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Showing words for CONVENTIONS using the English dictionary

11 Letter Words for Conventions


10 Letter Words for Conventions


9 Letter Words for Conventions

coinvents, connivent, connotive, innocents, noninsect, nonoscine

8 Letter Words for Conventions

coinvent, connives, connotes, contoise, convento, convents, cooniest, coonties, innocent, nontonic, nonvoice, scontion, sonnetic

7 Letter Words for Conventions

conines, connies, connive, connote, consent, contise, convent, convite, convito, coontie, cooties, costive, covents, entonic, incents, intones, invents, ionones, isotone, neocons, nocents, noetics, nonnies, nonsine, notices, notions, novices, oncovin, onionet, ovonics, scotino, section, sencion, stenion, tension, tesvino, toonies, vection, venison, vincent

6 Letter Words for Conventions

centon, centos, cestoi, ceston, civets, conine, conins, conite, connes, connie, contes, contin, contos, convos, coosen, coosin, cootie, cosine, cotise, cotoin, covens, covent, covets, covine, covins, covite, encist, ennoic, enoint, envois, evicts, icones, incent, incest, innest, insect, intens, intone, invect, invent, invest, ionone, necton, nentsi, neocon, nicest, ninons, nintoo, nitons, nivose, nocent, nocive, noctis, noetic, noints, nonces, noncon, nonent, nonets, nonion, nonoic, nosine, nosite, nostic, nostoc, nostoi, notice, notion, novice, octine, octose, oecist, oncost, onions, ononis, onsite, oscine, ostein, otiose, ovines, ovonic, scient, sencio, sennit, sinnen, sinnet, sintoc, snoove, sonnet, soviet, sovite, stonen, stonne, stoven, tennis, tennos, tenons, tenson, tinnen, tocsin, toison, tonics, tonies, tonnes, toonie, toosie, vectis, venins, ventin, vinose, voices

5 Letter Words for Conventions

ceint, centi, cento, cents, cesti, cetin, cines, cions, cites, cives, civet, coeno, coins, coits, cones, conin, conne, conns, const, conte, conto, convo, coons, coost, coots, cosen, coset, cosie, cosin, coste, cotes, coven, coves, covet, covin, csnet, entsi, envoi, eosin, escot, estoc, evict, icons, iconv, innet, inone, inset, intsv, neist, neons, nevis, nines, ninon, ninos, niton, nitos, noint, noise, nonce, nones, nonet, nonic, noons, noose, notes, ocote, oenin, oints, onces, oncet, oncin, onion, onset, ontic, oonts, oscin, osone, ovens, ovest, ovine, ovist, scent, scion, scone, scoon, scoot, scote, scove, secno, senit, senti, seton, sient, since, sinon, snite, snoot, sonce, sonic, sonne, soote, sotie, stein, steno, stine, stion, stive, stoic, stone, stonn, stoon, stove, tecon, tenio, tenno, tenon, tenso, tices, tiens, tines, tocos, toise, tones, tonic, tonne, toons, tsine, veins, venin, vents, vices, vines, vinet, vinos, vints, visne, vison, visto, voces, voice, votes

4 Letter Words for Conventions

cens, cent, cest, ceti, cine, cion, cist, cite, cito, cits, cive, civs, coes, coin, coit, cone, coni, conn, cons, cont, conv, coon, coos, coot, cose, cost, cote, coto, cots, cove, econ, ecto, ento, eons, etic, eton, ices, icon, inne, inns, inst, into, invt, iocs, ions, isnt, nein, neon, nest, neti, nets, nevi, nevo, nice, nies, nine, nist, nito, nits, noes, none, noon, nose, note, nots, novo, nsec, oeci, oint, once, ones, onst, onto, oons, oont, oose, oots, otic, otis, otoe, oven, ovis, scet, scot, seco, sect, seit, sent, sice, sien, sine, sion, site, snit, snot, soce, soco, sone, soon, soot, sten, stie, svce, tens, tice, tics, tien, ties, tinc, tine, tins, toco, tocs, toes, tone, tonn, tons, toon, tose, vein, vent, vest, veto, vets, vice, vies, vine, vino, vins, vint, vise, vite, voce, voes, voet, vote

3 Letter Words for Conventions

cen, ceo, cie, cis, cit, civ, cns, con, coo, cos, cot, csi, cst, cte, ctn, cto, cts, eco, ect, enc, ens, env, eon, eos, esc, est, etc, ice, inc, inn, ins, int, inv, ion, ios, ise, isn, iso, ist, its, ive, nco, nei, neo, net, nie, nis, nit, nne, non, noo, nos, not, nov, oct, oes, oie, ois, one, oni, ono, ons, ont, oon, oos, oot, ose, osi, otc, oto, sci, sct, sec, sei, sen, set, sic, sie, sin, sit, soc, son, sot, sov, svc, tec, ten, tes, tic, tie, tin, tis, toc, toe, toi, ton, too, tos, tov, tsi, vei, vet, vic, vie, vin, vis, voc, voe, von

Definitions for Conventions

[1] a meeting or formal assembly, as of representatives or delegates, for discussion of and action on particular matters of common concern.
[2] U.S. Politics . a representative party assembly to nominate candidates and adopt platforms and party rules.
[3] an agreement, compact, or contract.
[4] an international agreement, especially one dealing with a specific matter, as postal service or copyright.
[5] a rule, method, or practice established by usage; custom: the convention of showing north at the top of a map.
[6] general agreement or consent; accepted usage, especially as a standard of procedure.
[7] conventionalism.
[8] Bridge . any of a variety of established systems or methods of bidding or playing that allows partners to convey certain information about their hands.
[9] a large formal assembly of a group with common interests, such as a political party or trade union the persons attending such an assembly
[10] US politics an assembly of delegates of one party to select candidates for office
[11] diplomacy an international agreement second only to a treaty in formality a telecommunications convention
[12] any agreement, compact, or contract
[13] the most widely accepted or established view of what is thought to be proper behaviour, good taste, etc
[14] an accepted rule, usage, etc a convention used by printers
[15] Also called: conventional bridge a bid or play not to be taken at its face value, which one's partner can interpret according to a prearranged bidding system

Words related to Conventions

conventionmeeting, show, code, law, rule, pact, covenant, protocol, confab, assembly, congress, convocation, powwow, delegation, council, meet, rally, assemblage, representatives, clambake

Words nearby Conventions

conventionconvenience store, conveniency, convenient, convent, conventicle, convention, convention center, conventional, conventional sign, conventional thoracoplasty, conventional weapon

Origin of Conventions

1375–1425; late Middle English convencio(u)n (< Middle French ) < Latin conventiōn- (stem of conventiō ) agreement, literally, a coming together. See convene, -tion

Other words from Conventions

an·ti·con·ven·tion , adjective
coun·ter·con·ven·tion , noun
post·con·ven·tion , adjective
pre·con·ven·tion , noun
pro·con·ven·tion , adjective
un·con·ven·tion , noun

Word origin for Conventions

C15: from Latin conventiō an assembling, agreeing

Synonyms for Conventions

meeting, show, assemblage, assembly, clambake, confab, congress, convocation, council, delegates, delegation, meet, members, powwow, rally, representatives, get together