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Showing words for COP using the English dictionary
3 Letter Words for Cop
Definitions for Cop
[1] to catch; nab.
[2] to steal; filch.
[3] to buy (narcotics).
[4] cop out , to avoid one's responsibility, the fulfillment of a promise, etc.; renege; back out (often followed by on or of ): He never copped out on a friend in need. You agreed to go, and you can't cop out now. cop a plea.
[5] cop a plea , to plead guilty or confess in return for receiving a lighter sentence. to plead guilty to a lesser charge as a means of bargaining one's way out of standing trial for a more serious charge; plea-bargain.
[6] a police officer.
[7] a person who seeks to regulate a specified behavior, activity, practice, etc.: character cops.
[8] a conical mass of thread, yarn, etc., wound on a spindle.
[9] British Dialect . crest; tip.
[10] coefficient of performance.
[11] copper.
[12] copyright; copyrighted.
[13] Copernican.
[14] Coptic.
[15] another name for policeman
[16] British an arrest (esp in the phrase a fair cop )
[17] an instance of plagiarism
[18] to seize or catch
[19] to steal
[20] to buy, steal, or otherwise obtain (illegal drugs) Compare score (def. 26)
[21] Also: cop it to suffer (a punishment) you'll cop a clout if you do that!
[22] cop it sweet Australian slang to accept a penalty without complaint to have good fortune
[23] a conical roll of thread wound on a spindle
[24] mainly dialect the top or crest, as of a hill
[25] British slang (usually used with a negative) worth or value that work is not much cop
[26] Certificate of Proficiency: a pass in a university subject
Words related to Cop
deputy, sheriff, patrolman, policeman, fuzz, policewoman, lawman, flatfoot, patrolwoman
Words nearby Cop
cooter, cootie, cooty, coover, cooze, cop, cop a feel, cop a plea, cop off, cop out, cop shop
Origin of Cop
3before 1000; Middle English, Old English cop tip, top (in ME also head), probably cognate with Dutch kop, German Kopf head; see cup
Word origin for Cop
C19: n use of cop 1 (in the sense: to catch, hence something caught, something of value)
Synonyms for Cop
deputy, flatfoot, fuzz, lawman, patrolman, policeman, policewoman, sheriff, officer of the law, patrolwoman, peace officer, police officer, the man