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Showing words for CORROBORATIVE using the English dictionary

13 Letter Words for Corroborative


11 Letter Words for Corroborative


10 Letter Words for Corroborative

bioreactor, brevoortia, roborative

9 Letter Words for Corroborative

briarroot, brierroot, carrotier, coarbiter, corrivate, corrobori, covibrate, riverboat, roratorio

8 Letter Words for Corroborative

abortive, arbitrer, arrector, barretor, bearcoot, bivector, boarcite, boracite, bravoite, carroter, catbrier, cavorter, corrober, cretoria, cribrate, evocator, irrorate, obviator, oratoric, oratorio, overbait, overboot, overcoat, overriot, roborate, veratric, vibrator

7 Letter Words for Corroborative

aborter, abricot, acroter, aerobic, arbiter, arbitre, arborer, arboret, arborio, arriero, arriver, barrico, barrier, boeotia, bracero, cabrito, carrier, cartier, cirrate, corrive, cortaro, crabier, creator, erotica, erratic, evictor, evirato, iceboat, iceroot, obovate, obviate, october, orbitar, orbiter, orvieto, overact, overbar, overbit, rarebit, reactor, roarier, robotic, rootier, rortier, taborer, tarrier, tribrac, vibrate, vibrato, vrbaite

6 Letter Words for Corroborative

abrico, acrite, active, aortic, areito, arrect, arrive, artier, atroce, avocet, baiter, barite, baroto, barrer, barret, barrie, barrio, barter, birota, bitore, boater, boatie, booter, borate, bovate, bracer, brairo, braver, brecia, brevit, cabret, cabrie, cabrit, carbro, caribe, carrot, carter, carver, cativo, cavier, cavort, coater, coatie, coorie, cooter, cootie, corbet, corbie, corita, correo, corrie, corver, corvet, cotoro, covert, covite, craber, crabit, crater, craver, croove, erotic, irater, irrate, oarier, obiter, obvert, octave, octavo, octroi, ooecia, oorier, orator, orbate, orbier, orbita, orbite, oretic, orrice, ortive, ovator, racier, ratero, rebait, rebato, reboot, recart, recoat, rector, reroot, retira, revoir, rioter, roarer, roarie, robert, rocroi, rooter, rorier, rorter, taiver, tarrer, tarrie, terbia, terbic, tercia, tercio, terrar, terror, tobira, toorie, torero, tracer, triace, tricae, tricar, trocar, trover, varier, vector, viator, victor, vocate, voicer

5 Letter Words for Corroborative

aberr, abore, abort, abote, above, abret, acerb, acier, actor, aeric, airer, aiver, arber, arbor, ariot, arite, arret, arrie, arter, artic, avert, avoir, baioc, barer, baret, baric, barie, barit, baroi, barre, bater, beati, beira, berat, berri, bevor, biota, biter, boart, boite, boort, boote, borer, boric, brace, bract, brave, bravi, bravo, breva, brevi, brier, brite, caber, cabio, cabot, cabre, cairo, carbo, carer, caret, carib, carob, carot, carri, carte, carve, cater, caver, cavie, ceiba, ceibo, cerat, ceria, citer, civet, coarb, coart, coate, coati, cobia, cobra, cooba, cooer, corbe, corer, coria, coroa, corta, corve, corvo, cover, covet, craie, crare, crate, crave, cravo, creta, cribo, crier, croat, crore, ecart, erato, erbia, erica, error, evict, ibota, irate, oaric, oater, ocote, ocrea, oobit, oorie, orate, orbic, orbit, orvet, ovate, overt, rabic, rabot, racer, rarer, rater, ratio, ratoo, raver, react, rebar, rebit, recit, recti, recto, rerob, retar, retia, retro, ribat, ricer, river, rivet, roate, rober, robot, rocta, rooti, roove, roric, rorie, roter, rotor, rover, rovet, taber, tabic, taboo, tabor, tarie, taroc, tarre, tarri, tarve, taver, terai, terra, tiber, ticer, tirer, tirve, tiver, toric, torve, tovar, trace, trave, triac, tribe, trica, trice, trier, trior, troca, troco, troic, trove, vaire, varec, vario, vatic, vicar, vireo, vitae, vitra, vitro, vocab, vocat, voice, voter, vraic

4 Letter Words for Corroborative

abet, abir, abit, abor, abri, acer, acor, acre, aero, aire, airt, aivr, arco, aret, arri, arte, arvo, atoc, aver, avie, bact, baic, bait, bare, bari, barr, bart, bate, bear, beat, beta, bice, bier, biro, birr, birt, bite, bito, boar, boat, boca, boce, boer, boor, boot, bora, bore, bori, boro, bort, bota, bote, boti, boto, bove, brae, brat, brei, brer, bret, brev, brie, brio, brit, broo, brot, brrr, cair, carb, care, carr, cart, cate, cave, cera, cero, cert, ceti, ciao, cira, cire, cite, cito, cive, coat, coir, coit, coot, cora, core, corr, cort, corv, cote, coto, cove, crab, crib, crit, ebro, ecto, eira, erat, eria, eric, etic, iare, icao, icer, iota, iter, obia, obit, oboe, octa, oeci, orae, orca, oreo, orra, otic, otoe, over, rabi, race, rait, raob, rare, rate, rato, rave, rcvr, rear, rect, reit, ribe, rice, rier, riot, rita, rite, riva, rive, rivo, roar, robe, roer, roit, root, rort, rota, rotc, rote, roti, roto, rove, tabi, tace, taco, tare, tari, taro, tarr, tave, tear, teca, tera, terr, tiao, tiar, tice, tier, tire, tirr, tobe, toco, toea, torc, tore, tori, toro, torr, trac, trav, trib, trie, trio, vair, vare, vari, vera, verb, veri, vert, veta, veto, vibe, vica, vice, vier, vita, vite, voar, voce, voet, vota, vote

3 Letter Words for Corroborative

abc, abo, abr, abt, abv, ace, act, aer, air, ait, aob, aor, arb, arc, are, arr, art, ate, ave, avo, bac, bae, bai, bar, bat, bec, ber, bet, bio, bit, boa, boc, boe, boo, bor, bot, bra, bro, brr, bvt, cab, cai, car, cat, cav, ceo, cer, cia, cie, cir, cit, civ, cob, coo, cor, cot, cro, crt, cte, cto, ctr, cva, ear, eat, ecb, eco, ect, eir, era, err, ert, eta, etc, iao, iba, ice, ira, ire, ita, iva, ive, oar, oat, oba, obe, obi, obo, obv, oca, oct, oer, oie, oor, oot, ora, orb, orc, ore, ort, otc, oto, ova, rab, rai, rat, rbi, rct, rea, reb, rec, rei, rev, ria, rib, rie, rio, rit, riv, rob, roc, roe, roi, roo, rot, rte, rti, tab, tai, tao, tar, tav, tea, tec, ter, tib, tic, tie, toa, tob, toc, toe, toi, too, tor, tov, tra, tri, vac, vae, var, vat, vcr, vei, ver, vet, via, vic, vie, voc, voe, vor

Definitions for Corroborative

[1] to make more certain; confirm: He corroborated my account of the accident.
[2] Archaic . confirmed.
[3] (tr) to confirm or support (facts, opinions, etc), esp by providing fresh evidence the witness corroborated the accused's statement
[4] serving to corroborate a fact, an opinion, etc
[5] (of a fact) corroborated

Words related to Corroborative

corroboratecollateral, supporting

Words nearby Corroborative

corroboratecorrigendum, corrigible, corrin, corrival, corroborant, corroborate, corroboration, corroboree, corrode, corrody, corrosion

Origin of Corroborative

e1520–30; < Latin corrōborātus past participle of corrōborāre to strengthen, equivalent to cor- cor- + rōbor(āre ) to make strong (derivative of rōbor, rōbur oak (hence, strength); see robust) + -ātus -ate1

Words that may be confused with Corroborative

WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, corroboratecollaborate, corroborate

Other words from Corroborative

cor·rob·o·ra·tive [kuh -rob -uh -rey-tiv, -er-uh -tiv] /kəˈrɒb əˌreɪ tɪv, -ər ə tɪv/ , cor·rob·o·ra·to·ry , adjective
cor·rob·o·ra·tive·ly , cor·rob·o·ra·to·ri·ly , adverb
cor·rob·o·ra·tor , noun
non·cor·rob·o·rat·ing , adjective
non·cor·rob·o·ra·tive , adjective
non·cor·rob·o·ra·tive·ly , adverb
non·cor·rob·o·ra·to·ry , adjective
un·cor·rob·o·rat·ed , adjective
un·cor·rob·o·ra·tive , adjective
un·cor·rob·o·ra·tive·ly , adverb
un·cor·rob·o·ra·to·ry , adjective

Word origin for Corroborative

eC16: from Latin corrōborāre to invigorate, from rōborāre to make strong, from rōbur strength, literally: oak

Synonyms for Corroborative

collateral, supporting