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Showing words for CRUISE using the English dictionary
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Definitions for Cruise
[1] to sail about on a pleasure trip.
[2] to sail about, as a warship patrolling a body of water.
[3] to travel about without a particular purpose or destination.
[4] to fly, drive, or sail at a constant speed that permits maximum operating efficiency for sustained travel.
[5] to travel at a moderately fast, easily controllable speed: cruising along the highway enjoying the scenery.
[6] to travel about slowly, looking for customers or for something demanding attention: Taxis and police cars cruise in the downtown area.
[7] to go or travel (often followed by over ): Let's cruise over to my house after the concert.
[8] Informal . to go about on the streets or in public areas in search of a sexual partner.
[9] to cruise in (a specified area): patrol cars cruising the neighborhood; to cruise the Caribbean.
[10] Informal . to move slowly through or visit (a street, park, bar, etc.) in search of a sexual partner. to make sexual overtures to; attempt to arouse the sexual interest of.
[11] to inspect (a tract of forest) for the purpose of estimating lumber potential.
[12] the act of cruising.
[13] a pleasure voyage on a ship, usually with stops at various ports.
[14] Tom Thomas Cruise Mapother, 4th , born 1962, U.S. film actor.
[15] (intr) to make a trip by sea in a liner for pleasure, usually calling at a number of ports
[16] to sail or travel over (a body of water) for pleasure in a yacht, cruiser, etc
[17] (intr) to search for enemy vessels in a warship
[18] (intr) (of a vehicle, aircraft, or vessel) to travel at a moderate and efficient speed
[19] (intr) informal to search the streets or other public places for a sexual partner
[20] an act or instance of cruising, esp a trip by sea
[21] Tom. original name Thomas Cruise Mapother. born 1962, US film actor; his films include Risky Business (1983), Top Gun (1986), Jerry Maguire (1989), Eyes Wide Shut (1999), War of the Worlds (2005), and Valkyrie (2008)
Words related to Cruise
journey, jaunt, sailing, navigate, travel, drift, coast, go, meander, crossing, voyage, sail, fare, proceed, repair, wend, hie, pass, gad, boat
Words nearby Cruise
cruelty, cruelty-free, cruet, cruft, cruikshank, cruise, cruise control, cruise missile, cruise ship, cruiser, cruiserweight
Origin of Cruise
1645–55; < Dutch kruisen to cross, cruise, derivative of kruis cross
Other words from Cruise
cruis·ing·ly , adverb
Word origin for Cruise
C17: from Dutch kruisen to cross, from cruis cross ; related to French croiser to cross, cruise, Spanish cruzar, German kreuzen
Synonyms for Cruise
jaunt, journey, sailing, crossing, sail, voyage, boat trip, sea trip