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Showing words for CRICK using the English dictionary

5 Letter Words for Crick


4 Letter Words for Crick

circ, cric, rick

3 Letter Words for Crick

cir, crc, ick, irk, kir

Definitions for Crick

[1] a sharp, painful spasm of the muscles, as of the neck or back.
[2] to give a crick or wrench to (the neck, back, etc.).
[3] creek(def 1) .
[4] Francis Harry Compton, 1916–2004, English biophysicist: Nobel Prize in Medicine 1962.
[5] a painful muscle spasm or cramp, esp in the neck or back
[6] (tr) to cause a crick in (the neck, back, etc)
[7] US and Canadian a dialect word for creek (def. 2)
[8] Francis Harry Compton. 1916–2004, English molecular biologist: helped to discover the helical structure of DNA; Nobel prize for physiology or medicine shared with James Watson and Maurice Wilkins 1962

Words related to Crick

cramp, pain, stitch, twinge, kink, wrench, jarring, ache, convulsion

Words nearby Crick

cribriform, cribrum, cribwork, cricetid, crichton, crick, crick, francis h. c., cricket, cricket frog, cricket table, cricoarytenoid

Origin of Crick

11400–50; late Middle English crikke, perhaps akin to crick2

Word origin for Crick

C15: of uncertain origin

Synonyms for Crick

ache, convulsion, cramp, jarring, kink, pain, stitch, twinge, wrench, charley horse