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Showing words for COWARD using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Coward
5 Letter Words for Coward
4 Letter Words for Coward
3 Letter Words for Coward
Definitions for Coward
[1] a person who lacks courage in facing danger, difficulty, opposition, pain, etc.; a timid or easily intimidated person.
[2] lacking courage; very fearful or timid.
[3] proceeding from or expressive of fear or timidity: a coward cry.
[4] Noel, 1899–1973, English playwright, author, actor, and composer.
[5] a person who shrinks from or avoids danger, pain, or difficulty
[6] Sir Noël (Pierce ). 1899–1973, English dramatist, actor, and composer, noted for his sophisticated comedies, which include Private Lives (1930) and Blithe Spirit (1941)
Words related to Coward
wimp, poltroon, yellow, pessimist, chicken, mouse, alarmist, cur, dastard, shirker, sneak, recreant, rabbit, baby, funk, malingerer, deserter, quitter, craven, caitiff
Words nearby Coward
cow-spanker, cowabunga, cowage, cowal, cowansville, coward, cowardice, cowardly, cowash, cowbane, cowbell
Origin of Coward
1175–1225; Middle English < Old French couard-, couart cowardly, equivalent to coue tail (< Latin cauda ) + -art -ard
Word origin for Coward
C13: from Old French cuard, from coue tail, from Latin cauda; perhaps suggestive of a frightened animal with its tail between its legs
Synonyms for Coward
wimp, alarmist, baby, caitiff, chicken, craven, cur, dastard, deserter, funk, invertebrate, jellyfish, malingerer, mouse, pessimist, poltroon, quitter, rabbit, recreant, shirker, skulker, sneak, weakling, yellow, chicken heart, chicken liver, faint-of-heart, faintheart, fraidy-cat, gutless, lily liver, scaredy cat, shirk, white liver, yellow belly