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Showing words for CRAMP using the English dictionary

5 Letter Words for Cramp


4 Letter Words for Cramp

camp, carp, cram, crap, marc, parc, pram, ramp

3 Letter Words for Cramp

amp, apc, apr, arc, arm, cam, cap, car, cpa, cpm, cpr, mac, map, mar, pac, pam, par, pcm, prc, ram, rap, rpm

Definitions for Cramp

[1] Often cramps . a sudden, involuntary, spasmodic contraction of a muscle or group of muscles, especially of the extremities, sometimes with severe pain. a piercing pain in the abdomen. an intermittent, painful contraction of structures of a wall containing involuntary muscle, as in biliary colic or in the uterine contractions of menstruation or of labor.
[2] writer's cramp.
[3] to affect with or as if with a cramp.
[4] cramp iron.
[5] a portable frame or tool with a movable part that can be screwed up to hold things together; clamp.
[6] anything that confines or restrains.
[7] a cramped state or part.
[8] to fasten or hold with a cramp.
[9] to confine narrowly; restrict; restrain; hamper.
[10] to turn (the front wheels of a motor vehicle) by means of the steering gear; steer.
[11] cramped2.
[12] a painful involuntary contraction of a muscle, typically caused by overexertion, heat, or chill
[13] temporary partial paralysis of a muscle group writer's cramp
[14] (usually plural in the US and Canada) severe abdominal pain
[15] (tr) to affect with or as if with a cramp
[16] Also called: cramp iron a strip of metal with its ends bent at right angles, used to bind masonry
[17] a device for holding pieces of wood while they are glued; clamp
[18] something that confines or restricts
[19] a confined state or position
[20] to secure or hold with a cramp
[21] to confine, hamper, or restrict
[22] cramp someone's style informal to prevent a person from using his abilities or acting freely and confidently

Words related to Cramp

pain, twinge, stiffness, ache, convulsion, contraction, constipation, constrain, shackle, clog, hamper, clasp, restriction, stitch, stricture, circumscription, kink, crick, obstruction, confinement

Words nearby Cramp

cram-full, crambo, cramer's rule, crammer, cramoisy, cramp, cramp ball, cramp iron, cramp someone's style, cramped, cramper

Origin of Cramp

21375–1425; late Middle English crampe < Middle Dutch: hook. See cramp1

Other words from Cramp

cramp·ing·ly , adverb

Word origin for Cramp

C15: from Middle Dutch crampe cramp, hook, of Germanic origin; compare Old High German khramph bent; see cramp 1

Synonyms for Cramp

ache, constipation, contraction, convulsion, pain, stiffness, twinge, circumscription, confinement, crick, hindrance, impediment, kink, obstruction, pang, restriction, stitch, stricture, charley horse, shooting pain