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Showing words for COSTECTOMY using the English dictionary
10 Letter Words for Costectomy
9 Letter Words for Costectomy
cecostomy, cystotome, cytostome, ostectomy
8 Letter Words for Costectomy
cecotomy, cocottes, cytosome, ectocyst, otectomy, otomyces
7 Letter Words for Costectomy
cocotte, coyotes, mootest, mottoes, myosote, octects, oocytes, otocyst, scotomy, toomest, toysome
6 Letter Words for Costectomy
comets, comose, comtes, cooeys, coscet, cotset, coyest, coyote, cymose, cytome, cytost, ecosoc, metoos, moosey, motets, mottes, mycose, octect, octets, octose, oocyst, oocyte, ostomy, scotty, tocome, tootsy, totems, totemy
5 Letter Words for Costectomy
cocos, comes, comet, comte, cooey, cooms, coomy, coost, coots, cooty, cosec, coset, cosey, cosmo, coste, cotes, cotte, cotts, cotty, coyos, csect, cymes, cytes, escot, estoc, eyots, mccoy, mesto, metoo, moose, moost, moots, mosey, moste, motes, motet, motey, motte, motto, motts, motty, ocote, octet, ocyte, ottos, scoot, scote, scott, secco, smoot, smote, somet, sooey, soote, sooty, stoot, styme, styte, testy, tocos, tomes, tooms, toots, totem, totes, toyos, tyste, yetts, yocco, ytost
4 Letter Words for Costectomy
cest, coco, coct, coes, come, coms, coom, coos, coot, cose, cost, cote, coto, cots, cott, coyo, coys, cyme, cyst, cyte, eccm, ecco, ecto, emos, emys, etym, eyot, meso, mest, mets, moco, mocs, moes, moet, moos, moot, mose, most, mote, mots, mott, moyo, moys, msec, mycs, myst, ooms, oose, oosy, oots, otoe, otto, oyes, scet, scot, scye, scyt, seco, sect, secy, sett, soce, soco, some, soom, soot, stem, stet, stey, stot, syce, tems, test, tets, toco, tocs, toes, toey, tome, toms, toom, toot, tose, tosy, tote, toto, tots, toty, toyo, toys, tyes, tyte, tyto, yeom, yeso, yest, yett, yote
3 Letter Words for Costectomy
ccm, ceo, com, coo, cos, cot, coy, csc, cst, cte, cto, cts, cyc, ecc, ecm, eco, ect, emo, ems, eom, eos, esc, esm, est, etc, ety, mes, met, moc, moe, moo, mos, mot, moy, mst, mts, myc, mys, oct, oes, oms, oom, oos, oot, ose, otc, oto, oye, oys, sct, sec, sem, set, sey, soc, som, sot, soy, stm, sty, sye, sym, tec, tem, tes, tet, toc, toe, tom, too, tos, tot, toy, tst, tty, tye, tyt, yeo, yes, yet, yoe, yom, yos, yot
Definitions for Costectomy
[1] excision of part or all of a rib.
Words nearby Costectomy
costalgia, costanoan, costar, costard, costate, costectomy, costello, costen's syndrome, coster, costermansville, costermonger
Origin of Costectomy
cost- + -ectomy