12 Letter Words for Contiguously
10 Letter Words for Contiguously
contiguous, scoutingly
9 Letter Words for Contiguously
glutinous, locusting, locutions, nocuously
8 Letter Words for Contiguously
clouting, colonist, consulto, cooingly, cousinly, coyoting, cutlings, glucosin, glycosin, gulosity, linocuts, locution, lootings, outlying, outsling, scooting, scouting, sinology, sitology, snootily, solution, sootying, stolonic, stooling, toolings, tousling, tsiology, tungusic, uncostly, unctious, unguilty
7 Letter Words for Contiguously
cloison, closing, cloying, cogitos, colinus, colonus, colting, colugos, congius, congous, consult, cooings, cooling, coolung, coonily, costing, cotinus, countys, cousiny, coutils, cutling, cytosin, cytosol, glycins, gnostic, gonotyl, goonily, goutily, gulonic, gustily, gutsily, ignotus, isogony, isology, isotony, lignous, lingots, linocut, locoing, logions, logouts, longyis, loosing, looting, lotions, lotusin, lousing, louting, lungyis, lusting, lutings, nocuity, nocuous, oculist, oilnuts, olingos, ologist, oulongs, ousting, outguns, outings, outlung, outsing, outsung, sciolto, scolion, scotino, singult, soliton, soloing, solutio, sooling, sootily, sooting, soucing, stonily, styling, stylion, suction, suingly, tiglons, tolings, tooling, tousing, toyings, tycoons, tylocin, tylosin, ulicons, uloncus, ultions, unclogs, unclout, uncoils, uncolts, ungouty, unlisty, unlogic, unlousy, unlusty, unsooty, unstoic
6 Letter Words for Contiguously
clings, clingy, clints, clinty, clonos, clonus, cloots, clouts, clouty, cluing, clying, cogito, cogons, coigns, coigny, coitus, coling, colins, cologs, coloni, colons, colony, colugo, congos, congou, consol, consul, contos, cooing, coonty, coosin, cosign, cosing, costly, coting, cotoin, coulis, counts, county, cousin, coutil, coying, cultus, cutins, cygnus, cystin, cytons, giusto, glints, glinty, glouts, gluons, glutin, glycin, gousty, guilts, guilty, gulist, guyots, gynics, igloos, incogs, incult, inglut, ingots, insoul, insult, isogon, isolog, lingot, linous, lituus, locust, logics, logins, logion, logons, logout, longus, longyi, looing, losing, lotion, lotong, loungy, lungis, lungyi, luting, lyings, lysing, lyting, nicolo, nicols, noctis, nosily, nostic, nostoc, nostoi, noyous, octoyl, octyls, oculus, oilnut, olingo, oncost, oocyst, oulong, outgun, outing, outsin, scolog, scungy, singly, sintoc, sluicy, sluing, snooty, snouty, snugly, sociol, soling, solion, solito, soniou, soonly, stingo, stingy, stolon, stying, suitly, suling, sulung, sunglo, sunlit, syling, tiglon, tigons, tingly, tinguy, tocsin, toison, toling, toluic, tonguy, tonics, tonous, tonsil, toolsi, toolsy, tosily, tosing, tously, toying, toyons, tsouic, tucson, tulnic, tungos, tungus, tunics, tycoon, tylion, ulicon, ultion, uncity, unclog, unclot, uncoil, uncolt, uncoly, uncool, uncost, uncous, unguis, unlist, unlost, unlust, unoily, unslit, unslot, unsoil, unsoot, unsoul, unsuit, unugly, ustion, yogist, youngs
5 Letter Words for Contiguously
cions, cling, clint, clits, clogs, cloit, clong, clons, cloot, clots, clous, clout, cloys, clung, cogit, cogon, coign, coils, coing, coins, coiny, coits, colin, colog, colon, colts, congo, conli, conoy, const, consy, contg, conto, conus, cools, cooly, coons, coony, coost, coots, cooty, cosin, count, coyol, coyos, cuing, cuits, culot, culti, cults, cunit, cunts, cutin, cutis, cytol, cyton, gilts, gilty, giust, glint, glist, glits, glost, glout, gluon, gluts, gonys, gools, gooly, goons, goony, goosy, gotos, gouts, gouty, goyin, guilt, guily, gusli, gusto, gusty, gutsy, guyot, gynic, icons, ictus, igloo, iglus, incog, incus, incut, inglu, ingot, insol, inust, islot, isoln, iulus, lingo, lings, lingy, linos, lints, linty, lions, listy, litus, locos, locus, logic, login, logis, logoi, logon, logos, loins, longs, loons, loony, loots, lotic, lotos, lotus, louis, louns, lousy, louts, louty, lungi, lungs, lungy, lunts, lusty, lygus, lying, lyons, lysin, lytic, nicol, nilot, nitos, noils, noily, noisy, nolos, nosig, notus, nouls, nutsy, octyl, oculi, oints, olios, ology, oncus, ontic, oonts, oscin, outgo, outly, scion, scoog, scoon, scoot, scoug, scout, scult, sigyn, silty, sling, sloot, sluig, sluit, slung, snool, snoot, snout, soign, soily, solio, solon, soncy, songy, sonic, sonly, soony, sooty, sotol, souct, souly, sting, stion, stoic, stoln, stong, stony, stool, stoon, stoun, stung, styli, stylo, suing, suint, suity, sulci, sycon, ticul, tigon, tings, tinsy, tocos, toils, tolus, tongs, tonic, tonus, tools, toons, touns, tousy, toyon, toyos, tugui, tulsi, tungo, tungs, tunic, tunis, tying, tylus, uglis, ulcus, uncos, uncoy, uncus, uncut, ungot, unist, units, unity, unius, unlit, unoil, unsly, unsty, until, using, usnic, yinst, yogic, yogis, yonic, yonis, young
4 Letter Words for Contiguously
cigs, cion, cist, cito, cits, city, clin, clio, clit, clog, clon, clos, clot, clou, cloy, cogs, coil, coin, coit, coli, cols, colt, coly, cong, coni, cons, cont, cony, cool, coon, coos, coot, cost, coto, cots, coul, coyn, coyo, coys, cuit, cult, cunt, cuon, cust, cuts, cyon, cyst, cyul, gilo, gils, gilt, gins, gios, gist, gits, glis, glit, glos, gloy, glut, glyc, glyn, gnus, gois, goli, gons, gony, gool, goon, goos, goto, gout, goys, gulo, guls, gult, guly, gunl, guns, gust, guts, guys, icon, iglu, ilot, incl, ingo, inly, inst, intl, into, iocs, ions, isnt, itsy, iuus, ligs, ling, lino, lins, lint, liny, lion, list, lisu, lits, litu, loci, locn, loco, logo, logs, logy, loin, long, loon, loos, loot, lost, loti, loto, lots, loun, lout, loyn, loys, lucy, lugs, luit, lung, lunt, luny, lust, lyon, nils, niog, nist, nito, nits, nogs, noil, nolo, nolt, nosy, nots, noul, nous, nout, noys, nuts, oils, oily, oint, olio, only, onst, onto, onus, oons, oont, oosy, oots, oslo, otic, otis, otus, oust, outs, scil, scog, scot, scug, scul, scun, scut, scyt, sign, silo, silt, sing, siol, sion, situ, slit, slog, slon, sloo, slot, slug, slut, snig, snit, snog, snot, snug, soco, soil, soln, solo, song, sool, soon, soot, soul, sout, stlg, stog, stug, stun, suci, sugi, suit, sulu, sung, suni, sunt, syli, sync, tics, tigs, tils, tinc, ting, tins, tiny, toco, tocs, togo, togs, toil, tolu, tong, tons, tony, tool, toon, tosy, toug, toun, toyo, toys, tsun, tugs, tuis, tulu, tung, tuno, tuns, tunu, tuny, tygs, tyin, ugli, ugly, uily, ulto, ulus, unci, unco, uncs, unct, ungt, unio, unis, unit, unto, util, utis, utug, yilt, yins, yogi, yoni, yont, yous, yugs, yutu
3 Letter Words for Contiguously
cgs, cig, cis, cit, cli, clo, cly, cns, cog, col, con, coo, cos, cot, coy, csi, cst, ctg, ctn, cto, cts, cul, cun, cut, cyl, gin, gio, gis, git, glt, gns, gnu, goi, gol, gon, goo, gos, got, gou, goy, gtc, gui, gul, gun, gus, gut, guy, gyn, icy, ign, ilo, inc, ing, ins, int, ion, ios, iou, isl, isn, iso, ist, its, iyo, lig, lin, lis, lit, loc, log, loo, los, lot, loy, lsc, lst, lug, luo, lut, lyc, lyn, lys, nco, nig, nil, nis, nit, nog, nol, noo, nos, not, noy, nul, nus, nut, nys, oct, oil, ois, oni, ono, ons, ont, ony, oon, oos, oot, osi, otc, oto, oui, ous, out, oys, sci, sct, sic, sig, sil, sin, sit, slt, sly, sny, soc, sog, sol, son, sot, sou, soy, stg, sty, sui, sun, syl, syn, tgn, tic, tig, til, tin, tis, tiu, tlc, tln, tlo, tng, toc, tog, toi, tol, ton, too, tos, tou, toy, tsi, tug, tui, tun, tuy, tyg, ugs, ugt, uit, ult, ulu, unc, ung, uni, unl, uns, ust, usu, utc, uti, uts, utu, ygo, yin, yis, yoi, yon, yos, yot, you, yug, yus
Definitions for Contiguously
[1] touching; in contact.
[2] in close proximity without actually touching; near.
[3] adjacent in time: contiguous events.
[4] touching along the side or boundary; in contact
[5] physically adjacent; neighbouring
[6] preceding or following in time
Words related to Contiguously
contiguousshortly, instantaneously, promptly, immediately, quickly, instantly, right, instant, forthwith, straight, due, dead, now, straightaway, anon, presently, pronto, speedily, instanter, direct
Words nearby Contiguously
contiguouscontextualism, contextualize, contexture, contg., contiguity, contiguous, contin., continence, continent, continental, continental army
Origin of Contiguously
1605–15; < Latin contiguus bordering upon, equivalent to con- con- + tig- (variant stem of -tingere, combining form of tangere to touch; see tangent, contingent, contact) + -uus deverbal adj. suffix; cf. -ous, continuous
Other words from Contiguously
con·tig·u·ous·ly , adverb
con·tig·u·ous·ness , noun
non·con·tig·u·ous , adjective
non·con·tig·u·ous·ly , adverb
non·con·tig·u·ous·ness , noun
un·con·tig·u·ous , adjective
un·con·tig·u·ous·ly , adverb
un·con·tig·u·ous·ness , noun
con•tig′ u•ous•ness n.
Word origin for Contiguously
C17: from Latin contiguus, from contingere to touch; see contact
Synonyms for Contiguously
anon, at once, dead, due, first off, forthwith, immediately, in a second, instant, instantaneously, instanter, instantly, now, presently, promptly, pronto, quickly, right away, shortly, speedily, straight off, straightaway