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Showing words for CONTENT using the English dictionary
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Definitions for Content
[1] Usually contents. something that is contained: the contents of a box. the subjects or topics covered in a book or document. the chapters or other formal divisions of a book or document: a table of contents.
[2] something that is to be expressed through some medium, as speech, writing, or any of various arts: a poetic form adequate to a poetic content.
[3] significance or profundity; meaning: a clever play that lacks content.
[4] substantive information or creative material viewed in contrast to its actual or potential manner of presentation: publishers, record companies, and other content providers; a flashy website, but without much content.
[5] that which may be perceived in something: the latent versus the manifest content of a dream.
[6] Philosophy , Logic . the sum of the attributes or notions comprised in a given conception; the substance or matter of cognition.
[7] power of containing; holding capacity: The bowl's content is three quarts.
[8] volume, area, or extent; size.
[9] the amount contained.
[10] Linguistics . the system of meanings or semantic values specific to a language (opposed to expression).
[11] Mathematics . the greatest common divisor of all the coefficients of a given polynomial. Compare primitive polynomial. any abstraction of the concept of length, area, or volume.
[12] satisfied with what one is or has; not wanting more or anything else.
[13] British . agreeing; assenting.
[14] Archaic . willing.
[15] to make content: These things content me.
[16] the state or feeling of being contented; satisfaction; contentment: His content was threatened.
[17] (in the British House of Lords) an affirmative vote or voter.
[18] (often plural) everything that is inside a container the contents of a box
[19] (usually plural) the chapters or divisions of a book a list, printed at the front of a book, of chapters or divisions together with the number of the first page of each
[20] the meaning or significance of a poem, painting, or other work of art, as distinguished from its style or form
[21] all that is contained or dealt with in a discussion, piece of writing, etc; substance
[22] the capacity or size of a thing
[23] the proportion of a substance contained in an alloy, mixture, etc the lead content of petrol
[24] mentally or emotionally satisfied with things as they are
[25] assenting to or willing to accept circumstances, a proposed course of action, etc
[26] (tr) to make (oneself or another person) content or satisfied to content oneself with property
[27] peace of mind; mental or emotional satisfaction
[28] British (in the House of Lords) a formal expression of assent, as opposed to the expression not content
Words related to Content
fulfilled, willing, contented, satisfied, comfortable, substance, text, idea, matter, composition, subject, size, satisfy, gratify, reconcile, captivate, tickle, indulge, suffice, gratified
Words nearby Content
contempt of congress, contempt of court, contemptible, contemptuous, contend, content, content analysis, content farm, content marketing, content provider, content word
Origin of Content
21400–50; late Middle English < Middle French < Latin contentus satisfied, special use of past participle of continēre; see content1
Other words from Content
con·tent·a·ble , adjective
con·tent·ly , adverb
con·tent·ness , noun
Word origin for Content
C14: from Old French, from Latin contentus contented, that is, having restrained desires, from continēre to restrain
Synonyms for Content
comfortable, contented, fulfilled, satisfied, willing, appeased, gratified, at ease, can't complain, complacent, fat dumb and happy, pleased as punch, smug, tickled pink