11 Letter Words for Contentious
9 Letter Words for Contentious
centonist, continues, continuos, contusion, cotunnite, neustonic, nosecount, outsonnet
8 Letter Words for Contentious
centoist, connotes, contents, contineu, continue, continuo, contoise, cooniest, coonties, counties, nonettos, nouniest, outnoise, outscent, outsonet, scontion, sonnetic, stenotic, teutonic, tinstone, tonetics, tontines, unctions
7 Letter Words for Contentious
conines, connies, connote, consent, consute, content, contenu, contest, contise, contune, contuse, coontie, cooties, cotinus, cottise, cottons, counite, cuisten, cutties, cuttoes, cuttoos, econuts, entonic, entotic, incents, intents, intones, intuent, ionones, isotone, neocons, neustic, neuston, nocents, noetics, nonetti, nonetto, nonsuit, notices, notions, nuncios, onionet, scotino, scottie, section, sencion, snottie, stenion, stenton, stouten, suction, sunnite, tennist, tension, tention, tenutos, testoon, teutons, tonetic, toniest, tonites, tontine, toonies, tootsie, toustie, tuniest, tunnies, unction, unscent, unsoote, unstoic, unstone, untents, untinct
6 Letter Words for Contentious
centon, centos, cestoi, ceston, cestui, coitus, conine, conins, conite, connes, connie, contes, contin, contos, coosen, coosin, cootie, cosine, cotise, cotoin, cotset, cotton, cottus, cotuit, counts, cousin, cueist, cutest, cuties, cutins, cutose, cutset, cuttoe, cuttoo, econut, encist, ennoic, ennuis, enoint, escout, ettins, icones, incent, incest, incuse, incute, ineunt, innest, insect, intens, intent, intone, intune, intuse, inunct, ionone, necton, nentsi, neocon, nicest, nintoo, nitent, nitons, nocent, noctis, noetic, noints, nonces, nonets, nonius, nonoic, nonuse, nosine, nosite, nostic, nostoc, nostoi, notice, notion, notist, nuncio, octets, octine, octose, oecist, oncost, onions, ononis, onsite, oscine, ostein, ostent, otiose, ounces, outset, outsin, outsit, scient, sencio, sennit, setout, sinnet, sintoc, sitten, soniou, sonnet, sottie, stonen, stonne, stotin, sutten, suttin, tennis, tennos, tenons, tenson, tenuis, tenuit, tenuti, tenuto, teston, teuton, tiento, tincts, tinnet, tocsin, toison, tonics, tonies, tonite, tonnes, tonous, toonie, toosie, toston, toutie, tsouic, tucson, tunics, tunist, uncite, uncoin, uncost, unesco, unions, unison, unites, unnest, unnice, unnose, unsent, unsoot, untent, unties, untine, untins, untone, ustion
5 Letter Words for Contentious
ceint, centi, cento, cents, centu, cesti, cetin, cetus, cines, cions, cites, coeno, coins, coits, cones, conin, conne, conns, connu, const, conte, conto, conus, coons, coost, coots, cosen, coset, cosie, cosin, coste, cotes, cotte, cotts, count, csnet, cuits, cunei, cunit, cunni, cunts, cusie, cutes, cutie, cutin, cutis, cutto, ennui, entsi, eosin, escot, estoc, ettin, etuis, eucti, euois, icons, ictus, incus, incut, innet, inone, inset, insue, intue, inust, neist, neons, nines, ninos, nintu, ninut, niton, nitos, noint, noise, nonce, nones, nonet, nonic, noons, noose, notes, notus, nouns, nucin, nunce, ocote, octet, oenin, oints, onces, oncet, oncin, oncus, onion, onset, ontic, oonts, oscin, osone, ottos, ounce, outen, scent, scion, scone, scoon, scoot, scote, scott, scout, scute, secno, senit, senti, seton, sient, since, sinon, snite, snoot, snout, sonce, sonic, sonne, soote, sotie, souce, souct, stein, steno, stent, stine, stint, stion, stite, stoic, stoit, stone, stonn, stoon, stoot, stoun, stout, stunt, suent, suine, suint, suite, sunni, tecon, tenio, tenno, tennu, tenon, tenso, tents, tices, tiens, tinct, tines, tints, tocos, toise, toist, toits, tones, tonic, tonne, tonto, tonus, toons, toots, totes, touns, touse, toust, touts, tsine, tunes, tunic, tunis, tutin, unces, uncos, unice, union, unist, unite, units, unnet, unset, unsin, unson, untie, untin, usent, usine, usnic, usnin
4 Letter Words for Contentious
cens, cent, cest, ceti, cine, cion, cist, cite, cito, cits, coes, coin, coit, cone, coni, conn, cons, cont, coon, coos, coot, cose, cost, cote, coto, cots, cott, coue, cues, cuit, cunt, cuon, cust, cute, cuts, econ, ecto, ecus, ento, eons, etic, eton, etui, euoi, ices, icon, inne, inns, inst, into, iocs, ions, isnt, nein, neon, nest, neti, nets, neut, nice, nies, nine, nist, nito, nits, noes, none, noon, nose, note, nots, nott, noun, nous, nout, nsec, nunc, nuns, nuts, oeci, oint, once, ones, onst, onto, onus, oons, oont, oose, oots, otic, otis, otoe, otto, otus, oust, outs, scet, scot, scun, scut, seco, sect, seit, sent, sett, sice, sien, sine, sion, site, situ, snit, snot, soce, soco, sone, soon, soot, sout, sten, stet, stie, stot, stue, stun, stut, suci, suet, suit, sune, suni, sunn, sunt, tens, tent, test, tets, tice, tics, tien, ties, tinc, tine, tins, tint, tite, tits, toco, tocs, toes, toit, tone, tonn, tons, toon, toot, tose, tote, toto, tots, toun, tout, tsun, tues, tuis, tune, tuno, tuns, tute, tuts, unce, unci, unco, uncs, unct, unie, unio, unis, unit, unto, utes, utis
3 Letter Words for Contentious
cen, ceo, cie, cis, cit, cns, con, coo, cos, cot, csi, cst, cte, ctn, cto, cts, cue, cun, cut, eco, ect, ecu, enc, ens, eon, eos, esc, est, esu, etc, ice, inc, inn, ins, int, ion, ios, iou, ise, isn, iso, ist, its, nco, nei, neo, net, nie, nis, nit, nne, non, noo, nos, not, nun, nus, nut, oct, oes, oie, ois, one, oni, ono, ons, ont, oon, oos, oot, ose, osi, otc, oto, oui, ous, out, sci, sct, sec, sei, sen, set, sic, sie, sin, sit, soc, son, sot, sou, sue, sui, sun, tec, ten, tes, tet, tic, tie, tin, tis, tit, tiu, tnt, toc, toe, toi, ton, too, tos, tot, tou, tsi, tst, tue, tui, tun, tut, uit, unc, uni, unn, uns, use, ust, utc, ute, uti, uts
Definitions for Contentious
[1] tending to argument or strife; quarrelsome: a contentious crew.
[2] causing, involving, or characterized by argument or controversy: contentious issues.
[3] Law . pertaining to causes between contending or opposing parties.
[4] tending to argue or quarrel
[5] causing or characterized by dispute; controversial
[6] law relating to a cause or legal business that is contested, esp a probate matter
Words related to Contentious
testy, antagonistic, combative, argumentative, belligerent, disagreeable, factious, perverse, petulant, querulous
Words nearby Contentious
content provider, content word, content-addressable storage, contented, contention, contentious, contentive, contentment, conterminous, contessa, contest
Origin of Contentious
1400–50; late Middle English contenciose < Latin contentiōsus, equivalent to contenti(ō ) contention + -ōsus -ous
Other words from Contentious
con·ten·tious·ly , adverb
con·ten·tious·ness , noun
non·con·ten·tious , adjective
non·con·ten·tious·ly , adverb
o·ver·con·ten·tious , adjective
o·ver·con·ten·tious·ly , adverb
o·ver·con·ten·tious·ness , noun
un·con·ten·tious , adjective
un·con·ten·tious·ly , adverb
un·con·ten·tious·ness , noun
Synonyms for Contentious
antagonistic, combative, testy, argumentative, belligerent, disagreeable, factious, perverse, petulant, querulous