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Showing words for CONTOURED using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Contoured


8 Letter Words for Contoured

contrude, cornuted, creodont, trounced, undoctor, unrooted

7 Letter Words for Contoured

conteur, contour, cornute, cornuto, coronet, counted, counter, countor, courted, crooned, crouton, crunode, decourt, duotone, eductor, orotund, outdoer, outdone, outrode, recount, rotonde, rotundo, tendoor, tendour, trounce, uncored, unroted

6 Letter Words for Contoured

cedron, centro, ceroon, conder, condor, condue, conred, conter, conure, cooner, cooter, cordon, corned, cornet, corone, coroun, coured, couter, cronet, croton, croute, cruent, curdoo, curted, decurt, derout, detour, deturn, deuton, docent, doctor, doucer, doucet, douter, dronet, dronte, ductor, dunter, econut, enduro, enroot, entour, notour, octode, octuor, outred, recond, redout, reduct, retund, rodent, roncet, rooted, rotund, rounce, routed, runted, toured, tourne, truced, tunder, turned, uncord, uncore, undoer, unroot, untrod

5 Letter Words for Contoured

cento, centu, coden, coder, codon, coeno, condo, coned, coner, contd, conte, conto, contr, cooed, cooer, cored, corno, cornu, coted, coude, count, courd, coure, court, credo, crone, crood, croon, crout, crude, cruet, crunt, cured, curet, cuter, decon, decor, detur, donec, donet, donor, doorn, doter, douce, drent, drone, drunt, dunce, duret, duroc, educt, enrut, eruct, necro, noted, noter, nuder, ocote, odeon, oncer, oncet, ounce, outdo, outed, outen, outer, outre, recon, recto, recut, redon, rendu, rodeo, ronco, ronde, rondo, roneo, ronte, roted, rouen, round, route, runed, tecon, tendo, tendu, tenor, tondo, toned, toner, tored, tourn, trend, troco, trode, tronc, trone, troue, truce, trued, tudor, tuned, tuner, turco, under, unode, unred, uredo, urent, urned, utend, utero

4 Letter Words for Contoured

cent, cern, cero, cert, code, codo, coed, cond, cone, cont, coon, coot, cord, core, corn, cort, cote, coto, coud, coue, cour, cred, crud, crue, crut, cued, cund, cunt, cuon, curd, cure, curn, curt, cute, dcor, deco, dent, dern, dero, detn, doen, doer, done, dont, doon, door, dore, dorn, dort, dote, douc, dour, dout, drou, duce, duct, duer, duet, dune, dunt, durn, duro, ecod, econ, ecru, ecto, educ, endo, ento, entr, eruc, eton, euro, nerd, neut, node, nore, note, nout, nude, nurd, oder, odor, once, oner, onto, oont, oord, ordn, ordo, ordu, ored, oreo, otoe, ourn, outr, recd, rect, redo, rend, reno, rent, retd, rode, roed, rond, rone, ront, rood, roon, root, rotc, rote, roto, roud, roue, roun, rout, rude, rued, ruen, rund, rune, runt, tend, tern, toco, tode, toed, tone, toon, torc, tore, torn, toro, toru, toun, tour, trod, tron, true, trun, tund, tune, tuno, turd, turn, udon, unce, unco, unct, unde, undo, unto, urde, uroo

3 Letter Words for Contoured

cdr, cen, ceo, cer, cod, con, coo, cor, cot, cro, crt, cru, cte, ctn, cto, ctr, cud, cue, cun, cur, cut, dec, den, der, det, doc, doe, don, doo, dor, dot, duc, due, dun, duo, dur, eco, ect, ecu, edo, enc, end, eon, erd, ern, ert, etc, nco, ned, neo, net, nod, noo, nor, not, nur, nut, oct, ode, oer, one, ono, ont, oon, oor, oot, orc, ord, ore, ort, otc, oto, oud, our, out, rcd, rct, rec, red, rnd, roc, rod, roe, ron, roo, rot, rte, ruc, rud, rue, run, rut, tdr, tec, ted, ten, ter, toc, tod, toe, ton, too, tor, tou, tue, tun, tur, udo, unc, urd, ure, urn, utc, ute

Definitions for Contoured

[1] the outline of a figure or body; the edge or line that defines or bounds a shape or object.
[2] contour line.
[3] Phonetics . a distinctive pattern of changes in pitch, stress, or tone extending across all or part of an utterance, especially across a sentence, and contributing to meaning.
[4] to mark with contour lines.
[5] to make or form the contour or outline of.
[6] to build (a road, railroad track, etc.) in conformity with the contour of the land.
[7] to mold or shape so as to fit a certain configuration: cars with seats that are contoured for comfort.
[8] molded or shaped to fit a particular contour or form: contour seats.
[9] Agriculture . of or used in a system of plowing, cultivating, sowing, etc., along the contour lines of the land in order to trap water runoff and prevent erosion.
[10] the outline of a mass of land, figure, or body; a defining line
[11] See contour line (as modifier ) a contour map
[12] (often plural) the shape or surface, esp of a curving form the contours of her body were full and round
[13] (modifier) shaped to fit the form of something a contour chair
[14] a rising and falling variation pattern, as in music and intonation
[15] to shape so as to form the contour of something
[16] to mark contour lines on
[17] to construct (a road, railway, etc) to follow the outline of the land

Words related to Contoured

contourmodeled, formed, molded

Words nearby Contoured

contourcontort, contorted, contortion, contortionist, contortive, contour, contour curtain, contour feather, contour integration, contour interval, contour line

Origin of Contoured

1655–65; < French, equivalent to con- con- + tour a turn (see tour), modeled on Italian contorno, derivative of contornare to outline; see turn

Other words from Contoured

re·con·tour , verb (used with object)
un·con·toured , adjective

Word origin for Contoured

C17: from French, from Italian contorno, from contornare to sketch, from tornare to turn

Synonyms for Contoured

formed, modeled, molded