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Showing words for COSTAR using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Costar
actors, castor, castro, costar, ostrca, scrota, tarocs
5 Letter Words for Costar
acost, actor, actos, ascot, astor, atocs, carot, carts, catso, coart, coast, coats, corta, costa, croat, crosa, crost, octas, orcas, oscar, ratos, roast, rocta, rotas, sacro, scart, scrat, sorta, tacos, tacso, taroc, taros, tasco, torcs, tosca, troca
4 Letter Words for Costar
acor, acts, arco, arcs, arts, asor, astr, atoc, cars, cart, cast, cats, coat, cora, cors, cort, cost, cots, crts, oars, oast, oats, ocas, octa, oras, orca, orcs, orts, osar, rast, rato, rats, rocs, rosa, rost, rota, rotc, rots, saco, sart, scar, scat, scot, soar, soca, sora, sort, srac, star, stoa, stor, stra, taco, taos, taro, tars, tocs, torc, tors, tosa, trac
3 Letter Words for Costar
act, aor, arc, ars, art, ast, car, cat, cor, cos, cot, cro, crs, crt, cst, cto, ctr, cts, oar, oas, oat, oca, oct, ora, orc, ors, ort, otc, ras, rat, rct, roc, ros, rot, sac, sao, sar, sat, scr, sct, soc, sot, sta, str, tao, tar, tas, toa, toc, tor, tos, tra, trs
Definitions for Costar
[1] a performer, especially an actor or actress, who shares star billing with another.
[2] a performer whose status is slightly below that of a star.
[3] to share star billing with another performer.
[4] to receive billing of slightly less status than that of a star.
[5] to present (two or more actors) as having equal billing or prominence.
[6] to present as having slightly less status than that of a star.
Words nearby Costar
costal angle, costal arch, costal cartilage, costalgia, costanoan, costar, costard, costate, costectomy, costello, costen's syndrome
Origin of Costar
An Americanism dating back to 1915–20; co- + star