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Showing words for CREEL using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Creel
4 Letter Words for Creel
3 Letter Words for Creel
Definitions for Creel
[1] a wickerwork basket worn on the back or suspended from the shoulder, used especially by anglers for carrying fish.
[2] a basket made of wicker or other material, for holding fish, lobsters, etc.
[3] a trap for fish, lobsters, etc., especially one made of wicker.
[4] a framework, especially one for holding bobbins in a spinning machine.
[5] a wickerwork basket, esp one used to hold fish
[6] a wickerwork trap for catching lobsters, etc
[7] the framework on a spinning machine that holds the bobbins
[8] West Yorkshire dialect a wooden frame suspended from a ceiling, used for drying clothes
Words related to Creel
box, crate, bin, bassinet, cradle, hamper, bushel, nacelle, pannier, carton
Words nearby Creel
credé's method, cree, creed, creek, creek war, creel, creeley, creep, creep feeder, creep up on, creep-feed
Origin of Creel
1275–1325; Middle English crele, of uncertain origin
Word origin for Creel
C15: from Scottish, of obscure origin
Synonyms for Creel
box, crate, bassinet, bin, bushel, cradle, hamper, nacelle, pannier