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Showing words for COUNTERBID using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Counterbid


9 Letter Words for Counterbid

bicornute, introduce, reduction, rubiconed

8 Letter Words for Counterbid

betorcin, bicorned, bouncier, bountied, brontide, centroid, contrude, cornuted, countrie, decurion, doctrine, eduction, eruction, icebound, inductor, neurotic, obtunder, orbitude, outcried, reductio, reinduct, trounced, tuberoid, tubicorn, turbined, uncredit, underbit, undirect, unerotic, unrioted, untriced

7 Letter Words for Counterbid

bedouin, beround, bicorne, bornite, bounced, bouncer, bounder, broiden, brucine, brucite, bruited, brunted, buncoed, buntier, cerotin, coenuri, cointer, coiture, condite, conduit, conteur, contrib, conturb, cordite, cornute, cortine, cotrine, counite, counted, counter, courted, cretion, cronied, crunode, ctenoid, cubited, cundite, curtein, debitor, decourt, deontic, deorbit, doubter, doucine, dourine, duction, eductor, endoubt, etourdi, eurobin, inducer, inorbed, intrude, ioduret, nebrodi, neuroid, noctuid, noticed, noticer, nutrice, obtrude, orbited, outbend, outbred, outride, rebound, recount, rection, redoubt, robinet, routine, rubicon, ruction, tendour, teucrin, tiburon, tribune, trinode, trounce, tuberin, tubicen, tueiron, turbine, turbond, turdine, turdion, unbored, unbroid, uncited, uncored, uncried, unorbed, unrobed, unroted, untired, untride, untried

6 Letter Words for Counterbid

bedirt, beirut, bertin, betorn, betrod, bicone, bicorn, bicron, bident, binder, binode, bitore, biuret, bodice, bodier, bonder, bonduc, bonier, bordun, boride, borine, boudin, bounce, bouned, bourne, boutre, breton, brince, brined, briton, brodie, brucin, brunei, brunet, bruted, bunced, bunder, bundoc, bunted, bunter, burden, burdie, burdon, buried, burion, burned, burnet, burnie, burton, butein, butine, ceboid, cedrin, cedron, centro, ceroid, cinder, cinter, citron, cobnut, coedit, coined, coiner, conder, condie, condue, conite, conred, conter, conure, corbed, corbet, corbie, coreid, corned, cornet, cortin, coured, courie, couter, credit, cretin, crined, crinet, cronet, cronie, crotin, croute, cruent, cubito, cuboid, cuiter, cuorin, curbed, curiet, curine, curite, curnie, curted, debout, debtor, decurt, derout, detour, deturb, deturn, deuton, dinero, direct, dirten, ditone, diurne, diuron, docent, dorbie, dornic, dotier, doucer, doucet, doucin, douter, dreint, dronet, dronte, ductor, dunite, dunter, durion, eburin, econut, editor, endict, enduro, entour, erotic, erucin, erudit, euboic, euodic, inbred, incord, incube, incute, indebt, induce, induct, indure, intoed, introd, intube, inured, ironed, neuric, nitred, noebcd, noetic, nordic, norice, norite, notice, obduce, obdure, obiter, obrien, obtend, obtund, octine, ointed, orbite, orcein, orcine, oretic, orient, ourebi, outbid, outred, outrib, rbound, rebind, recoin, recond, redout, reduct, reduit, retund, rident, rioted, rodent, roined, roncet, rotund, rounce, routed, rubied, rubine, ruined, runite, runted, terbic, tercio, tierod, tinder, tobine, tonier, tourbe, toured, tourie, tourne, triced, tricon, triduo, trined, triode, triune, truced, tuboid, tuebor, tunder, tunier, turbid, turion, turned, unbore, unbred, uncite, uncord, uncore, uncrib, undoer, uniced, united, uniter, unride, unrobe, untied, untire, untrod, ureido, uretic, urined, uronic

5 Letter Words for Counterbid

becut, bedin, bedot, bedur, benic, bento, berun, betid, beton, bider, bidet, bidon, biont, birde, birne, bited, biter, biune, boden, boder, boite, bonce, boned, boner, bonie, borde, bored, boric, borid, borne, bouet, bound, bredi, brent, bride, brine, brite, broid, bronc, brond, bruce, bruet, bruin, bruit, brune, brunt, brute, bueno, bunce, bunco, bundt, buret, burin, burnt, buteo, butic, butin, cebid, cebur, ceibo, ceint, centi, cento, centu, cerin, cetin, cider, cited, citer, coden, coder, coned, coner, contd, conte, contr, corbe, cored, corni, cornu, coted, coude, count, courb, courd, coure, court, credo, cribo, cried, crine, crone, crout, crude, cruet, crunt, cubed, cuber, cubit, cubti, cunei, cunit, cured, curet, curie, curin, curio, cuter, cutie, cutin, debit, debut, decon, decor, derib, deric, detin, detur, dicer, dicot, diner, diter, diurn, dobie, donec, donet, doric, doter, doubt, douce, drent, drice, droit, drone, drunt, dubio, dunce, duret, durio, duroc, ecoid, edict, educt, enrib, enrut, eruct, eucti, idcue, ident, incor, incur, incut, induc, inert, inorb, inrub, inter, intro, intue, inure, iortn, irone, necro, nicer, nidor, niobe, niter, nitro, nobut, noire, norie, norit, noted, noter, nuder, nudie, obied, oncer, oncet, ontic, orbed, orbic, orbit, orcin, oubit, ounce, ourie, outed, outen, outer, outre, rebid, rebit, rebud, rebut, recit, recon, recti, recto, recut, redon, redub, rendu, retin, riced, riden, robed, robin, ronde, ronte, roted, rouen, round, route, rubin, rudie, runed, runic, rutic, rutin, tecon, teind, tendo, tendu, tenio, tenor, tiber, ticed, ticer, tined, tired, tondi, toned, toner, tonic, tored, toric, tourn, trend, tribe, trice, tride, tried, trine, trode, troic, tronc, trone, troue, truce, trued, tubed, tuber, tudor, tuned, tuner, tunic, turbo, turco, turin, turio, unbed, unbet, unbid, unbit, under, unice, unite, unode, unred, unrid, untie, urbic, uredo, ureic, ureid, urent, urine, urite, urned, utend, uteri, utero

4 Letter Words for Counterbid

bedu, bein, bend, beni, beno, bent, bern, bice, bide, bien, bier, bind, bine, bino, bint, biod, bion, bird, birn, biro, birt, bite, bito, boce, bode, boer, boid, bond, bone, bord, bore, bori, born, bort, bote, boti, boud, boun, bout, bred, brei, bret, brid, brie, brin, brio, brit, brod, brot, brut, bude, budo, bund, bunt, burd, bure, buri, burn, buro, burt, bute, buto, cebu, cedi, cent, cern, cero, cert, ceti, cide, cine, cion, cire, cite, cito, code, coed, coin, coir, coit, cond, cone, coni, cont, cord, core, corn, cort, cote, coud, coue, cour, cred, crib, crin, crit, crub, crud, crue, crut, cube, cubi, cued, cuir, cuit, cund, cunt, cuon, curb, curd, cure, curn, curt, cute, dbrn, dcor, debt, deco, deni, dent, dern, dero, deti, detn, dice, dict, dieb, dier, diet, dine, dino, dint, dioc, dire, dirt, dite, dobe, doen, doer, doit, done, doni, dont, dore, dorn, dort, dote, doub, douc, dour, dout, drib, drie, drou, drub, duce, duci, duct, duer, duet, duit, dune, dunt, durn, duro, ebcd, ebon, ebro, ecod, econ, ecru, ecto, edit, educ, endo, ento, entr, eric, erin, erub, eruc, etic, eton, etui, euoi, euro, ibrd, iced, icer, icod, icon, ideo, idun, inbd, inbe, incr, inde, inro, into, intr, iode, ired, iron, iter, iure, nebo, nerd, neti, neut, nice, nide, nied, nito, node, nodi, noir, nore, nori, note, nout, nude, nurd, obdt, obit, oder, odic, odin, oeci, oint, once, oner, ordn, ordu, ored, otic, ourn, outr, recd, rect, redo, rein, reit, rend, reno, rent, retd, ribe, rice, ride, rind, rine, riot, rite, robe, rode, roed, roid, roin, roit, rond, rone, ront, rotc, rote, roti, roub, roud, roue, roun, rout, rube, rude, rued, ruen, ruin, rund, rune, runt, tend, tern, tice, tide, tied, tien, tier, tinc, tind, tine, tire, tobe, tode, toed, tone, torc, tore, tori, torn, toru, toun, tour, trib, trid, trie, trin, trio, trod, tron, trub, true, trun, tube, tund, tune, tuno, turb, turd, turn, udon, unbe, unce, unci, unco, unct, unde, undo, unie, unio, unit, unto, urde, uric

3 Letter Words for Counterbid

bcd, bde, bec, bed, ben, ber, bet, bid, bin, bio, bit, boc, bod, boe, bon, bor, bot, bro, btu, bud, bun, bur, but, cdr, cen, ceo, cer, cid, cie, cir, cit, cob, cod, con, cor, cot, cro, crt, cru, cte, ctn, cto, ctr, cub, cud, cue, cun, cur, cut, dcb, deb, dec, dei, den, der, det, dib, die, din, dir, dit, dob, doc, doe, don, dor, dot, dub, duc, due, dui, dun, duo, dur, ebn, ecb, eco, ect, ecu, edo, eir, enc, end, eon, erd, ern, ert, etc, ice, ide, ido, inc, ind, int, ion, iou, ire, itd, iud, nbe, nco, neb, ned, nei, neo, net, nib, nid, nie, nit, nob, nod, nor, not, nub, nur, nut, obe, obi, oct, ode, oer, oie, one, oni, ont, orb, orc, ord, ore, ort, otc, oud, oui, our, out, rbi, rcd, rct, reb, rec, red, rei, rib, rid, rie, rin, rio, rit, rnd, rob, roc, rod, roe, roi, ron, rot, rte, rti, rub, ruc, rud, rue, run, rut, tdr, tec, ted, ten, ter, tib, tic, tid, tie, tin, tiu, tob, toc, tod, toe, toi, ton, tor, tou, tri, tub, tue, tui, tun, tur, ubc, ubi, udo, uit, unb, unc, uni, urb, urd, ure, urn, utc, ute, uti

Definitions for Counterbid

[1] a bid made in response to a bid from another party, offering more favourable terms to the seller

Words nearby Counterbid

counteract, counterargument, counterattack, counterattraction, counterbalance, counterbid, counterblast, counterblow, counterbore, counterbrace, counterchange