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Showing words for COUNSEL using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Counsel

counsel, unclose

6 Letter Words for Counsel

clones, clonus, closen, coleus, consul, conule, ensoul, leucon, noules, nousel, nousle, oscule, ounces, uncles, unesco, unsole

5 Letter Words for Counsel

cloes, clone, clons, close, clous, clues, colen, coles, cones, conus, cosen, enols, eusol, lenos, leuco, locus, losen, louns, louse, luces, lunes, noels, noles, noule, nouls, onces, oncus, ounce, ousel, scone, secno, seoul, slone, socle, solen, sonce, souce, unces, uncle, uncos

4 Letter Words for Counsel

cels, cens, clon, clos, clou, clue, coes, cole, cols, cone, cons, cose, coue, coul, cues, cuon, ecol, econ, ecus, encl, enol, eons, leno, lens, leon, leos, locn, lone, lose, loun, luce, lues, lune, noel, noes, nole, nose, noul, nous, nsec, oles, once, ones, onus, scul, scun, seco, sloe, slon, slue, soce, sole, soln, sone, soul, sune, ules, unce, unco, uncs

3 Letter Words for Counsel

cel, cen, ceo, clo, cns, col, con, cos, cue, cul, cun, eco, ecu, els, enc, enl, ens, eon, eos, esc, esu, leo, les, leu, loc, loe, los, lsc, lue, luo, nco, neo, nol, nos, nul, nus, oes, ole, one, ons, ose, ous, sec, sel, sen, sle, soc, sol, son, sou, sue, sun, ule, unc, unl, uns, use

Definitions for Counsel

[1] advice; opinion or instruction given in directing the judgment or conduct of another.
[2] interchange of opinions as to future procedure; consultation; deliberation.
[3] Law . (used with a singular or plural verb ) the advocate or advocates engaged in the direction of a cause in court; a legal adviser or counselor: Is counsel for the defense present?
[4] deliberate purpose; plan; design.
[5] Theology . one of the advisory declarations of Christ, considered by some Christians as not universally binding but as given for aid in attaining moral perfection.
[6] Archaic . a private or secret opinion or purpose.
[7] Obsolete . wisdom; prudence.
[8] to give advice to; advise.
[9] to urge the adoption of, as a course of action; recommend (a plan, policy, etc.): He counseled patience during the crisis.
[10] to give counsel or advice.
[11] to get or take counsel or advice.
[12] keep one's own counsel , to conceal one's ideas or opinions; keep silent.
[13] take counsel , to ask for or exchange advice, ideas, or opinions; deliberate; consult.
[14] advice or guidance on conduct, behaviour, etc
[15] discussion, esp on future procedure; consultation to take counsel with a friend
[16] a person whose advice or guidance is or has been sought
[17] a barrister or group of barristers engaged in conducting cases in court and advising on legal matters counsel for the prosecution
[18] a policy or plan
[19] Christianity any of the counsels of perfection or evangelical counsels , namely poverty, chastity, and obedience
[20] counsel of perfection excellent but unrealizable advice
[21] private opinions or plans (esp in the phrase keep one's own counsel )
[22] archaic wisdom; prudence
[23] (tr) to give advice or guidance to
[24] (tr; often takes a clause as object) to recommend the acceptance of (a plan, idea, etc); urge
[25] (intr) archaic to take counsel; consult

Words related to Counsel

tip-off, information, direction, deliberation, admonition, advice, instruction, tip, forethought, advisement, warning, caution, suggestion, recommendation, consultation, consideration, steer, kibitz, adviser, attorney

Words nearby Counsel

councilman body, councilmember, councilor, councilperson, councilwoman, counsel, counselee, counseling, counselling, counsellor, counselor

Origin of Counsel

1175–1225; (noun) Middle English counseil < Anglo-French cunseil, Old French conseil < Latin consilium “debate, advice, advisory body, plan,” equivalent to consil-, variant stem of consulere “to apply for advice” (see consult) + -ium -ium; (verb) < Anglo-French cunseiler (Old French conseillier ) < Late Latin consiliāre, derivative of consilium

Words that may be confused with Counsel

consul, council, counsel, (see, usage, note, at, council)

Other words from Counsel

coun·sel·a·ble ; especially British , coun·sel·la·ble , adjective
pre·coun·sel , noun, verb, pre·coun·seled, pre·coun·sel·ing or (especially British ) pre·coun·selled, pre·coun·sel·ling.
re·coun·sel , verb (used with object), re·coun·seled, re·coun·sel·ing or (especially British ) re·coun·selled, re·coun·sel·ling.
un·coun·seled , adjective
un·coun·selled , adjective
well-coun·seled , adjective
well-coun·selled , adjective

Word origin for Counsel

C13: from Old French counseil, from Latin consilium deliberating body; related to consul , consult

Synonyms for Counsel

admonition, advice, advisement, caution, consideration, consultation, deliberation, direction, forethought, information, instruction, kibitz, recommendation, steer, suggestion, tip, tip-off, warning, two cents' worth, word to the wise