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Showing words for COSMOS using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Cosmos
5 Letter Words for Cosmos
4 Letter Words for Cosmos
3 Letter Words for Cosmos
Definitions for Cosmos
[1] the world or universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious system.
[2] a complete, orderly, harmonious system.
[3] order; harmony.
[4] any composite plant of the genus Cosmos, of tropical America, some species of which, as C. bipannatus and C. sulphureus, are cultivated for their showy ray flowers.
[5] Also Kosmos. (initial capital letter ) Aerospace . one of a long series of Soviet satellites that have been launched into orbit around the earth.
[6] the world or universe considered as an ordered system
[7] any ordered system
[8] harmony; order
[9] plural -mos or -moses any tropical American plant of the genus Cosmos, cultivated as garden plants for their brightly coloured flowers: family Asteraceae (composites)
[10] astronautics any of various types of Soviet satellite, including Cosmos 1 (launched 1962) and nearly 2000 subsequent satellites
Words related to Cosmos
galaxy, world, creation, macrocosm, nature, organization, scheme, order, structure, harmony
Words nearby Cosmos
cosmonautics, cosmopolis, cosmopolitan, cosmopolitanize, cosmopolite, cosmos, cosmotron, cosplay, cosponsor, coss, cossack
Origin of Cosmos
1150–1200; Middle English < Greek kósmos order, form, arrangement, the world or universe
Word origin for Cosmos
C17: from Greek kosmos order, world, universe
Synonyms for Cosmos
galaxy, solar system, creation, macrocosm, nature, world, macrocosmos, megacosm, star system