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Showing words for COVETABLE using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Covetable


8 Letter Words for Covetable

evocable, voteable

7 Letter Words for Covetable

abolete, becovet, cavelet, covelet, eelboat, elevato, evocate, evolate, vocable, votable

6 Letter Words for Covetable

abvolt, acetol, alcove, avocet, balete, belace, belate, belove, beveto, boatel, bolete, bovate, cablet, cleave, coatee, cobalt, coeval, colate, cotele, ecbole, electo, lobate, locate, oblate, octave, oleate, valete, velate, veleta, veloce, vocate

5 Letter Words for Covetable

abcee, abele, ablet, abote, above, albee, aleve, atelo, atlee, atole, batel, belat, belve, betel, bevel, blate, bleat, bloat, blote, bocal, botel, cable, cabot, calve, catel, cavel, celeb, clave, cleat, cleve, clote, clove, coate, coble, colat, colet, covet, eclat, ecole, ectal, elate, elect, elvet, lacet, lacto, leave, levet, loave, lovat, lovee, oblat, octal, oelet, ovate, tabel, table, teave, telco, tlaco, valet, veale, velte, vocab, vocal, vocat, volae, volet, volta, volte, votal

4 Letter Words for Covetable

abel, abet, able, acle, albe, alce, alco, alec, alee, aloe, alto, atle, atoc, bact, bale, bate, beal, beat, beet, bela, belt, beta, bete, blae, blat, blea, blee, bleo, blet, bloc, blot, boat, boca, boce, bola, bole, bolt, bota, bote, bove, calo, cate, cave, cele, celt, cete, clat, clee, clot, coal, coat, cola, cole, colt, cote, cove, eale, eave, eboe, ecol, ecto, elbe, elec, elev, elve, eole, eval, evet, evoe, lace, laet, late, lave, leat, lect, leet, lete, leto, leva, leve, levo, lobe, loca, lota, lote, love, octa, olea, oval, tace, taco, tael, talc, tale, tave, teal, teca, teel, tela, tele, tobe, toea, tola, tole, vale, veal, vela, vele, velo, veta, veto, voce, voet, vola, vole, volt, vota, vote

3 Letter Words for Covetable

abc, abl, abo, abt, abv, ace, act, alb, alc, ale, alo, alt, aob, ate, ave, avo, bac, bae, bal, bat, bec, bee, bel, bet, blo, blt, boa, boc, boe, bol, bot, btl, bvt, cab, cal, cat, cav, cee, cel, ceo, clo, cob, col, cot, cte, cto, cva, eat, ecb, eco, ect, eec, eel, ela, elb, elt, eta, etc, eve, lab, lac, lao, lat, lav, lca, lea, lee, leo, let, lev, loa, lob, loc, loe, lot, oat, oba, obe, obl, obv, oca, oct, ola, ole, otc, ova, tab, tal, tao, tav, tea, tec, tee, tel, tlc, tlo, toa, tob, toc, toe, tol, tov, vac, vae, val, vat, vee, vel, vet, voc, voe, vol

Definitions for Covetable

[1] to desire wrongfully, inordinately, or without due regard for the rights of others: to covet another's property.
[2] to wish for, especially eagerly: He won the prize they all coveted.
[3] to have an inordinate or wrongful desire.
[4] to wish, long, or crave for (something, esp the property of another person)

Words related to Covetable

covetbeautiful, enticing, fascinating, profitable, beneficial, useful, helpful, acceptable, gratifying, expedient, preferable, enviable, worthwhile, desirable, privileged, advantageous, excellent, adorable, alluring, charming

Words nearby Covetable

covetcovert action, covert cloth, covert coat, covert sensitization, coverture, covet, covetous, covey, covilhã, covin, covina

Origin of Covetable

1175–1225; Middle English coveiten < Anglo-French coveiter, Old French coveit(i)er < Vulgar Latin *cupidiētāre, verbal derivative of *cupidiētās, for Latin cupititās cupidity

Other words from Covetable

cov·et·a·ble , adjective
cov·et·er , noun
cov·et·ing·ly , adverb
un·cov·et·ed , adjective
un·cov·et·ing , adjective

Word origin for Covetable

C13: from Old French coveitier, from coveitié eager desire, ultimately from Latin cupiditā cupidity

Synonyms for Covetable

beautiful, enticing, fascinating, adorable, alluring, charming, fetching, sexy