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Showing words for CORRECT using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Correct
6 Letter Words for Correct
5 Letter Words for Correct
4 Letter Words for Correct
3 Letter Words for Correct
Definitions for Correct
[1] to set or make true, accurate, or right; remove the errors or faults from: The native guide corrected our pronunciation. The new glasses corrected his eyesight.
[2] to point out or mark the errors in: The teacher corrected the examination papers.
[3] to scold, rebuke, or punish in order to improve: Should parents correct their children in public?
[4] to counteract the operation or effect of (something hurtful or undesirable): The medication will correct stomach acidity.
[5] Mathematics , Physics . to alter or adjust so as to bring into accordance with a standard or with a required condition.
[6] to make a correction or corrections.
[7] (of stock prices) to reverse a trend, especially temporarily, as after a sharp advance or decline in previous trading sessions.
[8] conforming to fact or truth; free from error; accurate: a correct answer.
[9] in accordance with an acknowledged or accepted standard; proper: correct behavior.
[10] characterized by or adhering to a liberal or progressive ideology on matters of ethnicity, religion, sexuality, ecology, etc.: Is it environmentally correct to buy a real Christmas tree? Most of the judges in this district have correct political views.
[11] to make free from errors
[12] to indicate the errors in
[13] to rebuke or punish in order to set right or improve to correct a child ; to stand corrected
[14] to counteract or rectify (a malfunction, ailment, etc) these glasses will correct your sight
[15] to adjust or make conform, esp to a standard
[16] free from error; true; accurate the correct version
[17] in conformity with accepted standards correct behaviour
Words related to Correct
precise, perfect, strict, appropriate, legitimate, proper, equitable, factual, true, acceptable, careful, repair, upgrade, rectify, amend, review, remedy, redress, mend, regulate
Words nearby Correct
corr., corrade, corral, corrasion, correa, correct, correcting plate, correction, correction fluid, correctional, correctional facility
Origin of Correct
1300–50; (v.) Middle English correcten (< Anglo-French correcter ) < Latin corrēctus past participle of corrigere to make straight, equivalent to cor- cor- + reg- (stem of regere to direct) + -tus past participle suffix; (adj.) (< French correct ) < Latin, as above
Other words from Correct
cor·rect·a·ble , cor·rect·i·ble , adjective
cor·rect·a·bil·i·ty , cor·rect·i·bil·i·ty , noun
cor·rect·ing·ly , adverb
cor·rect·ly , adverb
cor·rect·ness , noun
cor·rec·tor , noun
re·cor·rect , verb (used with object)
un·cor·rect·ed , adjective
un·der·cor·rect , verb (used with object)
well-cor·rect·ed , adjective
Word origin for Correct
C14: from Latin corrigere to make straight, put in order, from com- (intensive) + regere to rule
Synonyms for Correct
appropriate, equitable, factual, legitimate, perfect, precise, proper, strict, true, okay, right, stone, according to Hoyle, actual, amen, cooking with gas, dead on, faithful, faultless, flawless, for sure, free of error, impeccable, just, nice, on target, on the ball, on the beam, on the button, on the money, on the nose, on track, regular, right as rain, right on, right stuff, righteous, rigorous, undistorted, unmistaken, veracious, veridical