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Showing words for CRITICISM using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Criticism


8 Letter Words for Criticism

citicism, criticsm

7 Letter Words for Criticism

critics, critism, iricism, miritis, trismic

6 Letter Words for Criticism

cistic, citric, crisic, critic, iritic, iritis, miriti, mistic, smriti

5 Letter Words for Criticism

circs, crims, crits, ictic, mitis, scrim, scrit, tisic, trims

4 Letter Words for Criticism

circ, cisc, cist, cits, cric, crim, cris, crit, crts, imit, iris, mics, miri, mirs, misc, mist, rims, risc, rist, rits, sicc, simi, siri, siti, smir, stim, stir, tics, trim

3 Letter Words for Criticism

ccm, cir, cis, cit, crc, crs, crt, csc, csi, cst, ctr, cts, iii, imi, irs, ism, ist, its, mic, mir, mis, mit, mri, mrs, mst, mts, rct, rim, rit, rms, rti, sci, scr, sct, sic, sim, sir, sit, sri, stm, str, tic, tim, tis, tri, trm, trs, tsi

Definitions for Criticism

[1] the act of passing judgment as to the merits of anything.
[2] the act of passing severe judgment; censure; faultfinding.
[3] the act or art of analyzing and evaluating or judging the quality of a literary or artistic work, musical performance, art exhibit, dramatic production, etc.
[4] a critical comment, article, or essay; critique.
[5] any of various methods of studying texts or documents for the purpose of dating or reconstructing them, evaluating their authenticity, analyzing their content or style, etc.: historical criticism; literary criticism.
[6] investigation of the text, origin, etc., of literary documents, especially Biblical ones: textual criticism.
[7] the act or an instance of making an unfavourable or severe judgment, comment, etc
[8] the analysis or evaluation of a work of art, literature, etc
[9] the occupation of a critic
[10] a work that sets out to evaluate or analyse
[11] Also called: textual criticism the investigation of a particular text, with related material, in order to establish an authentic text

Words related to Criticism

comment, assessment, review, critique, opinion, judgment, objection, denunciation, essay, notice, elucidation, observation, examination, appraisal, study, appreciation, exposition, rave, commentary, estimate

Words nearby Criticism

critical thinking, critical value, critical volume, criticality, criticaster, criticism, criticize, critique, critique of pure reason, crittenden compromise, critter

Origin of Criticism

First recorded in 1600–10; critic + -ism

Words that may be confused with Criticism

critic, criticism, critique

Other words from Criticism

coun·ter·crit·i·cism , noun
o·ver·crit·i·cism , noun
pre·crit·i·cism , noun

Synonyms for Criticism

assessment, comment, critique, judgment, opinion, review, appraisal, appreciation, commentary, elucidation, essay, estimate, evaluation, examination, exposition, notice, observation, pan, rating, rave, scorcher, sideswipe, study, reviewal, sleighride, write-up