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Showing words for COUNTERLIGHT using the English dictionary

12 Letter Words for Counterlight


10 Letter Words for Counterlight

clottering, cluttering, counterlit, intertouch, outlighten, reclothing, retouching, rouletting

9 Letter Words for Counterlight

chortling, cloturing, cornulite, cottering, courtling, curetting, elocuting, hectoring, hottering, lecturing, neuroglic, outlength, outlinger, recutting, relucting, tochering, toltering, touchline, trichogen, troutling, uterolith

8 Letter Words for Counterlight

chelingo, chiltern, chlorine, chlorite, chounter, clergion, clothier, clothing, clottier, clotting, clouring, clouting, cohering, contrite, cornetti, cothurni, countrie, courting, courtlet, couthier, croighle, cultigen, cuttling, entrough, erthling, eructing, eruction, euchring, gerontic, grothine, grothite, groutite, hoteling, hurtling, intercut, interlot, leighton, lincture, lurching, neurotic, notchier, ochering, ottering, ottinger, outliner, outnight, outreign, outright, reculing, regolith, retching, ritenuto, routeing, ruthenic, tetrolic, tetronic, teutonic, theurgic, thinglet, thornlet, throeing, tigernut, tincture, tolectin, torching, torchlit, toreutic, touchier, touching, troching, trochite, trothing, trotline, trouling, trouting, turtling, tutoring, ulcering, unclothe, unerotic, ungothic, unheroic, unholier, urogenic, uttering

7 Letter Words for Counterlight

cerotin, chergui, chitter, chlorin, choiler, cholent, choline, choregi, chorine, choring, chorten, chortle, chunter, chuting, chuttie, cithern, citoler, cittern, clinger, clitter, clotter, cloture, clouter, clunter, cluther, clutter, coenuri, cohitre, cointer, coiture, coletit, colting, congrue, conteur, coreign, corinth, cornett, cornule, cornute, cortile, cortine, cothurn, cotrine, cottier, cottrel, cougher, coulier, coulter, counite, counter, couring, couther, couthie, cretion, cringle, crottin, crottle, cuittle, culotte, curling, curtein, cutline, cutling, cuttier, cutting, cuttler, echoing, elritch, eluting, elution, enlight, enright, enrough, entotic, ergotic, ergotin, etching, ettling, eugonic, eulogic, genitor, ghoulie, gittern, glitter, glottic, glucine, gluttei, glutter, glutton, gothite, goutier, griotte, gritten, grittle, gruntle, grutten, guichet, gulonic, guniter, gunther, gutcher, guthite, guttier, guttler, helicon, henotic, herling, higuero, hornlet, hortite, hotting, houting, hurling, hurting, hutting, leching, lection, lecturn, leghorn, lentigo, letting, lettrin, lichter, licorne, lighten, lighter, linchet, linecut, linguet, linocut, loretin, lotrite, lotting, lounger, louring, louther, louting, lucigen, luncher, luthern, luthier, lutrine, negrito, neolith, nighter, noctule, notchel, notcher, noticer, nouther, nutrice, nuttier, ogtiern, orgueil, orthite, ouching, oughtnt, outgrin, outhire, outlier, outline, outring, outtire, recount, rection, relight, retinol, retling, retouch, retting, righten, rightle, rigolet, ringlet, roching, rotchie, rotting, rotulet, roughen, roughet, roughie, rouling, routhie, routine, routing, ruching, ruction, rutting, technol, tentigo, teuchit, teucrin, thelion, theoric, thingut, tholing, thorite, thouing, thulite, tighten, tighter, tigrone, tilture, tinchel, tingler, tonetic, tonguer, tonight, torchet, tortile, torulin, toucher, toughen, tougher, toughie, touring, tournel, toutier, touting, triglot, trigone, tringle, trintle, triolet, tritone, trochil, trounce, trucing, trutine, tueiron, tulchin, tunicle, turgent, turgite, tutrice, ulichon, unethic, ungirth, unlight, unlogic, unricht, unright, untelic, untight, untrite, untroth, urceoli, urolith, utrecht, utricle

6 Letter Words for Counterlight

centro, cering, cheung, chigoe, chigre, chiloe, chilte, chinol, chiton, chiule, chlore, choile, choler, chorei, chorgi, choule, churel, chuter, cineol, cingle, cinter, cither, citole, citron, citrul, cleugh, client, clithe, cloine, cloner, clothe, clough, cluing, coelin, cogent, coghle, coheir, cohert, cohune, coigne, coigue, coiler, coiner, colent, coleur, coling, colter, colure, conger, conite, conter, conule, conure, coring, cornel, cornet, cortin, coting, cotter, cotuit, coulie, courie, couril, coutel, couter, couthe, coutil, cretin, crinel, crinet, cringe, cronel, cronet, cronie, crotin, croute, crouth, cruent, cuiter, cuitle, culett, culter, cuorin, curiet, curine, curing, curite, curnie, cutler, cutlet, cutter, cuttle, cuttoe, eching, econut, egriot, eloign, eltchi, eltrot, elutor, enclog, encoil, encurl, engilt, engirt, englut, enhort, enolic, enough, enrich, entoil, entour, eolith, eringo, erotic, erucin, ethion, ethnic, ethnog, ethnol, ethrog, gentil, geotic, geront, ghetti, ghetto, gilour, gilten, girnel, gitter, glitch, gloire, gluier, glunch, glutch, glutei, gluten, glutin, goetic, goiter, gorhen, gorlin, gothic, gotten, gouter, goutte, greith, grelot, grinch, groten, grouch, gruine, grunch, grutch, gthite, guiler, gunite, gunter, gurlet, gurnet, gutrot, gutter, guttie, guttle, hector, heirlo, heling, heriot, heroic, heroin, heting, hieron, hinger, hingle, hinter, hitler, hitter, hoeing, hoenir, hognut, hogtie, holier, holing, hornet, hotter, hottie, hottle, houlet, hounce, huitre, hunger, hunter, hurtle, hutlet, ignore, ignote, incher, incult, incute, inglut, intort, lecthi, lectin, lector, legion, length, lentic, lentor, lering, lettic, leucin, leucon, lichen, licorn, licour, lictor, lienor, ligure, linger, linget, lingot, linter, lionet, liroth, lither, lithog, litote, litten, litter, loeing, logier, loiter, longer, longue, loring, lotter, louche, lounge, lourie, louter, lucent, lucern, lucite, luetic, luiten, lunger, lungie, lunier, luring, luteic, lutein, luther, luting, lutrin, lutten, neroli, neuric, neurol, nicher, nigher, nither, nitter, nochel, noetic, noiler, norice, norite, nother, notice, nouche, nuclei, nutlet, nutter, octile, octine, oilnut, orcein, orchel, orchen, orchil, orcine, oretic, orguil, orient, ornith, orthic, ouglie, outher, outhit, outing, outler, outlet, outlie, outrig, recoil, recoin, region, reguli, regulo, rehung, relict, relong, reluct, retint, rhenic, rhotic, richen, righto, riglet, rigole, rigout, ringle, rochet, roncet, rotche, rotgut, roting, rotten, rottle, rouche, rought, rounce, rounge, rueing, rugine, ruling, runite, runlet, rutile, ruttle, techno, telint, tentor, tenuit, tenuti, tenuto, tercio, tertio, terton, tetric, tetrol, teuton, theirn, thetic, thetin, thoric, thrice, thring, throne, throng, thulir, thunge, thurgi, thurle, tichel, tiento, tiglon, tilter, tinger, tingle, tinlet, tinter, tither, titler, titule, tocher, toeing, toiler, toilet, toling, tolite, toltec, tolter, toluic, tonger, tongue, tonier, tonite, tonlet, torcel, torten, tortie, tortil, tortue, toruli, tother, toting, touche, tought, tourie, tourne, tourte, touter, toutie, trench, tricon, tricot, trigon, trinol, triole, triton, triune, troche, trochi, trogue, trough, troule, truing, trunch, truong, tuchit, tulnic, tunier, turing, turion, turnel, turtle, tutelo, tutler, ughten, uglier, uletic, ulicon, ultion, uncite, unclog, unclot, uncoil, uncolt, uncore, ungelt, unhero, uniter, unlich, unrich, untile, untilt, untire, untrig, urchin, uretic, urgent, urling, uronic, urtite

5 Letter Words for Counterlight

ceint, centi, cento, centu, ceorl, cerin, cetin, chego, cheir, cheng, chert, chiel, chien, chine, ching, chino, chint, chirl, chiro, chirt, chiru, chloe, chlor, choel, choil, choir, choli, chore, chort, chott, chout, chron, chuet, chung, churl, churn, chute, cinel, citer, cline, cling, clint, clite, cloit, clone, clong, clote, cloth, clour, clout, clung, cogie, cogit, cogue, cohen, cohue, coign, coing, colen, colet, colin, coner, conge, conli, conte, contg, contr, corge, corgi, corni, cornu, cothe, cotte, cough, count, coure, court, couth, crile, crine, crith, crone, crout, cruel, cruet, crunt, cruth, cuing, culet, culot, culti, cunei, cunit, curet, curie, curin, curio, cuter, cutie, cutin, cutto, ehing, eight, elchi, elint, eloin, elong, enlit, enoch, enoil, enrut, eoith, eolic, ergon, ergot, ering, eruct, erugo, ethic, etrog, ettin, eucti, genic, genio, genit, genro, ghole, ghoul, giher, gilet, giron, girth, gleir, gleit, glent, glint, glore, glout, gluer, gluon, glute, goier, golet, goner, gorce, goric, gotch, goter, greco, grein, greit, grice, grint, griot, grith, groin, grone, gront, grote, grout, gruel, grunt, guile, guilt, guiro, gulch, gurle, gutte, gutti, helco, helio, helot, heron, hinge, hiren, hogen, hoing, holer, honer, hongi, hotei, hotel, hoten, hoult, houri, huger, huile, huron, hutre, ichor, ileon, incle, incog, incor, incur, incut, inert, inger, ingle, inglu, ingot, inlet, inorg, inrol, intel, inter, intro, intue, inure, iortn, irone, ither, legin, legit, lench, lenth, lenti, lento, lerot, leuch, leuco, leugh, licet, licht, lieut, liger, light, ligne, linch, liner, linge, lingo, lirot, litch, liter, lithe, litho, loche, lochi, logic, logie, login, loire, loner, longe, loren, loric, lotic, lotte, louch, lough, louie, loure, lucet, lucre, luger, lunch, lunet, lunge, lungi, lurch, lurgi, luteo, luter, necro, negro, nehru, neigh, nerol, nicer, niche, nicht, nicol, niger, night, nilot, nitch, niter, nitro, nocht, noire, noreg, norge, norie, norit, north, notch, noter, noule, ocher, octet, oculi, ogler, ohing, oiler, oleic, olein, olent, oncer, oncet, ontic, orcin, orgic, orgue, oriel, orlet, ortet, other, otter, oucht, ought, ounce, ourie, outen, outer, outre, recit, recon, recti, recto, recut, regin, reich, reign, relic, relig, relot, renig, reoil, retch, retin, rheic, rhein, rhine, rhino, rhone, riche, richt, rigel, right, rigol, rinch, ringe, rithe, roche, rogue, rohun, ronte, rotch, rotge, rotte, rouen, rouge, rough, roule, route, routh, ruche, ruing, runch, runic, rutch, rutic, rutin, tecon, telco, telic, teloi, tench, tengu, tenio, tenor, tenth, tetch, tetri, teuch, teugh, thegn, theic, thein, their, theol, theor, thine, thing, thiol, thirl, thirt, thole, tholi, thone, thong, thore, thorn, thort, throe, throu, thule, thulr, thung, thuoc, thurl, thurt, ticer, ticul, tiger, tight, tigon, tiler, tilth, tinct, tinge, tirol, titch, titer, tithe, title, togue, toher, toile, toner, tonic, torch, toret, toric, torte, toter, touch, tough, tourn, tourt, trice, trigo, trine, triol, trite, troch, troic, tronc, trone, troth, troue, trout, truce, truth, tuner, tungo, tunic, turco, turin, turio, tutin, tutor, ugric, ulcer, uncle, uneth, unget, ungot, unhit, unhot, unice, unite, unlet, unlie, unlit, unoil, unrig, untie, until, ureic, urent, uriel, urine, urite, uteri, utero, uther, utile, utter

4 Letter Words for Counterlight

ceil, celt, cent, cern, cero, cert, ceti, chen, cher, chge, chil, chin, chit, chol, chon, chou, chug, chun, chut, ciel, cine, cion, cire, cirl, cite, cito, cleg, clin, clio, clit, clog, clon, clot, clou, clue, coil, coin, coir, coit, cole, coli, colt, cone, cong, coni, cont, core, corn, cort, cote, coth, cott, coue, coul, cour, crig, crin, crit, croh, crue, crut, ctge, ctrl, cuir, cuit, cult, cunt, cuon, cure, curl, curn, curt, cute, echo, echt, ecol, econ, ecru, ecto, egol, eigh, elhi, encl, engl, engr, enol, ento, entr, eorl, ergo, eric, erin, erth, eruc, etch, etic, eton, etui, eugh, euoi, euro, geic, gein, geir, geit, genl, gent, genu, geol, gien, gile, gilo, gilt, gire, girl, girn, giro, girt, gite, gith, glei, glen, glit, glor, glue, glut, gneu, goel, goen, goer, gole, goli, gone, gore, gote, goth, gout, gren, gret, grin, grit, grot, grue, grun, guhr, gule, gulo, gult, gunl, gurl, gurn, gurt, gutt, heil, heir, heli, helo, heng, hent, herl, hern, hero, hert, hile, hilt, hine, hing, hint, hire, hiro, hoer, hoin, hoit, hole, holi, holt, hone, hong, hont, hore, horn, hort, hote, hoti, hour, hout, htel, huer, huge, hugo, huic, hule, hung, hunt, hurl, hurt, icer, icho, ichu, icon, iglu, ilot, ilth, inch, incl, incr, ingo, inro, intl, into, intr, iron, itch, itel, iter, iure, lech, lect, lehr, leir, leng, leno, lent, leon, leto, lett, lgth, lice, lich, lien, lier, lieu, lige, line, ling, lino, lint, lion, lire, lite, lith, litu, loci, locn, loge, loin, loir, lone, long, lore, lori, lorn, lote, loti, loun, lour, lout, luce, luge, luit, lune, lung, lunt, lure, lurg, lute, neth, neti, neut, nice, nigh, nile, niog, nirl, nito, noel, noil, noir, nole, nolt, nore, nori, note, nott, noul, nout, nurl, oche, ocht, oeci, ogle, ogre, oint, once, oner, orch, orig, orle, orth, otic, ouch, ough, ourn, outr, rect, rego, regt, rein, reit, reno, rent, rgen, rheo, rhet, rice, rich, riel, rile, rine, ring, riot, rite, ritt, roch, roil, roin, roit, role, rone, rong, ront, rotc, rote, roti, rotl, roue, roul, roun, rout, rtlt, ruen, ruin, rule, rune, rung, runt, ruth, tche, tchr, tchu, tech, tegu, tehr, teil, teli, telt, teng, tent, tern, teth, then, thig, thin, thio, thir, thon, thor, thou, thro, thru, thug, tice, tich, tien, tier, tige, tile, tilt, tinc, tine, ting, tint, tire, tirl, tite, toch, toge, togt, toil, toit, tole, tolt, tolu, tone, tong, torc, tore, tori, torn, tort, toru, tote, toug, toun, tour, tout, tret, trie, trig, trin, trio, trit, trog, tron, trot, true, trug, trun, tule, tune, tung, tuno, turn, tute, tuth, ugli, ulto, unce, unci, unco, unct, ungt, unie, unio, unit, unto, urge, uric, urol, urth, utch, util

3 Letter Words for Counterlight

cel, cen, ceo, cer, che, chg, chi, chn, cho, cie, cig, cir, cit, cli, clo, clr, cog, col, con, cor, cot, crl, cro, crt, cru, cte, ctg, ctn, cto, ctr, cue, cul, cun, cur, cut, ecg, ech, eco, ect, ecu, ego, eir, eli, elt, enc, eng, enl, eon, erg, ern, ert, etc, eth, gel, gen, geo, ger, get, gie, gin, gio, git, glt, gnu, goi, gol, gon, gor, got, gou, gro, gtc, gte, gtt, gue, gui, gul, gun, gur, gut, hcl, hei, hel, hen, heo, her, het, hgt, hic, hie, hin, hir, hit, hoc, hoe, hog, hoi, hol, hon, hor, hot, hue, hug, hui, hun, hut, ice, ich, ign, ile, ilo, inc, ing, int, ion, iou, ire, leg, lei, leo, ler, let, leu, lie, lig, lin, lir, lit, lnr, loc, loe, log, lor, lot, ltr, lue, lug, luo, lur, lut, nco, neg, nei, neo, net, nie, nig, nil, nit, nog, noh, nol, nor, not, nth, nul, nur, nut, och, oct, oer, oie, oil, ole, one, oni, ont, orc, ore, org, orl, ort, otc, oui, our, out, rct, rec, reg, reh, rei, rel, rhe, rho, rie, rig, rin, rio, rit, rle, roc, roe, rog, roi, ron, rot, rte, rti, ruc, rue, rug, run, rut, tch, tec, teg, tel, ten, ter, tet, tgn, tgt, the, tho, tic, tie, tig, til, tin, tit, tiu, tlc, tln, tlo, tlr, tng, tnt, toc, toe, tog, toi, tol, ton, tor, tot, tou, tri, trt, tue, tug, tui, tun, tur, tut, ugh, ugt, uit, ule, ult, unc, ung, unh, uni, unl, ure, urn, utc, ute, uti

Definitions for Counterlight

[1] to light (an interior) with windows or lights on opposite sides.
[2] to light (an object) with a window or light directly opposite.
[3] a light or window that counterlights an interior or object.

Words nearby Counterlight

counterintuition, counterintuitive, counterirritant, counterirritation, counterjumper, counterlight, counterman, countermand, countermarch, countermark, countermeasure

Origin of Counterlight

First recorded in 1720–30; counter- + light1