tai, tam, tan, tao, tat, tea, tec, tem, ten, tet, tic, tie, tim, tin, tit, tnt, toa, toc, toe, toi, tom, ton, tot
Definitions for Containment
[1] the act or condition of containing.
[2] an act or policy of restricting the territorial growth or ideological influence of another, especially a hostile nation.
[3] (in a nuclear power plant) an enclosure completely surrounding a nuclear reactor, designed to prevent the release of radioactive material in the event of an accident.
[4] the act or condition of containing, esp of restraining the ideological or political power of a hostile country or the operations of a hostile military force
[5] (from 1947 to the mid-1970s) a principle of US foreign policy that sought to prevent the expansion of Communist power
[6] Also called: confinement physics the process of preventing the plasma in a controlled thermonuclear reactor from reaching the walls of the reaction vessel, usually by confining it within a configuration of magnetic fields See magnetic bottle
Words related to Containment
control, constraint, restraint, stricture, rule, stipulation, regulation, curb, check, condition, discipline, restriction, management, force, government, jurisdiction, domination, supervision, oversight, authority
Words nearby Containment
containerboard, containerization, containerize, containerport, containership, containment, containment, policy of, contakion, contaminant, contaminate, contamination
Origin of Containment
First recorded in 1645–55; contain + -ment
Synonyms for Containment
check, condition, constraint, control, curb, regulation, restraint, rule, stipulation, stricture, bounds, brake, catch, circumscription, confinement, contraction, cramp, custody, demarcation, glitch, handicap, hang-up, inhibition, limitation, limits, lock, qualification, reservation, stint, string, ball and chain, excess baggage, fine print, grain of salt, no-no, small difficulty, stumbling block