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Showing words for CRAG using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Crag
3 Letter Words for Crag
Definitions for Crag
[1] a steep, rugged rock; rough, broken, projecting part of a rock.
[2] the neck, throat, or craw.
[3] a steep rugged rock or peak
[4] a formation of shelly sandstone in E England, deposited during the Pliocene and Pleistocene epochs
Words related to Crag
ridge, elevation, pile, peak, bluff, cliff, sierra, volcano, eminence, height, metal, rubble, lava, earth, gravel, slab, crystal, grain, rock, gem
Words nearby Crag
craftspeople, craftsperson, craftswoman, craftwork, crafty, crag, craggy, cragsman, craic, craig, craigavon
Origin of Crag
21425–75; late Middle English cragge < Middle Dutch crage neck, throat; cognate with German Kragen collar; cf. craw
Other words from Crag
crag·like , adjective
Word origin for Crag
C13: of Celtic origin; related to Old Welsh creik rock
Synonyms for Crag
bluff, cliff, elevation, peak, pile, ridge, sierra, volcano, abundance, alp, bank, butte, dome, drift, eminence, glob, heap, height, hump, mass, mesa, mound, mount, palisade, pike, precipice, pyramid, range, shock, stack, ton, tor