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Showing words for CORDON using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Cordon
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3 Letter Words for Cordon
Definitions for Cordon
[1] a line of police, sentinels, military posts, warships, etc., enclosing or guarding an area.
[2] a cord or braid worn for ornament or as a fastening.
[3] a ribbon worn usually diagonally across the breast as a badge of a knightly or honorary order.
[4] Fortification . a projecting course of stones at the base of a parapet. the coping of a scarp.
[5] Architecture . a stringcourse, especially one having little or no projection. a cut-stone riser on a stepped ramp or the like.
[6] a fruit tree or shrub trained to grow along a support or a series of such supports.
[7] to surround or blockade with or as with a cordon (usually followed by off ): The police cordoned off the street.
[8] a chain of police, soldiers, ships, etc, stationed around an area
[9] a ribbon worn as insignia of honour or rank
[10] a cord or ribbon worn as an ornament or fastening
[11] Also called: string course , belt course , table architect an ornamental projecting band or continuous moulding along a wall
[12] horticulture a form of fruit tree consisting of a single stem bearing fruiting spurs, produced by cutting back all lateral branches
[13] (tr often foll by off ) to put or form a cordon (around); close (off)
Words related to Cordon
insignia, pin, stamp, symbol, token, identification, medallion, ribbon, marker, bow, decoration, tape, streamer, strip, stripe, sphere, ring, sequester, shield, brand
Words nearby Cordon
cordite, cordless, cordless telephone, cordo-, cordoba, cordon, cordon bleu, cordon sanitaire, cordonbleu, cordonnet, cordopexy
Origin of Cordon
1400–50; Middle English < Middle French, diminutive of corde
Word origin for Cordon
C16: from Old French, literally: a little cord, from corde string, cord
Synonyms for Cordon
identification, insignia, marker, medallion, pin, ribbon, stamp, symbol, token, brand, device, mark, motto, scepter, shield, sign