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Showing words for CRAFT using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Craft
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3 Letter Words for Craft
Definitions for Craft
[1] an art, trade, or occupation requiring special skill, especially manual skill: the craft of a mason.
[2] skill; dexterity: The silversmith worked with great craft.
[3] skill or ability used for bad purposes; cunning; deceit; guile.
[4] the members of a trade or profession collectively; a guild.
[5] a ship or other vessel.
[6] a number of ships or other vessels taken as a whole: The craft were warned of possible heavy squalls.
[7] aircraft collectively.
[8] a single aircraft.
[9] to make or manufacture (an object, objects, product, etc.) with skill and careful attention to detail.
[10] skill or ability, esp in handiwork
[11] skill in deception and trickery; guile; cunning
[12] an occupation or trade requiring special skill, esp manual dexterity
[13] the members of such a trade, regarded collectively (as modifier ) a craft guild
[14] a single vessel, aircraft, or spacecraft
[15] (functioning as plural) ships, boats, aircraft, or spacecraft collectively
[16] (tr) to make or fashion with skill, esp by hand
Words related to Craft
technique, art, handicraft, profession, aircraft, spacecraft, plane, barge, vessel, ship, airplane, boat, dexterity, artistry, expertness, adeptness, ability, adroitness, ingenuity, proficiency
Words nearby Craft
cradle vault, cradle-to-grave, cradleboard, cradlesong, cradling, craft, craft apprenticeship, craft beer, craft union, craftint, craftsman
Origin of Craft
before 900; Middle English; Old English cræft strength, skill; cognate with German Kraft, Dutch kracht, Old Norse kraptr
Other words from Craft
craft·less , adjective
Word origin for Craft
Old English cræft skill, strength; related to Old Norse kraptr power, skill, Old High German kraft
Synonyms for Craft
art, technique, ability, adeptness, adroitness, aptitude, artistry, cleverness, competence, cunning, dexterity, expertness, ingenuity, knack, know-how, proficiency