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Showing words for CRUX using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Crux
3 Letter Words for Crux
Definitions for Crux
[1] a vital, basic, decisive, or pivotal point: The crux of the trial was his whereabouts at the time of the murder.
[2] a cross.
[3] something that torments by its puzzling nature; a perplexing difficulty.
[4] Southern Cross.
[5] a vital or decisive stage, point, etc (often in the phrase the crux of the matter )
[6] a baffling problem or difficulty
[7] mountaineering the most difficult and often decisive part of a climb or pitch
[8] a rare word for cross
[9] the more formal name for the Southern Cross
Words related to Crux
core, nub, gist, essence, body, kernel, substance, meat, purport, nitty-gritty, heart, pith, thrust, matter
Words nearby Crux
cruveilhier's disease, cruveilhier's sign, cruveilhier-baumgarten murmur, cruveilhier-baumgarten sign, cruveilhier-baumgarten syndrome, crux, crux ansata, crux of heart, crux of the matter, crux pilorum, cruyff
Origin of Crux
< Latin: a cross
Word origin for Crux
C18: from Latin: cross
Synonyms for Crux
bottom line, core, essence, gist, nub, body, heart, kernel, matter, meat, nitty-gritty, pith, purport, substance, thrust, decisive point, meat and potatoes