8 Letter Words for Contrite
contrite, cornetti, tetronic
7 Letter Words for Contrite
cerotin, cittern, cointer, cornett, cortine, cotrine, cottier, cretion, crottin, entotic, noticer, rection, tonetic, tritone
6 Letter Words for Contrite
centro, cinter, citron, coiner, conite, conter, cornet, cortin, cotter, cretin, crinet, cronet, cronie, crotin, erotic, intort, nitter, noetic, norice, norite, notice, octine, orcein, orcine, oretic, orient, recoin, retint, roncet, rotten, tentor, tercio, tertio, terton, tetric, tiento, tinter, tonier, tonite, torten, tortie, tricon, tricot, triton
5 Letter Words for Contrite
ceint, centi, cento, cerin, cetin, citer, coner, conte, contr, corni, cotte, crine, crone, ettin, incor, inert, inter, intro, iortn, irone, necro, nicer, niter, nitro, noire, norie, norit, noter, octet, oncer, oncet, ontic, orcin, ortet, otter, recit, recon, recti, recto, retin, ronte, rotte, tecon, tenio, tenor, tetri, ticer, tinct, titer, toner, tonic, toret, toric, torte, toter, trice, trine, trite, troic, tronc, trone
4 Letter Words for Contrite
cent, cern, cero, cert, ceti, cine, cion, cire, cite, cito, coin, coir, coit, cone, coni, cont, core, corn, cort, cote, cott, crin, crit, econ, ecto, ento, entr, eric, erin, etic, eton, icer, icon, incr, inro, into, intr, iron, iter, neti, nice, nito, noir, nore, nori, note, nott, oeci, oint, once, oner, otic, rect, rein, reit, reno, rent, rice, rine, riot, rite, ritt, roin, roit, rone, ront, rotc, rote, roti, tent, tern, tice, tien, tier, tinc, tine, tint, tire, tite, toit, tone, torc, tore, tori, torn, tort, tote, tret, trie, trin, trio, trit, tron, trot
3 Letter Words for Contrite
cen, ceo, cer, cie, cir, cit, con, cor, cot, cro, crt, cte, ctn, cto, ctr, eco, ect, eir, enc, eon, ern, ert, etc, ice, inc, int, ion, ire, nco, nei, neo, net, nie, nit, nor, not, oct, oer, oie, one, oni, ont, orc, ore, ort, otc, rct, rec, rei, rie, rin, rio, rit, roc, roe, roi, ron, rot, rte, rti, tec, ten, ter, tet, tic, tie, tin, tit, tnt, toc, toe, toi, ton, tor, tot, tri, trt
Definitions for Contrite
[1] caused by or showing sincere remorse.
[2] filled with a sense of guilt and the desire for atonement; penitent: a contrite sinner.
[3] full of guilt or regret; remorseful
[4] arising from a sense of shame or guilt contrite promises
[5] theol remorseful for past sin and resolved to avoid future sin
Words related to Contrite
apologetic, repentant, humble, sorry, remorseful, conscience-stricken, penitent, sorrowful, compunctious, penitential, attritional, chastened
Words nearby Contrite
contribute, contribution, contributor, contributory, contributory negligence, contrite, contrition, contrivance, contrive, contrived, control
Origin of Contrite
1300–50; Middle English contrit (< Anglo-French ) < Latin contrītus worn down, crushed, past participle of conterere. See con-, trite
Other words from Contrite
con·trite·ly , adverb
con·trite·ness , noun
o·ver·con·trite , adjective
o·ver·con·trite·ly , adverb
o·ver·con·trite·ness , noun
un·con·trite , adjective
Word origin for Contrite
C14: from Latin contrītus worn out, from conterere to bruise, from terere to grind
Synonyms for Contrite
apologetic, humble, remorseful, repentant, sorry, attritional, chastened, compunctious, conscience-stricken, penitent, penitential, sorrowful