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Showing words for COVENANTED using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Covenanted


9 Letter Words for Covenanted


8 Letter Words for Covenanted

anecdote, cantoned, convened, covenant, devocate, evocated, tendance

7 Letter Words for Covenanted

acetone, antedon, candent, caneton, canteen, centavo, centena, connate, contend, convene, convent, coveted, devance, docetae, donatee, enacted, encaved, endnote, enodate, evocate, neonate, oceaned, oceanet, tacnode, tenenda, tenoned, vendace, vendean

6 Letter Words for Covenanted

acnode, advect, advene, advent, ancone, annect, atoned, atveen, avocet, cadent, canned, cannet, cannot, canoed, canted, canton, cedent, cenote, centon, cetane, coated, coatee, conand, coneen, conned, coteen, covent, danton, deacon, decane, decant, decate, decent, decnet, decoat, dennet, denote, devant, devota, devote, docent, donate, donnat, donnee, encave, encode, endent, ennead, entone, navete, neaten, necton, neednt, neoned, noance, nocent, nonact, novate, novena, novene, octane, octavd, octave, octene, ovated, ovened, tanned, tenace, tendon, vanned, vannet, veneto, vented, vetoed, vocate, voeten, voteen

5 Letter Words for Covenanted

acned, acone, acted, acton, adcon, ancon, anend, anent, annet, annot, anode, anted, atone, cadee, cadet, caned, canoe, canon, canto, caved, cento, coate, coden, coned, conne, conta, contd, conte, cotan, coted, coved, coven, covet, ctene, dance, dante, daven, deave, decan, decon, denat, denet, deota, devon, devot, donat, donec, donee, donet, donna, donne, doven, eaned, eaten, eaved, ectad, enact, enate, enent, enode, entad, entea, evade, event, naeve, nance, navet, needn, nenta, nevat, neven, nonce, nonda, nonet, notan, noted, novae, oaten, ocean, octad, octan, oncet, onned, ovant, ovate, teade, teaed, teave, tecon, teend, tendo, tenne, tenno, tenon, todea, toned, tonne, vaned, vedet, veena, venae, venta, vocat, voted

4 Letter Words for Covenanted

aced, acne, aden, adet, adon, advt, ance, anet, anne, anno, anon, ante, ated, atoc, cade, cand, cane, cann, cant, caon, cate, cave, cede, cene, cent, cete, coat, coda, code, coed, cond, cone, conn, cont, conv, cote, cove, dace, dane, dant, date, dato, dave, dean, deco, deen, deet, deev, dene, dent, detn, deva, deve, doat, doen, dona, done, dont, dote, dove, eave, ecad, ecod, econ, ecto, edea, eden, eevn, ende, endo, ened, ento, eoan, eten, etna, eton, even, evet, evoe, nace, nane, nant, nato, nave, neat, need, neet, nene, neon, nete, neve, nevo, node, nona, none, nota, note, nova, octa, odea, onca, once, oven, tace, taco, tade, taed, taen, tane, tave, tead, tean, teca, teed, teen, tend, tene, toad, toda, tode, toea, toed, tone, tonn, vade, vane, vant, veda, veen, vena, vend, vent, veta, veto, voce, voet, vota, vote

3 Letter Words for Covenanted

ace, act, adc, ade, ado, adv, anc, and, ane, ann, ant, ate, ave, avn, avo, cad, can, cat, cav, cee, cen, ceo, cod, con, cot, cte, ctn, cto, cva, dae, dan, dao, dat, dca, dea, dec, dee, den, det, dev, dna, doa, doc, doe, don, dot, ead, ean, eat, eco, ect, edo, eec, een, enc, end, ene, env, eon, eta, etc, eve, nad, nae, nat, nav, nco, nea, ned, nee, neo, net, nne, noa, nod, non, not, nov, oad, oat, oca, oct, oda, ode, ona, one, ont, otc, ova, tad, tan, tao, tav, tea, tec, ted, tee, ten, toa, toc, tod, toe, ton, tov, vac, vae, van, vat, vee, vet, voc, voe, von

Definitions for Covenanted

[1] an agreement, usually formal, between two or more persons to do or not do something specified.
[2] Law . an incidental clause in such an agreement.
[3] Ecclesiastical . a solemn agreement between the members of a church to act together in harmony with the precepts of the gospel.
[4] (initial capital letter ) History/Historical . National Covenant. Solemn League and Covenant.
[5] Bible . the conditional promises made to humanity by God, as revealed in Scripture. the agreement between God and the ancient Israelites, in which God promised to protect them if they kept His law and were faithful to Him.
[6] Law . a formal agreement of legal validity, especially one under seal. an early English form of action in suits involving sealed contracts.
[7] Covenant of the League of Nations.
[8] to enter into a covenant.
[9] to promise by covenant; pledge.
[10] to stipulate.
[11] a binding agreement; contract
[12] law an agreement in writing under seal, as to pay a stated annual sum to a charity a particular clause in such an agreement, esp in a lease
[13] (in early English law) an action in which damages were sought for breach of a sealed agreement
[14] Bible God's promise to the Israelites and their commitment to worship him alone
[15] to agree to a covenant (concerning)
[16] Scot history any of the bonds entered into by Scottish Presbyterians to defend their religion, esp one in 1638 (National Covenant ) and one of 1643 (Solemn League and Covenant )

Words related to Covenanted

covenantcompact, convention, stipulation, agreement, transaction, commitment, deal, dicker, bargain, contract, treaty, papers, trust, deed, arrangement, bond, handshake, concordat, engage, concur

Words nearby Covenanted

covenantcove, cove lighting, cove stripe, covellite, coven, covenant, covenant of the league of nations, covenant of warranty, covenantee, covenanter, covenantor

Origin of Covenanted

1250–1300; Middle English < Anglo-French, Old French, noun use of present participle of covenir < Latin convenīre to come together, agree; see -ant

Other words from Covenanted

cov·e·nan·tal [kuhv-uh -nan -tl] /ˌkʌv əˈnæn tl/ , adjective

Word origin for Covenanted

C13: from Old French, from covenir to agree, from Latin convenīre to come together, make an agreement; see convene

Synonyms for Covenanted

compact, convention, stipulation, agreement, arrangement, bargain, bond, commitment, concordat, contract, deal, deed, dicker, handshake, papers, transaction, treaty, trust