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Showing words for CROWING using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Crowing
6 Letter Words for Crowing
5 Letter Words for Crowing
4 Letter Words for Crowing
3 Letter Words for Crowing
Definitions for Crowing
[1] to utter the characteristic cry of a rooster.
[2] to gloat, boast, or exult (often followed by over ).
[3] to utter an inarticulate cry of pleasure, as an infant does.
[4] the characteristic cry of a rooster.
[5] an inarticulate cry of pleasure.
[6] plural Crows or Crow a member of a Native American people living in E Montana
[7] the language of this people, belonging to the Siouan family
[8] any large gregarious songbird of the genus Corvus, esp C. corone (the carrion crow) of Europe and Asia: family Corvidae . Other species are the raven, rook, and jackdaw and all have a heavy bill, glossy black plumage, and rounded wings See also carrion crow Related adjective: corvine
[9] any of various other corvine birds, such as the jay, magpie, and nutcracker
[10] any of various similar birds of other families
[11] offensive an old or ugly woman
[12] short for crowbar
[13] as the crow flies as directly as possible
[14] eat crow US and Canadian informal to be forced to do something humiliating
[15] stone the crows stone
[16] (past tense crowed or crew) to utter a shrill squawking sound, as a cock
[17] (often foll by over) to boast one's superiority
[18] (esp of babies) to utter cries of pleasure
[19] the act or an instance of crowing
Words related to Crowing
crowsquawk, boast, gloat, strut, blow, prate, cackle, babble, cry, gas, whoop, rodomontade, mouth, gurgle, jubilate, flourish, puff, swagger, bluster, triumph
Words nearby Crowing
crowcrouse, croustade, croute, crouton, crouzon's disease, crow, crow blackbird, crow over, crow step, crow's-foot, crow's-nest
Origin of Crowing
2before 1000; Middle English crowen, Old English crāwan; cognate with Dutch kraaien, German krähen; see crow1
Other words from Crowing
crow·er , noun
crow·ing·ly , adverb
Word origin for Crowing
Old English crāwan; related to Old High German krāen, Dutch kraaien
Synonyms for Crowing
boast, gloat, squawk, strut, babble, blow, bluster, cackle, caw, cock-a-doodle-doo, cry, flourish, gas, gurgle, jubilate, mouth, prate, puff, rodomontade, swagger, triumph, vaunt, whoop, glory in